IFS 第五版详解 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章IFS 第五版详解更新完毕开始阅读


3.2.2 Protective clothing for personnel, contractors and visitors Requirement

3.4 Sanitary facilities, equipment for personnel hygiene and staff facilities Requirement 3.4.5 Requirement 3.4.8 4.5 Product packaging Requirement 4.5.5 4.6.2 Exteriors

Requirement Air conditioning/Ventilation Requirement

4.7 Housekeeping and hygiene Requirement 4.7.1 Requirement 4.7.3

4.9 Risk of foreign bodies, metal, broken glass and wood Requirement 4.9.1 (KO) Requirement 4.9.2 Requirement 4.9.4 Requirement 4.9.9 Requirement 4.9.12 Requirement 4.9.14

4.18 Allergens and specific conditions for production Requirement 4.18.3 5.1 Internal audits

Requirement 5.1.1 (KO) 5.6 Product analysis Requirement 5.6.4

5.7 Product quarantine and product release Requirement 5.7.1

5.9 Management of incidents, product withdrawal, product recall Requirement 5.9.4

以上的22个条款的风险分析应被危害分析所替代,这点在看标准时应注意 Clarification

This hazard analysis shall be understandable by the auditors. This can be done in written format

e.g. within the HACCP-hazard analysis concerning e.g. personal hygiene, cleaning and disinfection etc. but also in the form of other evidences which shall be clear for the auditors.

The 4 requirements, where the hazard analysis was already mentioned, remain valid and do not

have to be modified: Conduct a hazard analysis for each step Requirement

Requirement 4.3 Product development Requirement 4.3.1 4.4 Purchasing Requirement 4.4.4

以上4个条款危害分析的内容不变 Topic 3: CP – control point ( 原来条款内容

IFS requirement ―For all steps, which are not defined as CCP‘s but as CP‘s, the company shall implement, maintain and document specific preventive measures‖. New wording:应更改为以下内容

IFS requirement ―For all steps, which are not defined as CCP‘s but as CP‘s, the company shall implement, maintain, monitor and document specific preventive measures.‖


Topic 4: Packaging requirements (4.5.3, 4.5.4 and 4.5.5)

All the suppliers are responsible, at their own level, for the products (food products and/or packaging) they supply and shall ensure that the IFS Food requirements about packaging applym to them. If the company uses a new packaging at any step of the production process, there shall be a recheck of all the concerned IFS requirements.

IFS requirement 4.5.3: ―Certificates of conformity or evidence shall exist for all packaging in direct contact with food to demonstrate that they are suitable for use. This applies for packaging in direct contact with raw materials, semi-processed and finished products. This includes containers, conveyor belts in production areas for semi-processed products.‖


If no certificates of conformity are available (e.g. for old containers, old conveyor belts), evidences, via the hazard analysis, shall be provided.如果不能获得合格证书(必如旧的容器,传送带等),则应提供经过危害分析的证据。

IFS requirement 4.5.4: ―All packaging or packaging equipments shall be suitable for its intended use and shall have been tested for possible contamination and hazards (interactions) towards products and consumers. Adequate up-to-date test reports shall exist.‖


Test reports shall be available for all packaging materials which can have negative impact on food, according to the hazard analysis.

The packaging suppliers shall, where appropriate, provide information about the intended use of the packaging. It is recommended to provide results of migration tests.


The test reports should be based on the simulations undertaken in accordance with EU Regulations (EC) n° 1935/2004 and (EC) n° 2002/72 and the EU Directive (EC) n° 85/572 or be based on the on site packaged food products.

IFS requirement 4.5.5:‖Based on a( risk analysis替换成-) hazard analysis , the company shall verify the

capability of the packaging material for each relevant product (e.g. organoleptic tests, storage

tests, chemical analysis).‖ Clarification:

Additionally to the requirement 4.5.4, audited companies should test their product packaging on

their own products. The reaction of the ―real‖ product can indeed be clearly different from the

reaction of those used in the test simulations. Furthermore, in case of change of use of the packaging, the company shall test it on their own products.


Topic 5: Clarification about the recommendations for IFS audit durations

The chapter 5.3 of the audit protocol provides a system for estimating the time needed for an audit. It is described, among other, that:

―Minimum 1.5 days for a company characterised by: < 100 personnel and

< 2 products from a single product group and < 10,000 m2 constructed site area and < 2 production lines

plus 0.5 days for the production of the audit report.‖


The symbol used shall be ‖≤‖ instead of ―<‖, for all the requirements. 标准中 把 < 更改为 ≤

―Additional time will be required in the following cases: - 0.5 days for every additional 100 personnel and/or

- 0.5 days for every additional 2 products of a single product group and/or - 0.5 days for every additional constructed 10,000 m2 of the site and/or - 0.5 days for every additional 3 production lines.‖

This rule is in any case an ―and‖ rule, which means that 0,5 days should be added each time

one of the above mentioned requirement is fulfilled.

For example:

For a company which has 200 employees, with 2 production lines (with 2 products per line) and 20,000 m2 of constructed site area, the audit duration is: Minimum 1,5 days

Additional 0,5 day for the 100 personnel more Additional 0,5 day for the 10,000m2 more In total: 2,5 days.

学会计算人天,可以最到可能减少你的认证费用 Topic 6: Food defence check-list

Due to the food defence which is a regulatory requirement in the USA to be applied by the food

industry, the IFS has decided to include these requirements into the standard, as an optional

check-list. The food defence is the result of all taken specified food security measures to protect

production sites, food related materials and finished goods from intentional harm including crime and terrorism.

The food defence check-list below is not an obligation for the food industry, but an option, only if they want to show their customers that they also consider this topic.

The numbering of the requirements of this check-list corresponds to the continuing of IFS Food

Standard, version 5, which means the chapter 6 in the Part 2 of the standard. The evaluation of

these requirements is based on the evaluation laid down in the IFS Food Standard: each requirement can be scored with A, B, C or D depending on the fulfilment of the requirement.

The Major non-conformity can as well be used if needed.

The final score of this specific chapter will be shown separately in the IFS audit and is independant from the global IFS Food audit score (chapters 1 to 5). This score can not correspond to the total result of the IFS Food audit.

美国要求实施食品安全防护计划,因此IFS把其考虑进入,但是其在标准中没有,而是在check-list 中,它对于企业来说不是义务,而是选择!


HACCP 是 IFS的核心. IFS 审核员必须具备在短时间内对HACCP体系作出评价的能力.

重要: HACCP 原理必须始终是每一个HACCP体系的一部分.
