niosII常见错误及解答 联系客服

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feature which is not used in this course). The \before a hexadecimal constant is strictly required. If you leave out the \the assembler will not do what you want. A similar error would be seen if you typed \instead of \

make: *** No rule to make target `C:/Documents', needed by ...

Message seen in: the console window of the Nios II IDE, when you try to build or run your project.

Discussion and suggested solution: When you started Nios II IDE, perhaps you selected a workspace path in \Documents\ which is a Windows-alias for a path with spaces in it. The Nios II IDE cannot handle paths with spaces. Select File - Switch Workspace and select a workspace location with no spaces in the path. See our tutorial for recommendations.

Alternatively, when you created your project, perhaps you selected a PTF file in \Documents\which is a Windows-alias for a path with spaces in it. The Nios II IDE cannot handle paths with spaces. Move or copy your PTF file to another location, preferably the workspace directory. See our tutorial for details.

nios2-terminal: can't open uart: Permission denied

Message seen in: the console window of the Nios II IDE, when you try to run your project on the Nios II Hardware.

Discussion and suggested solution: This is the same problem as \process failed\see below.

No Hardware

Message seen in: the Hardware Setup status line of the Quartus II Programmer, when you try to download the configuration into the DE2 board.

Discussion and suggested solution: There must be a USB cable from your computer, connected to the \connector on the DE2 board. Furthermore, the board must be powered up. Please double-check your USB cable, and check that the DE2 board's blue LEDs \and \are lit. See our connection and running tutorials for further details, or if the problem persists.

Terminal process failed

Unable to launch C:/altera/72/nios2eds/bin/ exit(1): Nios II Terminal Window ...

Message seen in: a message-box in the Nios II IDE, when you try to run your project on the Nios II Hardware.

Discussion and suggested solution: This message should only appear under the following conditions: you are using uart_0 for

input/output instead of the JTAG UART (lab nios2int), and you use a USB-to serial converter since your PC does not have a serial port. If these conditions are true, you can safely ignore the message and use Hyperterminal for input/output.

If you are using uart_0, but not a USB-to-serial converter, there may be a conflict between Hyperterminal and the Nios II IDE. On a PC with a serial port, Nios II IDE will connect port COM1 to the console window if uart_0 is specified as the stdin/stdout/stderr device in the System Library Properties window. In this case, using Hyperterminal will cause an unnecessary conflict. Close Hyperterminal and the Nios II IDE, and then restart the Nios II IDE alone.

The pipe is being closed.

Message seen in: a message-box in the Nios II IDE, when you try to build or run your project.

Discussion and suggested solution: This is one of the many possible error messages that may be seen when a folder containing Nios II program code has been copied, moved, renamed or transferred to a different computer. Only copy, edit, and move source files. Never change, copy or move binary files, and never copy or move directories. The Nios II IDE stores administrative information in hidden files; these hidden files contai

n path information, which is valid only if the file is not copied or moved. If you copy or move a hidden file, you will confuse the Nios II IDE. This confusion will be an endless source of incomprehensible error messages.

There are no JTAG cables available on your system. Message seen in: the console window of the Nios II IDE, when you try to run your project on the Nios II Hardware.

Discussion and suggested solution: There must be a USB cable from your computer, connected to the \connector on the DE2 board. Furthermore, the board must be powered up. Please double-check your USB cable, and check that the DE2 board's blue LEDs \and \are lit. See our connection and running tutorials for further details, or if the problem persists.

There are no Nios II CPUs with debug modules available which match the values specified. Please check that your PLD is correctly configured, downloading a new SOF file if necessary.

Message seen in: the console window of the Nios II IDE, when you try to run your project on the Nios II Hardware.

Discussion and suggested solution: You haven't downloaded the correct configuration into the DE2 board. When this error oc