体验商务英语综合教程2 教案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章体验商务英语综合教程2 教案更新完毕开始阅读

Lesson 2 Language focus 1: Talking about future plans

Ss look at the use of the present continuous for future use and going to for future plans. Reading: E-commerce

Ss look at an article about making money form the internet. Vocabulary 2: Time ecpressions

Ss complete future time expressions such as by net year, in two weeks’ time, tomorrow evening, in the near future.

Lesson 3 Language focus 2: will

Ss use will to complete exercises about future events and predictions. Then they role play a meeting to talk about the launch of a new website. Skills: Making arrangemens

Ss listen to four people making and changing arrangements by phone and role play similar situations.

Lesson 4 Case study: Isis Books plc

The marketing director and two sales representatives of an Internet business book company plan a sales trip to Poland and Russia. Writing

Ss write an e-mail to customers to confirm the date and time of the appointment arranged in the case study..


第 次课 学时: 授课时间:第 周

Context: Unit 11 Title: Cultures

Companies which deal in the global marketplace need to be able to adapt to different business cultures. It is easier to make a good impression in our own culture than in another, where our knowledge of the language and rules of behavior may be limited. Knowledge of the protocol and etiquette in the countries we do business with is essential. Protocol is adhering to the correct procedures and conduct in formal situations. This involves knowing the acceptable way to behave and includes formalities of rank, which denotes the level of a person’s position in an organisation. Etiquette focusses on communicating in a respectful and polite way in accordance with the good manners and accepted norms of the culture.


Lesson 1 Starting up

Ss look at tips for visiting another country or doing business there. Vocabulary: Company cultures

Ss complete sentences about different company cultures. Listening: Cultural mistakes

Ss listen to three people talk about cultural mistakes they have made.

Lesson 2 Language focus 1: should/ shouldn't

Ss use should and shouldn't to give advice and make suggestions.


Reading: Fast food in Japan

An American sandwich chain has problems with their Japanese franchise. Ss are introduced to phrasal verbs.

Lesson 3 Language focus 2: could/ would

Ss look at could and would to make requests and offers. Skills: Identifying problems and agreeing action

Ss listen to a human resources manager talking to the general manager of a company about problems with an employee. The Ss role play a similar problem.

Lesson 4 Case study: A change of culture

A general manager of an overseas bank encounters problems from the staff when she wants to introduce new ideas. Writing

Ss write action minutes for the meeting they had in the case study.


第 次课 学时: 授课时间:第 周

Context: Unit 12 Title: Jobs

There are valuable skills that make job seekers attractive to employers:

Technical skills – which include the specialist knowledge that will help them do the job. Personal skills – personality, attitude, personal work habits and style. (Can they work under pressure? Can they work as a part of a team as well as unsupervised?).

Transferable skills – the basic skills learnt through everyday situations or previous work experience that can be usefully applied to a new position.


Lesson 1 Starting up

Ss discuss which jobs should get the highest salary and what aspects they would like or not like in a job.

Vocabulary: Skills and abilities

Ss use verbs to complete a job advertisement. Language focus 1: Present perfect

Ss look at the use of the present perfect to talk about actions that continue from the past to the present.

Lesson 2 Reading : A curriculum vitae