检验美国高中生英文水平的100个单词 联系客服

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趣的,幽默的;滑稽的→faceti(a) 优雅,动人;pl. 笑话,幽默,讽刺,-ous有…特性的,具有…的)

a. trying to appear amusing and intelligent at a time when other people do not think it is appropriate, and when it would be better to be serious: 乱引人发笑的,不问场合耍聪明的

此词词源上和 face, facet(方面,部分)是没有关系的,但发生的时候也许会 face-to-face, 也可以此联想。 Don't be so facetious!

Stop being facetious; this is serious.

一部分人可能知道“湖南 hu nan”读作fu nan的事情吧? 亚美尼亚语的h对应共同日耳曼语(Common Germanic)的f。

根据 Klein 的观点,nihilism里的 hil 来自 hilum,而hilum本身可能来自拉丁语filum“线,纱,丝”的变体,所谓file本来是挂在线上、可以很容易查阅的“文件”,线、线头很小、不起眼,所以拉丁语里hilum意思是“小事情,琐事”(英语里是“种脐”)。

no, ne, ni 都是“不”,如 neither。

67. nihilism/?na??l?z?m/(ni-=ne 不,hil 琐事,连琐事都不是的就是 nihil

?nothing?,-ism 主义;认为什么都没有的→)

n. [U] (philosophy) the belief that nothing has any value, especially that religious and moral principles have no value(否认一切宗教信仰和道德观念的、否认一切存在的)虚无主义

Why should a great community like a university be afraid of nihilism?


The philosophy of those long- hairs leans towards nihilism parent, prepare, repair 都够简单吧?看看它们的词根: par, pair 产生,获得,准备 印欧词根形式为*per?-。

prepare/pr??pe?(r)/(pre-先,par准备,-e后缀) v. 准备,预备

repair/r??pe?(r); r?ˋp?r/(re-再,pair准备;再准备好→) n. 1. 修理,修补;2. 维修状态,保养情况 vt. 1. 修理,修补;2. 弥补,补救

68. reparation/?rep??re??n; ?r?p?ˋre??n/(repar=repair, -ation名词后缀)

n. 1. (reparations) [pl.] money that is paid by a country that has lost a war, for the damage, injuries, etc. that it has caused(战败国的)赔款,赔偿

2. [U] the act of giving sth to sb or doing sth for them in order to show that you are sorry for suffering that you have caused补偿; 赔偿 The government agreed to pay reparations to victims.

Offenders must make reparation for their crimes through community service. spir 是最为明显的一个拟声词根,请按 s-pir 分开体会。 词根:spir 呼吸,精神


69. respiration/?resp??re??n/(re- 回,spir呼吸,-ation名词后缀;吸回→呼入


n. [U] (formal) the act of breathing 呼吸

含同源成分的有spirit, spiritual, aspire, aspiration, conspire, conspiracy, expire, expiration, inspire, inspiration,perspire, respiratory等。 Her respiration was slow and difficult.

His respiration grew fainter throughout the day.

chicanery 除后缀 -ery 外,找不到简单的同源词,但可以对chican(e)进行拼音联想记忆:白痴(chi)很惨(can)因被“欺骗”或可耻(chi)因参(can)与“欺骗”。

70.chicanery/ ???ke?n?r?; ??ˋken?r?/(chicane对…施诡计;欺骗,-ery表示


n. [U] (rare, formal) the use of complicated plans and clever talk in order to deceive people


The investigation revealed political chicanery and corruption at the highest levels. Milan 即米兰,意大利北部大城市,拉丁文作Mediolanum,由medio(中间)加lan(平原)构成,意为“平原的中间”,因位于波河流域伦巴第平原之中部而得名。

所谓medium “媒介”就是处于“中间”起作用的角色。 middle school 中,middle的词根 mid 与 med 对应。


71.moiety/?m???t?; ˋm???t?/(最终来自拉丁语medietas “中间,中部;对半”

的宾格medietatem,即moi相当于medi(us) =mid中间,-ety=-ity名词后缀;处于中间→)

n. (law or literary ) a half share(文或律)一半,半份 He has washed the upper moiety.

《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第七版(商务印书馆、牛津大学出版社)居然没有收录这个词,《剑桥高阶英汉双解词典》(外研社、剑桥大学出版社)、《柯林斯高阶英汉双解词典》(商务印书馆)也没有收录,看来是真有点难(为大家)啊。 一些人热衷“整形”,知道是哪个词吗?orthodox 是“正统的”,也就是“正确的”“观念”。

paragraph 字面意思是在“旁”边“写”的东西→每个段落开始时要从旁边另起一行写→段落。

orth (o) 直,正(确),矫形,整形

orthopaedics(AmE orthopedics)/???θ??pi?d?ks;??rθ?ˋpid?ks/(ortho矫形,整形,paed=ped孩子,-ics…学;畸形特别是孩子中畸形的矫正→) n. 矫形外科;整形外科学

72. orthography/ ???θ?gr?f?; ?rˋθɑɡr?f?/(ortho- 正确,graph写,-y(=-ia)


n. [U] (formal) the system of spelling in a language正字;正字法;拼字法 In dictionaries, words are listed according to their orthography. number 里的 num 意思是“分配”,分配→一部分→数目。