体验商务英语综合教程2 教案 联系客服

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Lesson 2 Reading: Corporate entertaining in Japan

Ss read about the decline in spending on entertaining in Japan. Language review: Multi-word verbs

Ss look at the behavior of multi-word verbs in the context of entertaining.

Lesson 3 Skills: Socialising: greetings and small talk

Ss look at what to say in different situations, listen to people socialising and apply the language in a number of contexts, including a role play.

Lesson 4 Case study: Organising a conference

Ss analyse the different possible venues for a company conference and choose the most suitable one.


第 次课 学时: 授课时间:第 周

Context: Unit 7 Title: Marketing

‘We must be smarter at devising packages of services that our customers want and pricing them attactively. Set the marketing department free to shape new packages. Don't confine it to coming up with cute names for offerings designed by engineers and accountants.’ This sum up the position of marketing in many companies, where it is often seen as a fancy name for selling or advertising. But, as the quote shows, marketing people should be invovled not just in promoting sales but in all aspects of the marketing mix.


Lesson 1 Starting up

Ss look at the four Ps: product, price, promotion and place and talk about impressive marketing campaigns.

Vocabulary: Word partnerships

Ss look at combinations of words to do with marketing and then use them to talk about particular products.

Listening: Successful marketing

Ss listen to an executive at Pearson Education talking about marketing.

Lesson 2 Reading: Selling dreams

Ss read an article about the marketing of Ferraris and other luxury products.


Language review: Questions

Ss look at how questions are formed in the context of a consumer questionnaire.

Lesson 3 Skills: Telephoning: exchanging information

Ss listen to calls and note down specific information relating to numbers, names, etc.

Lesson 4 Case study: Kristal Water

Ss analyse the reasons for the failure of a new mineral water and propose corrective action.


第 次课 学时: 授课时间:第 周

Context: Unit 8 Title: Planning

Planning is aobut resource allocation, the way that individuals and organisations deploy their (by definition) limited resources such as time, money and expertise. In the case of individuals, you could say that there is a worldwide planning industry, with its calendars, diaries, electronic personal organisers and time management training. These (often very expensive) courses tend to hand out some fairly obvious advice.


Lesson 1 Starting up

Ss look at the different factors in planning various things, from a holiday to a career. Vocabulary: Ways to plan

Ss look at various nouns and the verbs that typically precede them.

Lesson 2 Reading: Planning for tourism

How Brazil may be able to unlock its potential for tourism with good planning. Language review: Talking about future plans

Ss look at the use of the present continuous and of going to for future plans, and of verbs such as plan, hope, expect, would like and want.