高级英语第三版第二册张汉熙1-6-8课课后答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章高级英语第三版第二册张汉熙1-6-8课课后答案更新完毕开始阅读

? Furthermore, while Englishness is not hostile to change ,it is deeply suspicious of change for change’s

sake,rejecting the idea that we are now committed to some inevitable mechanical progress.


? Behind the constant bickering , the sudden walk-outs and strikes , the “blood-mindedness”,which bewilder so

many foreign commentators,is the conflict between Admass , offering so much, and the Englishness that instinctively recoils from Admassian values and life-style.


? Moreover ,sooner or later they will have to put an end to this conflict between Admass and what remains of

their Englishness ,coming down decisively on one side or the other, for they cannot enjoy both together . 并且,他们迟早将结束这场大众广告和他们所保留的英国特性之间的冲突,果断地回到某一方,因为他们不能同时享有二者。

? All heavily industrialized societies are in the boredom business.


? Dictatorships have thrived on majorities that are apathetic and then frightened , and on minorities that are

fanatically divided,brutally quarrelsome and stupid.


? A rather poorer and harder way of life will not defeat them so long as it is not harder and poorer in spirit, so

long as it still refuses to reject Englishness -for so many centuries the secret of the islanders oddity and irrationality , their many weakness , they creative strength.

