体验商务英语综合教程2 教案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章体验商务英语综合教程2 教案更新完毕开始阅读

Lesson 3 Listening: Doing business in Russia

Ss listen to three parts of a presentation about doing business in Russia. Language focus 2: much/ a lot, a little/ a bit

Ss use the language to compare cars and pool talbes and use a bar chart to talk about sales in Russia and Poland.

Skills: Telephoning: solving problems

Ss listen to three marketing executives talking about a new snack bar and then role play taking part in a marketing meeting.

Lesson 4 Case study: Cara Cosmetics

A body care company is launching a new shampoo. Ss siscuss the name , size and price of the product, main outlet and income group of the target market. Writing

Ss write a short description of the new shampoo for Cara Cosmetics catalogue.


第 次课 学时: 授课时间:第 周

Context: Unit 9 Title: Companies

A company is an organisation that produces goods or services to make a profit. There ar e many different types.

A small business might become a medium or large business. If a company sells directly to the public, it is a retil business. A wholesale business sells goods in bulk to other companies. Some companies have Ltd in their name. This stands for limited company. Here, shareholders only lose what they invested if the company goes bankrupt. A company with PLC after its name is a Public limited company – its shares can be freely bought and sold. In contrast a Private limited company only passes shares to another person if other shareholders agree. A conglomerate consists of several companies that have joined together. A multinational or transnational company has global operations in many different countries.


Lesson 1 Starting up

Ss do a companies quiz and then talk about famous companies from their country. Listening: The Mini range

Ss listen to the Corporate Communications Managers for the Mini range of cars at BMW. Language focus 1: Present continuous

Ss look at the present continuous for temporary ations and things that are happening now.


Lesson 2 Vocabulary: Describing companies

Ss complete exercises to describe two companies and then complete a company profile. Reading: LVMH

Ss read about LVMH, the luxury goods manufacturer.

Lesson 3 Language focus 2: Present simple or present continuous

The tenses are compared and contrasted. Ss then do exercises to find the correct tense before carrying out a role play showing someone around a company. Skills: Starting a presentation

Ss listen to the start of a presentation and use notes to introduce their own presentation.

Lesson 4 Case study: You and your company

Ss role play introducing themselves and their company at a training course on giving presentations. Writing

Ss write a short profile about their company from the information in the case study.


第 次课 学时: 授课时间:第 周

Context: Unit 10 Title: The Web

Now that the Internet has arrived, it is difficult to imagine how we lived without it; it is has revolutionised communications. Changes are taking place at an incredible speed. Hardware is becoming more compact, faster and more affordable, allowing more individuals and companies to utilise the Net. In the past, research took longer, important documents got lost in the post and information could be difficult to find. Unfortunately this revolution has brought with it a new set of problems. Research is certainly quicker but connections can be slow, making it difficult to access the websites that you need. Documents can still get lost, but now they float around cyberspace. Spam can be a problem when you e-mail account becomes overloaded with advertising that you don't want. But more sinister are the various computer viruses which can make your computer crash. And not all countries have equal access to the advantages of new technology.


Lesson 1 Starting up

Ss listen to people talking about what they use the Internet for and then talk about their own Internet use. Vocabulary: Internet terms

Ss read advice about using the Internet and match Internet terms with their definitions.

Listening: Website design

A website designer talks about his job.