研究生英语综合教程上 unit5原文翻译 联系客服

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7. Modern psychological Studies have shown that even slight facial expressions can causechanges in the involuntary nervous system; yoga utilizes the mind/body connection, that is, yoga practice contains the central ideas that physical posture and alignment can influence a person's mood and self-esteem, and also that the mind can be used to shape and heal the body. Yoga practitioners claim that the strengthening of mind/body awareness can bring eventual improvements in all facets of a person's life.

7.现代心理学研究表明,即使细微的表情变化也会引起神经系统的自主改变;而瑜伽正是身体和心灵的绝妙结合——瑜伽练习的中心思想就是,身体的姿态将影 响人的心情和自我意识,而人的精神又能塑造和治愈人的身体。瑜伽练习者认为,精神/体质的加强最终将为生活的各方面都带来好处。


8.Yoga can be performed by those of any age and condition, although not all poses should be attempted by everyone. Yoga is also a very accessible form of exercise; all that is needed is a flat floor surface large enough to stretch out on, a mat or towel, and enough overhead space to full raise the arms. It is a good activity for those who can't go to gyms, who don't like other forms of exercise, or have, very busy schedules. Yoga should be done on an empty stomach, and teachers recommend waiting three or more hours after meals. Loose and comfortable clothing should he worn.


9. Beginners should exercise care and concentration when performing yoga postures, and not try to stretch too much too quickly, as injury could result. Some advance


d yoga postures, like the headstand and full lotus position, can be difficult and require strength, flexibility, and gradual preparation, so beginners should get the help of ateacher before attempting them.

9.初学者在练习时应集中注意力,小心动作不要做得太过太快,以免受伤。一些高阶的瑜伽动作,如头倒立式和全莲花坐式,需要有很好的力量、柔韧性和日积 月累的练习作准备,因此初学者应在瑜伽师的指导下做这些动作。

10.Yoga is not a competitive sport; it does not matter how a person does in comparison with others, but how aware and disciplined one becomes with one's own body and limitations. Proper form and alignment should always be maintained during a stretch or posture, and the stretch or posture should be stopped when there is pain, dizziness, or fatigue. The mental component of yoga is just as important as the physical postures. Concentration andawareness breath should not be neglected. Yoga should be done with an open, gentle, and non-critical mind: when one stretches into a position, it can be thought of as accepting and working on one's limits. Impatience, self-criticism and comparing oneself to others will not help inth


is process ofself-knowledge. While performing the yoga of breathing (pranayama) and meditation (dyana), it is best to have an experienced teacher, as these powerful techniques can cause dizziness and discomfort when done improperly.

10 .瑜伽不是竞技体育;练瑜伽不需要和别人比,练瑜伽的目的是提高自己的觉悟和身心自律能力。做瑜伽必须保持姿势的正确,一旦感到疼痛、头晕或疲劳就必须停止。做瑜伽时,身体和精神一样重要,要注意集中精力去感受呼吸。练习时必须心胸开阔、平和;当你伸展肢体做每一个瑜伽动作时,你就是在接受挑战去达到自己的极限。不耐烦、自责和与他人相比都不利于这一过程中自我认识的实现。当练习呼吸法(调息)和冥想法(禅定)时,最好由经验丰富的瑜伽师来指导,因为一旦练习不当,这些技巧性很强的动作会使人感到头晕不适。

11.Although yoga originated in a culture very different from modern America, it has been accepted and its practice has spread relatively quickly. Many yogis are amazedat how rapidly yoga's popularity has spread in America, considering the legend that it was passed down secretly by handfuls or adherents tor many centuries.