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发布时间 : 星期五 文章华东师范大学计算机机试真题更新完毕开始阅读



memset(g,0,sizeof(g)); scanf(\ for(int i=1;i<=m;i++) {

scanf(\ for(int j=1;j<=m;j++) {

if(tmp[j]=='Y') {

g[i][j]=g[j][i]=1; } } }


printf(\ }

return 0; }



Welcome to 2009 ACM selective trial Description

Welcome to 2009 ACM selective trial. ACM is a long way to go, and it's not just a match. So what you need to do for now is do your best! And as members of ACM lab, we are going to teach you something important. Firstly you should be proud that you are a member of ECNU, because 'E' represents \'C' represents \'N' represents \'U' represents \Second you should remember Impossible is nothing, because \represents \possible\Do you remember them clearly?

Now we will give you a string either \what does it means?


The first line of input gives the number of cases, N(1 ≤ N ≤ 10). N test cases follow. Each test consists of a string which will be one of \


Tell me what does it means.

Sample Input 3 E

Impossible ACM

Sample Output Excellent I'm possible Accept More

#include #include

char str[20]; int main() { int N;

scanf(\while(N--) {


if(strcmp(str,\printf(\else if(strcmp(str,\printf(\

else if(strcmp(str,\printf(\

else if(strcmp(str,\printf(\

else if(strcmp(str,\printf(\

else if(strcmp(str,\printf(\}

return 0; }


Soda Surpler


Tim is an absolutely obsessive soda drinker,he simply cannot get enough. Most annoyingly

though, he almost never has any money, so his only obvious legal way to obtain more soda is to take the money he gets when he recycles empty soda bottles to buy new ones. In addition to the empty bottles resulting from his own consumption he sometimes find empty bottles in the street. One day he was extra thirsty, so he actually drank sodas until he couldn't aford a new one.


Three non-negative integers e,f, c, where e < 1000 equals the number of empty soda bottles in Tim's possession at the start of the day, f < 1000 the number of empty soda bottles found during the day, and 1 < c < 2000 the number of empty bottles required to buy a new soda.


How many sodas did Tim drink on his extra thirsty day?

Sample Input 9 0 3 5 5 2

Sample Output 4 9

#include #include int main() { int e,f,c; int t; int sum; int full,empty; while(scanf(\ { sum=0; empty=e+f;//空瓶数量 while(empty>=c)//空瓶数量可换 { sum+=empty/c;//换的满瓶 empty=empty/c+empty%c;//新的空瓶数量 } printf(\ } return 0;



统计字符 Description

输入一行字符,分别统计其中 英文字母、空格、数字和其他字符的个数。




Hint 可能有空格之类的字符



1英文字母(大小写都算)的个数 2数字的个数


Sample Input 2 q2 e2


Sample Output character:2 number:2 others:1 character:21 number:14 others:9

#include #include char str[10010]; int main() { int t; int i;

int cn,nn,on; scanf(\

getchar();//清除上一个换行符 while(t--) {