外研版2019-2020学年八年级英语上册单词拼写、选词填空、语法填空(三) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章外研版2019-2020学年八年级英语上册单词拼写、选词填空、语法填空(三)更新完毕开始阅读





Health is very important for us. Can you look after your health? Do you have a 1 (健康的) habit? Do you know 2 (如何) to keep in good health? Here 3 (是;有) some advice for you. First, you need to have some good eating habits. You should eat

fruit and vegetables four or five times a week. And you need to eat tofu or drink 4 (牛奶) every day. Oh, don’t forget to sleep 5 (九) hours every night. Having 6 (足够的) sleep can help you feel much better. Doing some exercise is also necessary for you. We think the 7 (最好的) way to relax is doing exercise. It is healthy for the brain and the 8 (身体). Exercise such as playing sports is fun. But don’t 9 (使) yourself too tired. It’s important to 10 (保持) happy and be friendly to others. I’m sure you can be strong. 二、选词填空(2015·永康)


choose umbrella improve crowded million 11. Remember to take an because it’s going to rain.

12. Tomorrow is my mother’s birthday. I want to a special gift for her. 13. The bus was so that we had no space to stand. 14. The population of the city is about 3.9 .

15. Listening to the radio in English is a good way to our English. 三、语法填空(2015·永康)

阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空(每空不多于2个单词)。 It’s always a 16 (surprise) to receive gifts from family members and friends.

Different countries have different 17 (way) of life. In China, we usually 18 (accept) a gift with both hands and open it 19 (late). But in the West, people usually do not pay attention 20 that. They can open the gift 21 . During the Spring Festival, there are also many 22 (tradition). For example, on the first day, we mustn’t do any cleaning because we don’t want to sweep away good

luck. And we mustn’t break anything, which means 23 luck. We’d better not 24 (cut) our hair during the Spring Festival month. And we can only use red paper for hongbao because red 25 (mean) good luck. Do you know more about the Spring Festival or other ways of life in China? If you know, please share(分享) with us.



根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。 Jon Pritikin is a Guinness world record holder(吉尼斯世界纪录保持者). He is the fastest man who can roll(卷) two frying pans(煎锅) with his hands!

On November 6, 2014, we were lucky to 1 (邀请) Jon to our school. He gave us a report and showed his skill to us. 2 (每人) was excited to see it. And two girls 3 (甚至) came to the front to have a look. 4 (然而), Jon was


quite different when he was young. As a 5 (青少年), he had many problems with his schoolwork. And he was not 6 (能够) to do well in his exams. But he didn’t 7 (失去) heart.

Now Jon becomes a 8 (著名的) person. He will 9 (旅游) all over the

world to help today’s young people. He is trying to tell them to become strong 10 (足够) to face problems.



rain something famous grade busy 11. Thanksgiving is the travel holiday of the year in America. 12. Remember to study for knowledge and not study for getting good . 13. Taizhou is becoming a civilized(文明的) city, so we must do useful to protect the environment.

14. Hangzhou is more and more around the world because of the G20. 15. If it tomorrow, my father will take me to school in his car. 三、语法填空(2016·台州市椒江区)


What do you want to do when you grow up? Do you believe that your dream will finally come 16 ? Come to see the new cartoon movie Ballerina. It tells an interesting story about 17 a little girl realised(实现) her big dream.

The story 18 (happen) in 1879. A young girl called Felicie grew up in an orphanage(孤儿院) near Paris. She wore old clothes and had to do a lot of housework every day. 19 , she had a big dream. She wanted to go to a dance school in Paris and became a ballet dancer. People in the orphanage knew Felicie’s dream, but they all laughed 20 her. Only one boy believed that Felicie is able 21 realise her dream. He believed Felicie would become the greatest dancer.

The boy was called Victor. He was Felicie’s best friend, and he had a big dream 22 . He wanted to become the greatest inventor(发明家). Victor made a flying machine, and using this machine, Felicie and Victor flew out of the orphanage and went to Paris. How would they live in this big city? Could they live a happy life? Come to the theatre and find the answer by 23 .

This movie is both interesting and exciting. It makes you laugh a lot. Sometimes it also makes you worry 24 the girl and the boy’s future. But look at what they did and what they got in the end. That gives us 25 important lesson: People should never give up their dreams.




A young man once talked to a wise old man. “I won a prize and have a little gold now, but I want much 1 (多),” he said. “Can you help me?”

