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有一次,我们的喷气飞机在加速时被一场雷暴吞没,不仅损坏了GPS信号接收器,还使我们看不见方向。一盏持续闪亮的灯说明我们的飞机正处在危险中。一名乘务员立刻让我们戴上面罩、系牢安全带,接着按下一枚按钮 打开逃生仓电源,逃生仓马上侧着滑出出口,安全降落在一片荒凉的地区。因为缺少食品和药品,我们一开始都又紧张又心里没底,但是我们都保持乐观,做好调整适应这一新境况。我们打扫干净周围的泥土,安顿下来,很快就恢复过来。最后,在我们坠机烟雾的指引下,一些当地的居民搭乘马车到来,我们都获救了。

24.An Amateur Journalist业余记者

Jane is a housewife, but delighted to work as an amateur journalist. It is a dilemma for her to rush between family and work, and it is also unusual for the News Department to depend on an amateur to cover crimes. But Jane is really gifted. It is admirable that she is seldom accused of making mistakes. And, eager to become more professional, she concentrates on her job and updates herself now and then. Once she is informed of a new case, her normal working process is as follows: first, she makes appointments with guilty people for interviews. So as to acquire accurate stories, she usually demands to record what they say. Meanwhile, a technically good colleague will assist her in taking photographs. Second, she assesses whether they are deliberately hiding the truth. If she is skeptical about their words, she will look into the case herself. Third, she writes thorough stories ahead of the deadline and submits it to the senior chief editor, who polishes and approves every


section. Finally, her stories will be published in different editions of their magazine.



25.First Aid急救

A boy fell ill. His organs were damaged by the radiation of an infrared ray stove. But before the ambulance arrived, a number of other injuries happened to this unlucky boy over and over again. First, he was choked by some poisonous liquid from the kettle on the cupboard. Then his wrist skin was burnt by electric shock. Finally, his ankle was cut by a pan. Fortunately, the boy’s nurse gave him proper temporary treatments according to his complex symptoms. She mildly squeezed the poisonous liquid out of his throat and put bandages firmly in place to apply pressure to the ankle wound to stop bleeding. As for the burn, she used scissors to remove his sleeve, poured a basin of cold water over the burn to cool it and put her hands on a damp blouse to cover his swollen tissue tightly. She also inspired his bravery to fight against the unbearable pain. Her first aid 最新中小学教学word试卷-可编辑

made a vital difference in saving his life. A ceremony was held to honour the nurse who overcame a variety of barriers to save the boy.



26.Abstract Art抽象艺术

Abstract art used to be controversial. On one hand, the artists stopped painting delicate figures but attempted to adopt special techniques to give people different visual impacts. On the other hand, their works, including sculptures carved out of marble or fragile clay, were all with a specific aim of showing feelings. Some conventional scholars who were allergic to abstract art said it was evidently ridiculous and neither art nor geometry. Their Traditional Art Committee predicted its soon disappearing.

But nowadays, abstract art has become part of the permanent possessions of contemporary civilization. Galleries along the Madison Avenue give scores of superb exhibitions on typical abstract works, appealing to many who have a preference for abstract art. The Shadow of Egypt, a café in this district, has become the home to those aggressive


abstract artists. Consequently, it is not a coincidence for you to meet one of these artists of great reputation in the flesh. They are asked for signatures and given bunches of fragrant flowers plus they are given a great deal of praise by their faithful fans. 抽象艺术曾经颇受争议,一方面,抽象艺术家们不再画精致的画像,而是试图采用特别的技巧给人们以不同的视觉冲击;另一方面,他们的作品,包括用大理石和易碎的粘土雕刻出来的雕像,都以表达感情为其明确的目的。有些对抽象艺术反感的传统学者说抽象艺术是极其明显地荒谬可笑,说它既不是艺术,又不是几何学,他们的传统艺术委员会还预言了它的迅速消失。


27.A Russian Poem俄国童谣

Since childhood, Anton had often recited poems, accompanied by pianists and violinists, at wedding ceremonies before brides and bridegrooms exchanged rings. Gradually, he found writing poems the most appropriate way to convey his joy and sorrow. When his poem Contradictory Blank won him a national championship and a scholarship to the Moscow University from a sponsor, he was just an unknown librarian. After getting his diploma, he devoted his life to writing poems. Using concrete but flexible language and the minimum of words is his style. He tried out different patterns and preferred nursery rhyme in particular. The following is a translation of one of his works made up of 3 sections: Little sparrow with heavy load,Ran out of energy and very cold;No compass and all sweat salty,Can you go through the endless darkness?Little balloon 最新中小学教学word试卷-可编辑