新理念大学英语学习大厅第三册单元测试答案 联系客服

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大学英语第三册听说教程上机学习大厅听力单元测试答案Unit 5 - 6 Comprehension

Directions: Listen to the short conversations and choose the correct answers to the questions you

hear. The conversations and questions will be read ONLY ONCE. SET 1

1. A. She's a professional photographer.

B. She'll take the camera to her car before the concert. C. She just had an argument with her roommate.

D. She's concerned about leaving the camera with the man. 2. A. Decide against sending the application. B. Order his checks by mail.

C. Enclose a twenty-dollar bill with his application. D. Buy a money order to send with the application. 3. A. She's too busy to run for class president. B. She hasn't considered running for class president. C. She plans to apply for a part-time job. D. She wants the man to help her with her studies.

4. A. She wants the man to meet her brother. B. She's going to Chicago with her brother. C. She won't be able to prepare lunch. D. She can't accept the man's invitation. 5. A. The books were sent out late. B. The books were sent to the wrong place. C. He didn't mind helping the woman move. D. He doesn't know the woman's new address. Answer: 4 4 1 4 2 SET 2

1. A. It's approximately twelve o'clock. B. She'll meet the man at exactly twelve o'clock. C. She has to be somewhere soon. D. She doesn't have time to talk.

2. A. The woman's meal tastes better than his. B. The woman shouldn't eat her food. C. The woman shouldn't be laughing.

D. The woman and he should go to another restaurant.

3. A. Mary had a long drive to the airport. B. His flight arrived late.

C. Mary had trouble finding the airport. D. His flight took three hours.

4. A. He doesn't want the woman to fill out the survey form. B. He just got the results of the survey.

C. He wants to make the dorm a better place for students. D. He hadn't heard about the survey.

5. A. She has been on the trip herself and has enjoyed it. B. She wouldn't consider going on the field trip. C. She thinks the class is too advanced for the man. D. She thinks there's a good reason to go on the field trip. Answer: 1 2 2 3 4

Listening Comprehension

Directions: Listen to the conversation and fill in the form below with no more than three words

for each blank. The conversation will be read TWICE. SET 1


Try not to show that you are upset or angry. If you can (1 and (2 , bullies might get bored and (3


Don't fight back if you can help it. If you fight back you could make (4 , (5 or be blamed for (6 .

Avoid being alone in the places where the bully is likely to pick on you. This might mean changing

(7 to school, avoiding (8 , or only using (9 or lavatories when other people are there. Keep a diary of what is happening. Write down (10 of the incidents and your feelings. Answer:

1. keep calm 2. hide your emotions 3. leave you alone 4. the situation worse 5. get hurt 6. starting

the trouble 7. your route 8. parts of playground 9. common rooms 10. what details SET 2