湖南省长沙市长郡双语实验中学2018-2019年初二上学期入学考试英语试卷(无答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章湖南省长沙市长郡双语实验中学2018-2019年初二上学期入学考试英语试卷(无答案)更新完毕开始阅读


Do you usually study in the living room? This is not a good place for study because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, such as your bedroom. A quiet place will help you put your attention (注意力) on study and you will learn better.

Before you begin to study, do not forget to clean your desk. It helps you to focus (集中) on your study, too. A good desk light is important, too. You’ll feel tired easily if there is not enough light.

Of all the good study habits you can develop (发展,开发), asking questions is the key. Just ask. No one knows everything, but we can always learn from each other by asking questions.

One simple but important habit is to remind (提醒) yourself what you’re studying for. Putting your dream grade (理想的分数) on the wall next to your bed or computer means you’ll see and think about it every day.

When do you work best? Are you an early bird, night owl (猫头鹰), or something in between? Find your most productive work time, and then plan to study at this time. 55.Is asking questions an important study habit?

_____________________________________________________________________ 56.Where should you study if you want to study well?

_____________________________________________________________________ 57.According to Paragraph 3,what should you do to your desk before you study? _____________________________________________________________________ 58.How can you tell yourself what you’re studying for?


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59.What is the writer’s advice about work time?



第一节 语篇翻译 阅读下列短文,将划线部分译成英文或中文(共5小题,计10分)

It’s ten o’clock on Saturday morning .60.The weather is hot and sunny. Lucy and her classmates didn’t go to school this morning. 61.他们乘公交车去了公园。Look! There are many people in the park. 62.一些男人在下棋,一些女人在跳舞。Sam and Lily are running. Where are Lucy and Kate? They are drawing pictures on the grass. Linda is sitting on the chair. What is she doing? Well, she is practicing the guitar. 63.There is a big lake in the middle of the park. Julie is talking photos by the lake. Tom and Ken are going boating on the lake.64.All of them are having a good time in the park.

60.__________________________________________________________________ 61. __________________________________________________________________ 62. __________________________________________________________________ 63. __________________________________________________________________ 64. __________________________________________________________________

第二节 情景交际 通读下面的对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。

A: Tom, you have a new English teacher this term.65._________________________?

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B: She is tall and she has long blonde hair. A: 66.__________________________________? B:She comes from England.

A:67. __________________________________? B: I think she is strict but friendly. We all like her. A: Sounds nice. Oh, time for dinner. Do you like noodles? B: 68.__________________________________.I like noodles a lot. A:69. __________________________________? B:I’d like beef noodles.

A.OK. Let’s go to the Noodles House for dinner.

第二节 书面表达(计10分)


注意:字数80字左右。文中不能出现真实的姓名,学校名。 Dear Lucy,

I’m glad to tell you_____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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