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aimed at epidemic disease as violent as SARS or a similar nature, the public health crises would never have happened. Above all, when SARS began to attack Guangdong province, if the local governmental officials had had some specific and unmistakable legal procedures to follow, they would have saved a lot of valuable time for the early detergence of the horrible disease through various measures. On the other hand, before epidemic diseases break out, there is a very severe outlook and thus common people are posed direct dangers. They affect people’s daily activities and even their lives, and that is why they can successfully amuse people’s daily activities and even their lives, and that is why they can successfully amuse people’s concerns about their own health. The outbreak of some epidemics, like SARS and bird flu, to some extent, was due to our dining habits and carelessness in protecting the environment. Altogether, in order to prevent a public health crises in the face of epidemic disease, governments and people should equip ourselves first with the weapon of law. It is necessary for all of us to take actions to fend off any potential danger to public health.


The Development of the Internet

With its rapid development, the Internet has widely entered our life.

It now becomes a powerful tool for people and has already created a


lot of miracles and brought us much convenience. However, just like a double-edged sword, the Internet would bring both advantages and disadvantages.

As an International Database of information, the Internet can offer you whatever is possible to be imagined. Besides, a great deal of helpful information can be downloaded by private individual, including many programs, games and so on. A huge success of the Internet is shopping online that is considered a great advantage of the Internet. It is possible for us to pay whatever we have to pay online with E-cash sometime in the future with further development of the Internet; there will be a time when all information given on the Net is what we want, useful and fine. Most importantly, there may be a time when surfing on the Net, we needn’t worry about privacy being disturbed or worry about our children being poisoned. The Internet will be kinder, gentler, safer and more reliable along with more and more cyber law becoming effective.

However, we can say that although the Internet brings us more conveniences, it is unwise to let it control our life. Conversely, it should be controlled by us. As long as we know how to utilize it

correctly and how to schedule our time on the Internet, the Internet will become really meaningful to our life.



My Understanding of Globalization

In recent years there is widespread awareness of the hot term ―globalization‖. Different people hold different opinions on it. Some believe that it makes inequality increase within and between nations, influences employment and living standards and baffles social progress. Others view it as a process that is beneficial and also inescapable and irreversible.

As far as I am concerned, globalization is much like fire. It is improper to say that fire is completely good or bad. If we use it properly, it can help us cook food, disinfect equipment, form iron, and warm our homes. If not, fire can ruin lives, towns and forests in an instant. People welcoming globalization think that it will bring them great profits. They claim that trade obstacles will be broken with the globalization, which will fetch them more benefits and conveniences, such as buying foreign products with less money , traveling all over the world more freely than ever. People who object it think that the disappearance of national borders and the establishment of a world interconnected by markets will deal a death blow to regional and national cultures. National identity or soul will lose for the invasion of cultural products from North America is so powerful that most of countries are incapable of resisting.

After the advantages and disadvantages of globalization were


carefully compared, the conclusion was obvious. Neither cheerleaders who are blind to the destruction globalization can cause nor shrill opponents who are blind to the way globalization gives some people their first opportunity to fulfill basic aspirations are good. We should see globalization as something to construct, shape and manage for the betterment of everyone.


Social Sciences and the Humanities

Should Play a More Important Role in the 21st Century

Nowadays, there are many people who believe that it is a

tendency that the studies of natural disciplines weigh more than social and humanities disciplines. As far as they are concerned, social sciences and humanities are so out-of-date that they should be thrown away like waste. However, I hold that we should pay more attention to social sciences and the humanities that shoulder important roles I the 21st century. Instead of being weakened, they should be strengthened.

Taking the field of economics as an example. If we imagine that economy is the legs of our society, without which the society will not advance; then social science can be imagined the eyes, without which we will be lost and step on a wrong way. There is no conflict but harmony between them. Economics was founded in the 18th