体验商务英语综合教程2 教案 联系客服

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Lesson 2 Reading: Virtual pocket money

Teenagers buy a lot online. The article looks at payment methods they can use to do this. Language review: Modals 2

Ss apply modals for obligation, necessity and prohibition (must, need to, have to and should) in the context of rules for an online book club and in an interview.

Lesson 3 Skills: Negotiation: reaching agreement

Ss discuss tips for successful negotiating, listen to a negotiation and then role play one themselves.

Lesson 4 Case study: Blue Horizon

A traditional package holiday company wants to team up with an online business. Ss role play negotiations between the two companies.


第 次课 学时: 授课时间:第 周

Context: Unit 3 Title: Companies

Multinationals are the most visible of companies. Their local subsidiaries give them sometimes global reach, even if their corporate culture, the way they do things, depends largely on their country of origin. But the tissue of most national economies is made up of much smaller organisations. Many countries owe much of their prosperity to SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprise) with tens or hundreds of employees, rather than the tens of thousands employed by large corporations. Small businesses with just a few employees are also important. Many governments hope that the small businesses of today will become the multinationals of tomorrow, but many owners of small companies chose to work that way because they find it more congenial and do not want to expand.


Lesson 1 Starting up

Ss talk about the types of company they would most like to work for and the business sector they work in now.

Vocabulary: Company vocabulary

Ss look at vocabulary used to describe companies and that used in company reports to describe performance.

Listening: Reasons for success

Ss listen to the sales manager of a UK motocycle manufacturer talk about the factors that make his company successful.

Lesson 2


Reading: Company website

Ss look at information from the website of a clothing company. Language review: Present simple and present continuous

The two tenses are compared and contrasted. Ss then complete a job advertisement with the correct tenses.

Lesson 3 Skills: Presenting your company

Ss look at some advice for making presentatinos, listen to a presentation about a fashion company and then make a presentation about a company they invent.

Lesson 4 Case study: Valentino Chocolates

A maker of fine chocolates is in difficulty. Ss propose a strategy for revival and growth.


第 次课 学时: 授课时间:第 周

Context: Unit 4 Title: Great ideas

Resistance to new ideas is well known. In organisations, the best way of killing an idea may well be to take it to a meeting. The very things that make companies successful in one area may prevent them from developing success in new activities. Early work on personal computers at Xerox was dismissed by its senior managers because they considered that the company’s business was copying, not computing. Company leaders talk about corporate venturing and intrapreneurship, where employees are encouraged to develop entrepreneurial activities within the organisation. Companies may try to set up structures in such a way that they do not stifle new ideas. They may put groups of talented people together in skunk works to work on innovations – development of the PC at IBM is the most famous example. Skunk works are outside the usual company structures and are less likely to be hampered by bureaucracy, in-fighting and so on.


Lesson 1 Starting up

Ss talk about how new ideas are found and nurtured. Vocabulary: Verb and noun combinations

Ss look at and use typical verb and noun combinations in relation to new ideas, opportunities, etc., and hear them used in context. Listening: Develping new ideas

The head of a firm that commercialises ideas developed in a university’s research departments talks about its work.