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A:关于这一点我们已经谈过了,他知道律师做事从不体面。 87、 Keep one’s shirt on 保持镇静

A:Lily, keep your shirt on and don’t get agitated. B:I just can’t. She peeped my diary. A:莉莉,保持镇静,别发火。 B:我控制不住,她偷看我日记了。

88、 Be above oneself 趾高气扬,89、 得意忘形

A:Maggie seems to be quite above herself these days. What happened?

B:Well, she got promoted. A:麦琪这几天得意忘形,怎么啦? B:噢,她升职了。

90、 Of one’s own accord 自愿地,91、 主动地

A:Why did you help him? Is there anyone who asked you to do so?

B:Not really, I did it solely of my own accord. A:你为什么帮他?是有人要你这么做吗? B:不是,是我自愿做的。

92、 Give a bad / poor account of oneself 表现不93、 佳 A:Allen did not want to give a bad account of herself by talking about things she is not familiar with. B:That’s natural.

A:艾伦不希望因为谈论不熟悉的事情而给人留下不好的印象。 B:那很自然


94、 Scrape (up) an acquaintance with sb. 设法接近(结识)某人 A:Look, that guy over there is trying to scrape up an acquaintance with Joanna.

B:I know that man. He is always after pretty girls. A:看,那边那个人正在和乔安娜套近乎呢。 B:我认识他。他就爱追着漂亮姑娘。 95、 Put on an act 装腔作势

A:I really don’t like professor Wang’s lectures.

B:I don’t like either. He is always putting on an act, either speaking like a book or being playful with words. A:我真不喜欢王教授的讲座。

B:我也不喜欢。他总是装腔作势,不是咬文嚼字,就是舞文弄墨。 96、 Make much ado about nothing无中生有,97、 无事生非 A:The speaker boasted that he would talk about the secret of becoming a successful man, but he actually made much ado about nothing.

B:If I were you, I would ask him if he himself was a successful man.

A:演讲者吹嘘说他会谈论如何成为一位成功人士,但事实上他却是在无中生有。 B:要是我,我会问他,他自己是否是一位成功人士。 98、 Be after doing something 刚刚作完某事 A:Could we go and have a talk with John? B:I’m after talking with him. A:我们去和约翰聊一聊怎么样? B:我刚和他聊完。


99、 Come / go to someone’s aid 赶来/去援助某人 A:She called police.

B:Yes, they sure will come to her aid. A:她报警了。


100、 Roll in the aisles 使某人捧腹大笑 A:How was the lecture last night?

B:It was funny. The speaker rolled everyone of us in the aisles. A:昨晚的报告如何?

B:很好笑,演讲者把我们每个人都逗得捧腹大笑。 101、 In answer to? 应?.之请求

A:In answer to Mike’s request, the company gave him a paid holiday abroad. B:How nice!

A:应迈克的请求,公司允许他带薪到国外休假。 B:太好了!

102、 For anything someone cares 与某人不103、 相干 A:What’s the matter? You got conned for anything I care. B:How dare you say this!

A:怎么啦?你让人骗了跟我有什么相干? B:你怎么敢这么说!

104、 Go ape 神魂颠倒的,105、 发疯 A:Jack went ape. What happened? B:He made a bomb in his sales business.


A:捷克简直疯掉了,怎么回事? B:他赚了大钱。

106、 Look on the bright side 要看光明面 A:Why so sad!

B:Helen stood me up last night.

A:It’s one of those things. Look on the bright side. A:为什么不高兴? B:海伦昨晚失约了。

A:这是常有的事。要看光明面。 107、 That was close!好险! A:Did you see that? B:What?

A:That car almost ran over a jaywalker. Boy, that was close! A:你看见了吗? B:什么?

A:那辆车差点撞到一个乱闯马路的人。哎!好险! 108、 I mean? 我是说? A:When did you go there?

B:Last Thursday, I mean last Tuesday. A:你是什么时候去那儿的? B:上周四,不是,是上周二

109、 Sorry, it slipped my mind. 对不110、 起,111、 我忘了。 A:What are you doing? Don’t you remember we have a date tonight?

B:I’m sorry, Mary. It slipped my mind. I’ll be right over.