新概念英语第一册教案 联系客服

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Now, do Exercise: 对下列句子进行提问 a. I am American. b. I am a doctor. c. I am Brazilian. d. I am a housewife.

3) Do exercise:

a. I am Jess. b. Lincoln is my boyfriend. c. This is a German car. d. I am a boss. (变为一般疑问句) e. She is an office girl. (变为否定句) f. My father is a scholar. g. This is my house.

Lesson 8

1) Words.

(1)policeman – police policemen policewoman – policewomen police car police box

= police stand (警亭) police dog police office police station 注:police 后要用are eg. The police are coming. (2)drive – driver the type of vehicle :

bus driver Auto/ bus double decher bus(双层) micro bus(小巴) taxi streetcar(电车)

tube / 美:subway Bus-stop

(3)air – a. 空气 air bath (空气浴) air-bed (充气床垫) air bus (大型客机)

air cleaner (空气过滤器) air conditoner

b. 空军的 air base (空军基地) air force (空军) Air Force I

(4)postman post + man post office post boat (邮船) post card (明信片) post mark

(邮戳) post house (驿站舍) post horse (驿马) post road (邮路) v. post-free 免 邮费的 post-modern(后现代主义的)

(5) housewife house work / homework

wife – husband ex – wife ex – president mid-wife(接生婆) 2) Exercise.

What‘s your job?

3) Supplementary points.

How are you 的回答方式: - Pissed off. - Not too well.

- So so. / Just so so. - Fine. / Just fine. - Not bad. - I am jazzed. - Great! - Terrific. - Fantastic! - Fabulous. 4) Homework.

a. 我的工作是什么?


b. c. d. e. f. g. 他的工作是什么? 她的工作是什么 它的工作是什么? 我们的工作是什么? 你们的工作是什么? 他们的工作是什么?

Lesson 9 How are you today?

1. Words.

1) today / yestoday / tomorrow / the day fefore yestoday / the day after tomorrow 2) well 和good 的区别 最常用的句子:Well done!!

How are you? I‘m fine. How‘s your mother? She‘s well. / She‘s very well. 3) Fine. 美好的:a fine day 最常用:Fine, thank you. I‘m fine. Thanks.


4) See 不同与look. See 强调看见。 Look 强调看这个动作。 (1) 看见 I see you. (2) 明白 I see.

2. Grammar.


问候对方:How are you(today)?

问候跟对方有关的其他人:How is / are **? Eg . How ?s your mother?

Now , do exercise. 填上正确的动词:am / is / are a. How ______ you?

b. How ______ your dog?

c. How _______ your daughter? d. How _______ her boyfriend? e. How ________ your sons? f. How _______ everything ?

复习上次讲过的有关How are you 的回答方式。

Lesson 10.

1) Words and grammar.

(1) look 的用法:a. 单独使用: eg. 看!有只狗! Look! A dog!

b. 如果说要看什么东西,要在look后+ at eg. 看那只狗!Look at the dog! Now, translate: 看着我! 看黑板! 看那个女孩! 看他的脸! 看!太阳! (2) Clean – cleaner clean hands 老实清白 clean room 绝对无尘室 clean sheet 清白历史 Clean-bred 纯种的,纯血种的 clean cut轮廓鲜明的 clean-faced 面部无暇

的,五官清秀的 clean out 清除,扫荡 cleaner 清洁工人,清洁器 cleaner‘s 洗衣店 cleanliness洁癖

(3) Hot 还可以当辣来讲。如:hot hot hot 麻辣烫 hot pot火锅 It‘s hot!! Spicy辛辣的,有风味的,

Spicy girs

(4) Cold – I have a cold. I get a cold. I catch a cold.

(5) Old – old and young 老老少少 Old Bill 警方,警察局,警察 old bird老手 old boy 老

生 old buck 老朋友 old fellow = oldchap 老兄 old-fogey / old fogy老顽固 old folks 老年人,家中的长辈 Old gentleman 恶魔,魔王=old Nick old girl 老校友,老太婆,大姐


(套近乎) old age 晚年 Old goat 老色鬼,讨厌的老家伙= suger Daddy Old hand 老手 Old Hurry 魔鬼,撒旦 old la dy 老妇人,母亲 old moon下弦月 old name 原名

(6) Busy

as busy as a bee as strong as a horse as big as a bear

(7)Grammar 主系表结构

形式:主语 + 系动词(现在学到的是am / is / are)+ 表语 表语:1)名词eg. This is an egg.

2 ) 名词词组: eg. This is an bad egg.