The old man looked at him and 2 (拍;碰) him on the shoulder. “I can teach you 3 (怎样) to make more money if you promise to 4 (紧跟;听从) my advice,” he said. The young man 5 (同意). Then the old man took the young man


to a 6 (窗户). “Look outside,” he said. “I can see nothing 7 (除……之外) an empty field,” the young man said.

“Use your money to buy this field,” said the old man, “and 8 (种植) some cotton. In a year, you can sell the cotton and get your money 9 (两倍) as much as you have.”

The young man realised what the old man 10 (意指). From then on he was not lazy any more. He worked hard all year round. 二、选词填空(2015·浦江)


large slowly take place spell warn 11. Jogging means running .

12. Can you tell me the of your name?

13. It’s difficult to people before an earthquake.

14. The story of Teahouse in a small village in Beijing. 15. The US has a large population but India’s population is . 三、语法填空(2015·浦江)


In much of China, spring is very short. It usually comes 16

February or March. Summer is often very hot. It lasts from May to July. The 17 (hot) month is July. Autumn starts in August, and 18 (go) on to October. The weather can be quite warm in autumn. Winter lasts 19 November to January, and is very cold. You need 20 (wear) lots of warm clothes. The best time to come to China is in spring or autumn.

The seasons of the year in England and the USA are 21 (near) the same. But unlike much of China and the USA, the weather in England 22 gets too hot, or too cold. In England, spring is longer. Spring in England can last from late March to May. The Australian seasons are 23 opposite: summer is from December to February 24 winter is in June, July and August. So 25 it’s spring in China, it is autumn in Australia.



根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。 There are many colours in our life. The colour is one of the most important 1 (礼物) from nature. Now the colour also describes the culture of each country. Sometimes we can not 2 (理解) some English sentences, because every language has its culture. So we should learn the different cultures 3 (努力地).

4 (首先) of all, let’s talk about the red in the 5 (西方). A lot of people like the colour of red because it is a 6 (象征) of life, fire and love. For example, “to paint the town red” means to celebrate a party in some places, especially

in a 7 (公共的) place. “Red ball” is another example of red. It means the 8 (最快的) train in the country.

In China, red can bring us happiness and some good chances. At the same time, it becomes a kind of tradition. There are many different kinds of phrases in Chinese about red. It


usually 9 (警告) people about some dangerous things. At the same time, red looks 10 (相当) good, so people often use it on some important days. Each colour has its own meaning in different nations. 二、选词填空(2015·苍南)


two choice skate fall except 11. Jack off his bike and hurt his knee yesterday.

12. Some people like drinking tea a day, at about 9 am and 3 pm.

13. Daming had a cold yesterday, so all of the students went for a picnic him. 14. That’s a good to buy the red hat. It’s really beautiful. 15. Don’t on the thin ice. It’s too dangerous. 三、语法填空(2016·仙居)


How do you spend your free time? There 16 be different answers to it. Most people in England have their own 17 (way) of spending free time. Sometimes they

just want 18 (have) a rest, but most of the time they try to do something 19 (much). They have many different hobbies. This helps them to get away from their everyday problems and spend their free time 20 (happy).

Many English people like travelling. They look for new places and add some exciting experiences to their journey. Some of them like to climb mountains. 21 (other)

like to go to the sea 22 a lake to swim because these can make them much 23 (strong). Many of them like to do sports in their free time. They are 24 (usual) crazy about football. Many fans may hope their favourite team to be successful. And they 25 buy a lot of things that have relation with the team. Besides that, they have many other ways to spend their free time, and they really like their free time.




Being safe in your everyday life needs knowledge. Your life will be much safer if you remember the following 1 (信息).

Always notice the environment around you. You shouldn’t walk alone outside. Make sure where the public phones are. If anything dangerous 2 (发生), you can find them 3 (容易地).

Your bag 4 (应该) be carried to the front of your body instead of(而不是)

putting it on your back. When a bus is 5 (充满的) of people, it is easy 6 (足够地;十分地) for a thief to take the things out of the bag on your back.

If you are followed by someone you don’t know, cross the street and go to the other way, let the person understand you know he or she is after you. Next, don’t go home at 7 (一次;曾经). 8

(虽然;尽管) your home is a good place to stay, you are safer in the street than you are alone in your home or in a lift.

If you have to take a bus to a place far away, try to get to the stop a few minutes 9 (早) before the bus leaves. On the bus, don’t sit alone. Sit behind the 10 (司