体验商务英语综合教程2 教案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章体验商务英语综合教程2 教案更新完毕开始阅读

Ss complete a sales report using the past simple. Vocabulary 2: Buying and selling

Ss complete a leaflet for a car hire company.

Lesson 3 Listening: Selling

Kevin Warren, the Vice President, Sales and Marketing, of Coca-Cola Enterprises, gives some advice to salespeople. Language focus 2: Past time references

Ss are introduced to expressions that refer to the past, such as ago, last (week), for, on, from… to, in and during. Skills: Presenting a product

Ss listen to a salesperson presenting a product at a trade fair. Then they role play being the buyer and seller at a trade fair.

Lesson 4 Case study: Link-up Ltd

A company sells mobile phones and service packages. Ss role play being salespeople and customers. Writing

Ss write an e-mail to a colleague about what phone and service package a customer wants, using information from the case study.

第 次课 学时: 授课时间:第 周


Context: Unit 7 Title: People

What charactreristics can help people to succeed in business and in life? A positive attitude, intelligence, perserverance and self discipline all help. Are the personality traits that contribute to success or failiure genetic? Or do we learn these characeristics are we grow up? Experts still disagree as to whether nature or nurture is more important.

Can personality and intelligence be measured? IQ and psychometric tests remain popular, and the latter are still used by many companies as part of the selection process. However, in recent years the idea that only one type of intelligence exists has been criticised. Howard Gardner developed the theory of multiple intelligence. This said that people have a number of different types of intelligence that they possess to varying degrees. These are linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, spatical, body-kinesthetic, intrapersonal(e.g. insight) and interpersonal (e.g. social skills and the ability to understand and motivate other people).


Lesson 1 Starting up

Ss answer a questionnaire about what sort of person they are. Vocabulary: Describing people

Ss look at the adjectives to describe people’s personalities. Listening: A difficult colleague

A property developer talks about a colleague who left the company.

Lesson 2


Language focus 1: Past simple: negatives and questions

Ss focus on past simple negatives and questions and write questions using Why, How long, What, When and Where. Reading: Stella McCartney

Ss read an article about the fashion designer Stella McCartney. Ss then match verbs and nouns to make word partnerships.

Lesson 3 Language focus 2: Questions forms

Ss look at yes/no questions and open questions. They complete a questionnaire and then listen to check answers.

Skills: Negotiating: dealing with problems

Ss listen to a conversation about problems of understafing in a company. Then they role paly a conversation negotiating a new company car.

Lesson 4 Case study: A people problem

A US food coompany has problems with a business manager. Writing

Ss write a memo aobut their meeting.

第 次课 学时: 授课时间:第 周


Context: Unit 8 Title: Markets

If a company wants to sell a product or service successfully, it ust identify the target market. There are many different types of market to choose from. The mass market aims to sell to as many people as possible, crossing age and income groups. In contrast, a niche market focuses on a narrowly defined group fo customers. It often caters to a need that has been overlooked by those suppliers who cater to markets which deal in more mainstream products or sevices. Focussing on niche markets can be cost effective as marketing campaigns can sim budgets directly at potential customers, for example through advertising on local radil or in magazines targeting special interst gorups.


Lesson 1 Starting up

Ss ask and answer questions about a populatioin pie chart. Vocabulary: Types of market

Ss listen and repeat large numbers and look at adjectives to describe markets.

Lesson 2 Reading: The car market in China

Ss answer quesitons and search for large numbers in an article aobut the Chiese car market.

Language focus 1: Comparatives and superlatives

Ss practice comparative and superlative forms of adjectives..