3)形容词 eg. This egg is bad. 4)副词 eg. She‘s here.

2) Exercise. Group I : am / are

a. I __________ 105 years-old. b. You ________ mad! c. She _______ my cousin. d. He ________ the killer! e. It _______ my dog. f. We _________ fine. g. They ________ stupid.

Group II:

h. 他很年轻。他年轻吗?

i. 这个警察挺胖。 这个警察胖吗? j. 这个女孩子很瘦。 这个女孩子瘦吗? k. 你很漂亮。 我漂亮吗?

l. 我爸爸很高。这个出租车司机高吗? m. 看那个孩子!他太矮了! n. 那个护士很温和。 o. 那个理发师挺傻的。 p. 邮递员Daicy是个好人。

Lesson 11 Is this your shirt?



1)blue 有关颜色: About Color: 本课:blue White 第十三课:green 第15课:brown 第16课:red grey yellow black orange 另外:purple coffee dark / light dark red light red pink

This shirt is dark bule. What clolr is this shirt? 2)Perhaps maybe

3)catch – a. 抓住 I catch you!

b. 领会,明白 Do you catch me?

2. Grammar.

Whose 的提问对象: 某人的东西 eg. This is my money. Whose money is this? Whose特殊疑问句的提问方式:

(1) 提问的对象是主语:把―某人的‖(即:my your her his 等等 )换成Whose 即可。后面照抄。

Eg. His head is on the desk. Whose head is on the desk? Their heads are on the desk. Whose heads are on the desk?

(2) 提问的对象是宾语:Whose + 提问的名词+ Be动词+主语



a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.

Eg. This is his head. Whose head is this? These are their heads. Whose heads are these?

Now, Do exercise. 把下列句子变成以Whose 开头的特殊疑问句。 This is my house. Her lover is my father. Your hair is dirty.

These are my boyfriends. 这是谁家的狗? 这是谁的鼻子? 谁的车干净? 谁家的脸难看?

Lesson 12

1) words.

(1)复习你的家属:great grandfather / great grandmother great grandson / great granddaughter

Grandmother / grandfather grandma / grandpa father / mother(daddy, mummy, dad , mum )

Uncle / aunt nephew / niece cousin (first cousin 父母的兄弟姐妹的孩子 second cousin 父母的表兄弟、表姐妹的孩子)

brother / sister (younger / elder) son daughter love children(私生子)

step-mother / father / sister / brother / son / daughter mother / father/ sister / brother / -in-law (2) 复习物住代词:my your his her its our their

非物主代词第三人称+‘s 表示其所有。例如:My father‘s Joe‘s Lily‘s the teacher‘s 2) Exercise.

3) Supplemetary points

as cool as a cucumber 极为冷静的,很酷的 as bolt as a coot(黑鸭,笨蛋,傻瓜)秃顶的

as blind as a bat 有眼无珠 as blind as an owl (瞎透了) as bald as brass 厚颜无耻的 as cheap as a dirt(污垢,泥土) as clean as day 一清二楚的 as dark as night 漆黑的

as big as life(和原物一样大) as clear/ sound as a bell 健全的,身体健康的, as cross as two sticks非常生气的 as drank as a sow(大母猪)酩酊大醉 as dry as a chip(随片,马铃薯片)枯燥的, as easy as pie 极容易的 as fresh as paint 精神饱满的 as good as a play有趣的

as hard as a brick极硬的 as hard as nail 身体结实,冷酷 as hungry as a hunter 非常饥饿 as like as two peas 一模一样

as lively as a cricket (蟋蟀,板球)极活泼的= as lively as a grig(爽朗的人,轻松愉快的人) as mad as a hatter(帽商,制造帽子的人)极疯狂的= as mad as a wet hen

as meek(温顺的,驯服的)as a lamb 非常温顺的 as old as Adam(亚当)极为古老的 as poor as a church极为贫困的= as poor as a church mouse赤贫

as proud as a peacock 非常骄傲的 as rich as Croesus(大富豪,财主)非常富有 as safe as a house 非常安全 as sharp as a razor(剃须刀)厉害,机警 as smart as new pin非常漂亮 as snug(暖和的)as a bug(小虫,臭虫) in a rug(地毯,垫子) as stiff (僵硬的,呆板的)as a poker(拨火棍)生硬,刻板 as stupid as an owl极蠢的 as sure as a gun 的确 as thick as thives 极为亲密的

as thin as a lath(木版条,条板)骨瘦如柴 as thin as a wafer(晶片,薄片)极薄 as true as a die绝对真实,非常老实 as true as a steel绝对可靠