2018届高考英语一轮复习Unit14Careers课时加强练北师大版必修5 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2018届高考英语一轮复习Unit14Careers课时加强练北师大版必修5更新完毕开始阅读

答案: G

2.解析: 根据下文内容可知,下文是对如何变成一个更加圆滑的人提出了三个方法。B项“这里有三个让你变得更圆滑的方法”与下文衔接恰当。

答案: B

3.解析: 空格处为小标题。根据下文“Try to lead your conversations with questions,no matter whether you’re with family,friends or businesses.”可知,此处指用你的问题来引导谈话,可以是关于家庭、朋友或生意等。A项“用问题来引导谈话”对本段起到概括总结作用,适合作小标题。

答案: A

4.解析: 根据上文“Sales is all about serving and helping others get to where they want to go.”可知,销售是服务和帮助他人达到目标。D项“在销售领域里,你只有帮别人成功了,你才会成功”与上文紧密衔接。

答案: D

5.解析: 根据本段小标题可知,本段主要内容为“致力于解决问题”,与F项中的“toward solving real problems”相呼应。

答案: F

课时加强练(二) 英语知识运用板块练——练准度




I first got to know Rose while working in a hospital kitchen.

When I arrived at 6 am,Rose was already there.“Hi,I’m Janet.” I tried to be__1__,although I already knew Rose was hard to work with.Rose__2__what she was doing and looked over her reading glasses.I could tell from her__3__that she wasn’t delighted to see a student worker.__4__,I started to work.However,nothing I did__5__her.All morning her eagle eyes missed__6__and she was very sharp with me.

Totally discouraged,I was__7__with a dilemma (困境):should I ask my director to__8__my work?Scheduling was fairly flexible.Or should I__9__and find another job?“Oh,Lord,help me love Rose.Lord,bless Rose.” I prayed.“You need to love her.” That was the__10__he sent me.

The next morning,I did things Rose’s way as much as possible to avoid__11__.Later I learned that she was a single mother with 3 children.My heart__12__.In the following days,my__13__changed.I began to see Rose as a hurting person and even__14__ prayed for her.The ice started to__15__.As we had more chances

to work together,Rose became truly__16__to see me every time and would__17__her feelings.We became real friends.

That summer I__18__a lesson that I’ve never forgotten.The world is full of people like Rose—demanding,yet__19__inside.To turn an enemy into a friend,__20__is your best choice.

语篇解读 本文为夹叙夹议文,题材为日常生活类。作者通过讲述自己和一个待人严苛的人交往的故事,阐明了一个道理:爱可温暖人心。

1.A.confident C.friendly

B.cool D.patient

解析: 根据“although I already knew Rose was hard to work with”可知设空处答案为C项(friendly)。

答案: C 2.A.loved C.hated

B.forgot D.stopped

解析: 作者向Rose打招呼,Rose停下了手中的活看了她一眼。A项意为“热爱”;B项意为“忘记”;C项意为“讨厌”;D项意为“停止”。

答案: D 3.A.experience C.description

B.expression D.appearance

解析: 根据上下文可知,作者从Rose的表情中可以看出Rose见我是一名实习生而感不悦。A项意为“经验”;B项意为“表情”;C项意为“描述”;D项意为“外表”。

答案: B 4.A.Otherwise C.Therefore

B.Anyway D.Besides

解析: 虽然Rose不友好,但我还是开始工作了。A项意为“否则”;B项意为“即使这样”;C项意为“因此”;D项意为“此外”。

答案: B 5.A.pleased C.puzzled

B.excited D.disappointed

解析: 根据下句可知我做的一切都没让她高兴起来。A项意为“使……高兴”;B项意为“使……激动”;C项意为“使……困惑”;D项意为“使……失望”。

答案: A 6.A.everything C.something

B.nothing D.anything

解析: 整个上午,我做的事没有一件逃过她锐利的目光。动词miss在本句中意为:未看到,故答案为nothing。

答案: B 7.A.satisfied C.faced

解析: be faced with...面对…… 答案: C 8.A.assess C.inspect

B.start D.switch B.concerned D.equipped

解析: 我要请院长帮我换一份工作吗?A项意为“评估”;B项意为“开始”;C项意为“视察”;D项意为“改变”。

答案: D 9.A.quit C.resist

B.hesitate D.try

解析: 还是辞掉它找一个新的工作?A项意为“离开(工作职位)”;B项意为“犹豫”;C项意为“阻挡”;D项意为“尝试”。

答案: A 10.A.message C.notice

B.gift D.warning

解析: A项意为“消息”;B项意为“礼物”;C项意为“通知”;D项意为“警告”。 答案: A 11.A.accident C.conflict

B.defeat D.danger

解析: 第二天上午,为避免冲突,我尽可能照Rose的去做。A项意为“事故”;B项意为“失败”;C项意为“冲突”;D项意为“危险”。

答案: C 12.A.jumped C.raced

B.broke D.sank

解析: 当得知Rose是一位3个孩子的单身母亲时,我心情很沉重,故选D。 答案: D 13.A.plan C.aim

B.focus D.promise

解析: 在接下来的几天,我的关注点转移了。A项意为“计划”;B项意为“关注点”;C项意为“目标”;D项意为“诺言”。

答案: B 14.A.wildly C.silently

B.merrily D.curiously

解析: 甚至默默为她祈祷。A项意为“疯狂地”;B项意为“高兴地”;C项意为“默默地”;D项意为“好奇地”。

答案: C 15.A.increase C.gather

B.melt D.decline

解析: 根据句中的ice可知答案为melt(融化)。 答案: B 16.A.anxious C.guilty

B.proud D.happy

解析: 随着一起工作机会的增多,Rose每次见到我时,不仅变得真的很开心,而且还愿意和我分享她的感情了。A项意为“焦虑的”;B项意为“骄傲的”;C项意为“内疚的”;D项意为“高兴的”。

答案: D 17.A.share C.hide

B.control D.spare

解析: 参考上题解析。A项意为“分享”;B项意为“控制”;C项意为“躲藏”;D项意为“抽出”。

答案: A 18.A.gave C.attended

B.missed D.learnt

解析: A项意为“给”;B项意为“错过”;C项意为“出席”;D项意为“领会到,学到”。

答案: D

19.A.enthusiastic C.hurting

B.attacking D.positive

解析: 根据第四段中的a hurting person可知本题答案为C项。 答案: C 20.A.love C.forgiveness

B.explanation D.comfort

解析: 要把敌人变朋友,爱是你最佳的选择。 答案: A