体验商务英语综合教程2 教案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章体验商务英语综合教程2 教案更新完毕开始阅读

Lesson 2 Reading: Three great ideas

Ss read about three good business ideas and exchange information about them. Language review: Past simple and past combinations

The two tenses are compared and contrasted. Ss then use them in the context of an article about the inventor of Post-it notes.

Lesson 3 Skills: Successful meetings

Ss look at what makes for successful meetings and listen to a meeting in progress. They then study meetings language.

Lesson 4 Case study: Blue Horizon

A small company has developed a new fabric. Ss representing another firm suggest new products using the material and how they can be marketed.


第 次课 学时: 授课时间:第 周

Context: Unit 5 Title: Stress

People like work that is rewarding and gives them satisfaction. For this, a reasonable amount of pressure may be necessary: many employees want work that stretches them, to have the feeling that it can sometimes be difficult, but that it is also stimulating and chanllenging. This is necessary if one is to have pleasant feelings of achievement. But when pressure builds up, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by work and this can produce feelings of stress. It is possible to become stressed out through overwork or other problems. People burn out, so stressed and tired that they may never be able to work again. The general consensus is that most jobs have become more demanding, with longer hours and greater pressures.


Lesson 1 Starting up

Ss discuss stressful situations and ways of relaxing. Vocabulary: Dealing with stress

Ss listen to an authority on stress management talking about stress at work. They then discuss different causes of stress in men and women. (If there is time leftover, Ss could start looking at the Reading activity.)

Lesson 2 Reading: A career change

Ss read about a professional who choose to change to a less stressful job.


Vocabulary: Stress in the workplace Ss look at stree-related vocabulary. Discussion: Stressful jobs

Ss compare stress levels in different jobs and in their own job.

Lesson 3 Language view: Past simple and present perfect

The tenses are compared and contrasted. Ss then do exercises to find the correct tense and use the correct tense with time expressions. Skills: Participating in discussions

Ss listen to members of a personnel department talking about ways of improving the staff’s health and then use these expressions in another context.

Lesson 4 Case study: Genova Vending Machines

Ss analyse and tackle problems of stress and low morale in the human resources department of a company that has recently merged with another.


第 次课 学时: 授课时间:第 周

Context: Unit 6 Title: Entertaining

It has been said that when two American or European businesspeople meet, they are there to do a deal, but in Asia they are there to establish a relationship. Entertaining in Asia is often used to ‘size up’ a potential business partner – partner in the sense of future supplier or joint venture associate. Asians willl want to know more about their guest, their background and their contacts before going ahead and doing business. This is an essential part of the business process, not just polite etiquette. Relationship building takes different forms in different places – invitations to karaoke evenings in Japan or the yacht on the French Riviera are not to be refused. The demand for corporate hospitality in the UK has been criticised for making events such as grand prix racing or Wimbledon more expensive for ordinary people. But corporate sponsorship of sport aand culture brings in large amounts of money , and many such events benefit from this overall.


Lesson 1 Starting up

Ss look at different options for entertaining businesspeople. Listening: Corporate entertaining

An expert talks about entertaining in the context of customer relationship management and its importance for large and small organisations. Vocabulary: Eating and drinking

Ss look at the language of food and polite ways of offering and accepting it.