译林版英语六年级下册U3第三单元知识点及习题 联系客服

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1.like e________________ and ice cream 喜欢吃糖和冰激凌 2.like __________________ 喜欢喝水

3.drink ________________every day 每天喝一些水

4.have___________________________________ 早餐吃面包喝牛奶 5._______________________ 对于早餐和午餐 6.have________________ 吃许多米饭

7.some__________ 一些鱼肉

8.have ________________every week 每周吃几个鸡蛋 9.have___________________ 有一个健康的饮食 10.have ______________________________ 早餐吃许多面条

11.eat ________________________________ 吃一些肉和一些蔬菜 12.only eat____________ rice 只吃一点米饭 13.like sweet food 喜欢甜食 14.eat ___________________ 每次吃一点 15.eat _______________ 吃一些水果 16.__the afternoon and evening 在下午和晚上 17.What do you have ____ breakfast? 你早饭吃什么? 18.What about lunch and dinner? 午饭和晚饭呢? 19.Chinese___________ 中国人 20.have some____________ 喝粥

21.have to____________________ 不得不去超市 22.want to come with me 想要和我一起来

23.Can I have s________? 我可以喝一些可乐吗?

24.drink _____________ 喝太多可乐 25.Do we need rice? 我们需要米饭吗? 26.need___________ 需要许多米饭 27._________ 太重 28.have a rest 休息

29.in a healthy diet 在一个健康的饮食中

30.have some meat and fish in your meals 在吃饭时吃些肉和鱼


1.We should ________________________________(吃很多蔬菜)。 2.Helen usually_________________________(一次吃很多冰激凌)。 3.I can’t ____________________________(喝过多可乐)。 4.Miss Zhou ___________________(喝一些水) every day.

知识点1:. also, only, all, both这类的词通常用在助动词之后,V词之前be动词之后 练习:1.His parents are _______workers.(both/all)

2.There are 6 students in my group.We _____like to eat potatoes.(both/all)

知识点2:healthy 健康的—【形容词】 health 健康—【名词】

unhealthy 不健康的【反义词】 练习:1.Do you have a h_______ diet? 2.We need a ______ diet.

A.health B.healthy C.healthily 3.I have a healthy diet.(改为一般疑问句).


知识点3:diet 饮食—【名词】 节食—【动词】 练习:有一个健康的饮食____________________

知识点4:at a time 一次 on time 准时 in time 及时 sometimes 有时

练习:1.He ________eats some fruit.

A.some time B.some times C.sometimes 2.—Does your grandpa walk in the park every day? —_______he does. ______he doesn′t.

A.Always;Usually B.Usually;Sometimes C.Sometimes;Sometime 3.I always have breakfast_______.

A.in time B.on time C.at a time

知识点5:too much 和too many的区别 (1)too much后面接不可数名词 (2)too many 后面接可数名词复数

练习:There is not m_______ food in the fridge?

知识点6:need 需要

need to do sth 需要做某事

练习:1.My mother _______(need) some bread. 2.我们每天需要多喝水。

___________________________________________________________ 知识点7:吃 eat 喝drink 吃+喝=have 练习:1.I don′t like_______(喝)water.

2.—Do you _______a lot water every day? —Yes,I do.It′s good for our health. A.eat B.eats C.drink

3.What______your father ________(have) for dinner? 过关检测


( )1. A. doctor B. sister C. teacher D. cook ( )2. A. egg B. milk C. diet D. bread ( )3. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner D. meat ( )4. A. never B. sometime C. always D. usually

( )5. A. sweet B. food C. cake D. rice 二、英汉互译。

1. 健康的饮食 2. every week 3. 一点米饭 4. a lot of fruit 5. 一些鸡蛋 6. some vegetables 7. 一些可乐 8. too much meat 9. 需要一些饮料 10. sweet food


(1)常见的不可数名词有:rice,fish(鱼肉),water,juice,ice cream (2)可数名词变化规律: 1.规则变化规则表: 情况 构成方法 例词 desk→ desks map→ maps day→ days girl→ girls bus→ buses box→ boxes watch→ watches family→ families factory→factories party→ parties knife→ knives life→ lives wife→ wives shelf→ shelves wolf→ wolves piano→pianos zoo→zoos 读音 -s 在清辅音后发 /s/ -s 在元音和浊辅音后发 /z/ 一般情况 在词尾加 -s 以s,x,ch,sh结尾的词 在词尾加 -es -es 发 /iz/ 音 以辅音字母加 -y结尾的词 变y为i再加 -es -ies 发 /iz/ 音 以f或fe结尾的词 变f或fe为v再加 -es -ves发 /vz/音 以o结尾的名词, (除表示人(hero和Negro)和食物(tomato, potato, mango)之外 在词尾加 -s -s 发 /z/ 音 口诀:黑人(negro)英雄(hero)爱吃 马铃薯(potato)和番茄(tomato),芒果(mango)


某些名词的单复数是一样的,这类名词不多,主要有: Chinese; Japanese; sheep; people;


man---men; woman---women; policeman---policemen;child-children;tooth-teeth;foot-feet;mouse-mice

练习:1.How many _______did Ben eat yesterday?

A.bread B.sweets C.chocolate 2.Helen has some ______(meat) and fruit. 3.She has a lot of _______(rice). 4.I eat some_______(鱼肉)too. 知识点1:

A few、a little 区别

(1) a few 几个;后面只可以加可数名词的复数,相当于some 例:a few eggs

(2) a little 后面接不可数名词 例:a little water

注:如果后面接了可数名词则表示一个/只小的......; 例:a little dog 练习:1. He has a few eggs every week. (改为一般疑问句)

_______________________________________________________ 2.only, a, he, every, drinks, little, water, day (.)(连词成句)

__________________________________________________________ 3.Mike eats a l________ rice for lunch every day. 4.He has a __________(几个)eggs every week. 5.There is ________juice in the glass.

A.a few B.a lot of C.few 6.Mike sometimes has _______ tomatoes. A.a lot B.a few C.a little

7.He has a few eggs every week.(对划线部分提问)

_________________________________________________________ 8.My father eats a few pears.(对划线部分提问)


知识点2:some 和 any的区别

(1)some 只能用于肯定句,但是在表示委婉语气的句子中要用some

如:what about,How about,would you like,can I /may I /shall I/shall we...... (2)any用于否定句和疑问句

练习:1.I’d like _______ (watch) TV

2.He’d like some bread. (改为一般疑问句)

____________________________________________________________ 3.Mike has some bread and milk for breakfast. (改为否定句)

____________________________________________________________ 4.He’d like some bread. (改为一般疑问句)

____________________________________________________________ 5.He has some _______ (vegetable). 6.冰箱里没有多少牛奶了。

There is ________ ________ milk in the _______. 知识点3:many和much区别

many 修饰可数名词复数 people为复数名词 many people 太多:too many 如此多:so many much 修饰不可数名词 much milk 太多:too much 如此多:so much