上海市各区2016-2017年初三英语二模试题分类汇编:回答问题-老师版(带答案已经校对) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章上海市各区2016-2017年初三英语二模试题分类汇编:回答问题-老师版(带答案已经校对)更新完毕开始阅读


One【2017届上海市虹口区初三英语二模试题】 D. Answer the questions (报据以下内容回答问越)(12分)

We all form first impressions when we use new products, go to new places, and meet new people. We sometimes call these impressions or feelings “gut reaction(本能反应),” and our intuition(直觉) or instinct causes them. Some people believe that intuition is very important and can help us live better lives. Shannon Healy is one such person.

Healy is a strong believer that all people have natural powers of intuition. In her book, she says that most people, however, don't pay enough attention to their “gut feelings.”

Her new book, Use Your Intuition, is full of stories of people who used their intuition to find love and success. For example, a young woman made a quick decision between two job offers. She chose one by paying attention to her “gut feeling” that she would enjoy the work more, even though the pay was lower. It turned out lo be a good choice. Each chapter of Healy’s book has a specific focus, such as love, work, children, or health. The exercises in the book give people practice on how to use their intuition to have success in all these areas.

Sometimes Healy also teaches students about using the power of intuition in workshops where she lives — In Jacksonville, Florida. Some people travel hundreds of miles to attend her workshops. Use your Intuition is already a bestseller!

88. What do some people think of intuition?

They______________________________________________________________________. 89.Most people pay much attention to their “gut feelings”, don’t they?

__________________________________________________________________________. 90.What kind of stories can you find in her new book?

__________________________________________________________________________. 91.Why did the young woman accept the job with lower pay?

__________________________________________________________________________. 92.How can Shannon Healy’s book help its readers?

__________________________________________________________________________. 93.Do you think people will always be successful with the help of intuition? Why or why not? __________________________________________________________________________.



Keys: 88. They think that intuition is very important and can help us live better lives.

89. No,they don’t.

90. Love stories and successful stories./Stories about love and success.

91. Because her “gut feeling” told her that she would enjoy the work more. /Because she believed in her intuition.

92. By giving readers practice on how to use their intuition successfully.

93. No, not necessarily so. Human intuition may go wrong. (Any reasonable answer is acceptable.)

Two【2017届上海市黄浦区初三英语二模试题】 D. Answer the questions (报据以下内容回答问越)(12分)

Elizabeth got out of bed and dressed. She ate here favorite breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast, and juice. Her mother gave her a kiss before opening the front door and wishing her daughter a good day.

Elizabeth, carefully tapping along, made her way down the sidewalk to her best friend Kate’s front door. Elizabeth used to attend a school for the blind. Today she was joining Kate at Washington Carver Elementary. “Here comes my brother,” Elizabeth said. Kate looked around but saw no one. Then, suddenly, John came around the next corner on his skateboard. “How did you know John was coming?” Kate asked.

“From the sound of the wheels on his board,” replied Elizabeth. “I’d know it anywhere. Kate listened again until she heard the joyful sound hidden among all the much louder noises on the street.

John rode along the sidewalk, moving from one side to the other and back again, until he came to a stop in front of Elizabeth and Kate. “Hey Sis,” he said. “Good luck today!” “Thanks, John,” said Elizabeth. “Any words of wisdom for me?” “Yeah,” her brother replied, smiling. “Stay away from the sloppy joes in the cafeteria.” After these words, John went away on his board.

Kate wondered if Elizabeth still remembered eating the sloppy joes before she lost her sight at the age of six, because of a high fever. Kate wondered if she felt sad. She decided to ask. “I used to think I couldn’t do anything,” explained Elizabeth. “But now I know that I can do most things. I just need a little more learning time.” Kate could see the sunny smile on her friend’s face.

Giving her friend a big hug, Kate said to herself, “_____________93________________”.

88. Was it a special day or an ordinary day for Elizabeth?



__________________________________________________________________________. 89. What kind of school did Elizabeth use to go to?

__________________________________________________________________________. 90. How did Elizabeth know John was coming around?

__________________________________________________________________________. 91. What does “the sloppy joes” probably refer to?

__________________________________________________________________________. 92. Why did Elizabeth lose her sight at the age of six?

__________________________________________________________________________. 93. Imagine what Kate would say to herself and complete the last sentence.


Keys: 88. A special day.

89. A school for the blind.

90. From the sound of the wheels on the board. 91. A kind of food.

92. Because of a high fever.

93. Any reasonable answer is acceptable.

Three【2017届上海市浦东新区初三英语二模试题】 D. Answer the questions (报据以下内容回答问越)(12分)

More than one hundred years ago, a boy named Thomas Alva Edison lived in a small Ohio town. Tom was a lively child. He was always taking things apart and putting them together again, or trying to put them together.

One day, his father said, “Look at this! Another broken toy!”

“Now, don’t be hard on him,” said his mother. “He only wants to see how things work.” But even the mother lost patience with him when he almost burned down the family’s barn(仓房)!

Tom was more careful moved to Michigan. By now, Tom was old enough to go to school. Unfortunately, he didn’t like to sit still and listen to the teacher or memorize his lessons.

Since Tom spent most of his time daydreaming, his teachers thought there was something wrong with him. But he just liked experimenting more than he liked school. Tom’s mother decided to teach him at home. Soon, he loved to read, especially about science.

At 12, Tom heard about a job on a train selling candy, newspapers and sandwiches. His



father agreed, and so it was settled. Two days later, Tom was at station to begin his job.

Before long, Tom set up a laboratory in the train’s baggage car. When his work was finished, he would experiment.

At 16, he got his first real job as a night telegraph operator and station agent. But Tom could never hold a job very long. He was either too tired from studying or too busy experimenting to do his job. So Tom decided spend more time inventing things. He was stubborn(固执的), independent and hardworking.

Some of Tom’s inventions began to be noticed. Then Tom happened to be in New York at the gold exchange(黄金交易所) when an important machine broke down. Tom stepped in, and in an hour or two, he had the machine run perfectly.

In the following months, Tom invented a way to improve the machine. The company paid him $40,000 for his invention. “I’m going into business for myself,” said Tom.

88. Who was harder on Tom at first, his father or his mother?

____________________________________________________________________________. 89. Why did Tom’s mother lose patience with him in the end?

____________________________________________________________________________. 90. What did Tom spend most of his time doing when he was at school?

____________________________________________________________________________. 91. What was Tom’s job on a train when he was 12?

____________________________________________________________________________. 92. How old was Tom when he got his first real job?

____________________________________________________________________________. 93. What do you think of Tom? And why?


Keys: 88. His father.

89. Because he almost burned down the family’s barn. 90. He spent most of his time daydreaming./Daydreaming. 91. To sell(Selling) candy, newspapers and sandwiches. 92. He was 16.(16.)

93. I think he was curious (hardworking)/naughty/stubborn/independent/lively...) Because... E.g. He liked taking things apart and putting them together again.