河南省郑州市2014—2015学年九年级第一次质量预测英语试卷(word版) - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章河南省郑州市2014—2015学年九年级第一次质量预测英语试卷(word版) - 图文更新完毕开始阅读

43.A.anything B.something C.nothing D.everything 44.A.hopefully B.softly C.angrily D.happily

45.A.bird B. goal C.sky D.bow


四、阅读理解(20小题;每小题2分,共40分) 阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。


A jobless man applied(申请)for the position of “office boy” at Microsoft, The HR

manager interviewed him and then watched him cleaning the floor as a test.

“You are employed,” he said. “Give me your e-mail address and I’ll send you the

来源:zz~step.^c%&#om]application form to fill in, as well as the date when you may start.” The man replied, “But I don't have a computer or an e-mail.”


“I’m sorry,”said the HR manager, “If you don't have an e-mail, that mean4 you do not

exist. And the one who doesn't exist cannot have the job.”

The man left with no hope at all. He didn't know what to do. With only $10 in his pocket,

he decided to go to the supermarket and buy 10kg tomatoes. He then sold the tomatoes from door

to door . In less than two hours, he succeeded in making his money double. He repeated the


operation three times, and returned home with $60.

The man realized that he could survive in this way, and started earlier and returned late.

Thus, his money doubled or tripled every day. Shortly, h e bought a cart, then a truck and then


he had his own fleet to send food . Five years later, he became one of the biggest food sellers in The US.

He started to plan his family's future, so he called an insurance broker (保险经纪人)to

Have a discussion. When the conversation was over, the broker asked him for his e-mail. The

man replied again,“I don't have an e-mail.”

The broker answered in surprise, “You don't have an e-mail, and yet have succeeded

网%]来源#:中教&~ building an empire. Can you imagine what you could have been if you had had an e-mail?”

网来源#*:中国教育出~&版The man thought for a while and replied, \


46.Why was the man refused by the Microsoft? A.He didn't pass the test.

B. He didn't do well in the interview. C. He didn't get on well with the manager. D. He didn't have a computer or an e-mail.

47. How much money did the man make in less than two hours by selling tomatoes? A. $10. B.$20. C.$40. D. $60.


48. What does the underlined word“fleet” mean in Chinese? A.公司 B.农场 C.车队 D.商场 49. What does the insurance broker's answer mean? A. He suggests that the man should have an e-mail. B. The man doesn't have an e-mail. so he has succeeded. C.The man could be more successful if he had an e-mail.50. What's the best tide of the passage?

A.I don't have an e-mail. B.I used to be an office boy. C.Having an e-mail is important D. Insurance is important in one’s life.


In September 2013, the China National Tourism Administration(国家旅游局)issued a new

set of tourist guideline in order to improve tourists' behavior when they travel abroad. Although the

64-page handbook contains suggestions for Chinese tourists when traveling at home, the main

purpose is to improve the poor reputation(声誉)of Chinese tourists abroad.

In 2013, more than 83 million Chinese people traveled overseas, up 18 percent from the year

2012, according to the China Tourism Academy. But even as they travel farther, the Chinese

tourists continue to take bad habits with them. From damaging ancient Egyptian temples to letting

children defecate(排便)in the middle of airports, Chinese tourists have earned a bad fame. Chinese Vice-Premier Wang Yang even stressed the need for Chinese tourists to behave better

while traveling overseas so as to protect China's image abroad.

Now with the latest \

behavior. According to the guidelines, when using the restroom, Chinese tourists are asked not to


来源中%@国教育出版网&] D. He can't imagine there exists someone who has no e-mail.

forget to flush the toilet after using it.

The guidelines also remind tourists of not fighting with others when they want to take pictures

at tourist attractions. When flying, the guidelines advise travelers not to take life vests(救生衣)

away from airplanes.

Chinese tourists are also encouraged to be respectful of local customs wherever they travel. In

来源^*:&@中教网the United Kingdom, for example, it is not polite to ask people。Where are you going?\“Have you eaten?\

Nevertheless, with a very short history of traveling overseas, it is not surprising that many Chinese tourists behave badly on their foreign trips. We should give them time的change. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填涂在答题卡相应位置。 51. What's the main purpose of the new guideline?

A. To improve the Chinese tourists' behavior abroad.

B. To guide the Chinese tourists how to travel farther.

C. To introduce the famous places of interest all over the world. D.To give suggestions to Chinese tourists when traveling at home. 52. How many people traveled abroad in 2012?

A. About 83 million. B. About 18 million.


C. About 98 million. D. About 70 million. . 53. Which of the following behavior is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. Damaging ancient Egyptian temples. B. Taking life vests away from airplanes.


C. Fighting with others when taking pictures. D. Taking photos in areas marked \ 54. What are Chinese tourists encouraged to do? A. Respect local customs wherever they travel. B. Try to be polite both at home and abroad. C. Ask questions when they meet with difficulty. D. Take the guidebook with them when traveling abroad.

55. Why is it not surprising for some Chinese tourists to behave badly abroad? A. They can't speak foreign languages.


B. They don't get trained before traveling abroad. C. They don't understand local people and culture. D. China has a very short history of overseas travel.