江苏省南京十校2020届高三12月联考英语试题(WORD含答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章江苏省南京十校2020届高三12月联考英语试题(WORD含答案)更新完毕开始阅读

41. A. replaced B. distributed C. wrapped 42. A. meanings B. purposes

D. removed

C. sights D. reactions

43. A. exciting B. disappointing C. scheduled D. unexpected 44. A. arranged B. made C. reserved D. purchased 45. A. exchange B. contact C. stay 46. A. identified 47. A. seeing 48. A. money 49. A. threw 51. A. ranged 52. A. deepened 53. A. left 54. A. overcome

55. A. guarantees

B. confirmed B. assuming B. comfort B. pushed

D. custom

C. acknowledged D. conveyed C. mistaking D. believing C. complaints D. welfare C. helped C. since C. distinguished C. thinned C. shut C. expects

D. urged D. while D. transformed D. broadened D. cast D. deserves

50. A. even if B. as if

B. differed B. thickened B. turned

B. surrounded C. occupied D. covered B. requires

第三部分: 阅读理解(共15 小题; 每小题2 分, 满分30 分)

请认真阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


Deadly Disasters

Every Saturday, 9:00 p.m.

Each episode focuses on one natural tragedy and answer the questions who, what, where, why and when for each disaster. Using real footage(镜头) from the event, and the consequences, the viewer will have an overview of some of the key natural disasters that have to shape the world today. Seven Worlds, One Planet Every Monday, 9:00 p.m.

Millions of years ago incredible forces tore apart the Earth’s surface creating our seven countries each with its distinct climate, and animal life. From the colorful paradise of South America to the burning heat of Africa, Seven Worlds, One Planet displays the true character of each continent with unexpected stories, iconic landscapes and impressive wildlife. It reveals just how it shapes all life there and is an eye-opening journey around the world. Animal babies: First Year on Earth Every Wednesday, 8:05 p.m.

Remarkable behavior. Emotional stories. Scientific revelations. First Year on Earth follows the surprising lives of six baby animals as they grow up and experience their first 12 months in the wild. This wonderful series casts a new light on the worlds of animal infants, troops —and how human actions are shaping the challenges they face.

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Extreme Treks Series 3 Every Tuesday, 9:05 p.m.

Join adventurous and famous photographer Ryan Pyle, as he spends months exploring and photographing some of the best Extreme Trekking locations in the world. His human powered adventures are always inspiring, as he proves that anyone can get out and explore the great unknown.

The journeys undertaken in the series take the viewer on a spiritual, cultural, and physically extreme adventures.

56. Which of the following is true according to Seven Worlds, One Planet?

A. People can take photos and get close to nature in an adventurous way.

B. People will wonder at breathtaking scenery and unique climate around the globe. C. People can observe baby animals and reflect on the effect of human behaviors. D. People will better understand natural disasters happening in the seven countries. A. urge people to get close to nature B. promote the sales of certain products C. inform people of the latest video programs D. educate people on environmental protection


On some Swedish trains, passengers carry their e-tickets in their hands—literally. About 3,000 Swedes have chosen to insert grain-of-rice-sized microchips beneath the skin between their thumbs and index fingers. The chips, which cost around $150, can hold personal details, credit-card numbers and medical records. They rely on Radio Frequency ID (RFID), a technology already used in payment cards, tickets and passports.

By one estimate there are10,000 cyborgs with chip implants around the world. Sweden, home to several microchip companies, has the largest share. Fifty employees of Three Square Market, a Wisconsin-based firm, volunteered to receive chip implants that can be used to pay at vending machines and log in to computers.

Jowan ?sterlund, the founder of BioHax, a Swedish firm, claims chips are more secure than mobile phones because they are hard to hack. But skeptics still have concerns. RFID chips do not have GPS, but they leave a digital trail when they interact with doors, printers or turnstiles. In 2004 the Mexican attorney-general and his staff had chips inserted in their arms that tracked who had accessed sensitive information.

So why take the risk? Convenience is one draw. The infrastructure for microchip use exists wherever contactless IDs or payments are accepted. Sweden is well suited, as the world’s second most cashless country (after Canada). But the chips have little use unless companies play along. Few shops recognise chip implants yet. Even those organisations that do have had teething

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57. The purpose of the passage is to ________.

troubles. When Swedish rail officials began scanning passengers’ microchips, they saw LinkedIn profiles rather than evidence of ticket purchases. For now the chips are used largely as digital business cards, substitutes for keys or to store emergency documents such as wills.

So exhibitionism is another explanation. Chip enthusiasts include followers of a “trans-humanist” ideology that seeks to make full use of human bodies with technology. Elon Musk, an American entrepreneur, has invested in tech that merges machines with human brains. Some Christians, meanwhile, fear that microchips are “marks of the beast” foretold in the Bible. Hardly, says Mr ?sterlund. After all, “people once thought the Beatles were the Antichrist.” 58. With an inserted microchip, people can do the following except ________.

A. storing emergency documents in it B. taking a train without a paper ticket C. paying wherever they shop without cash D. looking up their medical records from it 59. By mentioning the Beatles in the last paragraph, the author intends to ________.

A. prove there is no need to fear microchips B. show they were once looked down upon C. explain how people think about microchips D. compare them with the popular microchips 60. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Different ways to have microchips inserted into human bodies. B. Technology behind microchips being inserted into human bodies.

C. Great convenience inserted microchips bring to people in their daily life in Sweden. D. Reasons why Sweden has the most people in the world to have microchips inserted.


Kids today are growing up on social media, which seems to offer endless opportunities for self-promotion and self-absorption. Acquiring a habit of humility(谦逊) can be a peaceful counterbalance to help kids remain kind and grounded. Researchers have identified two different aspects of humility. On a personal level, humble people have a secure identity that is neither arrogant(傲慢的) nor conscious of their own shortcomings, and they’re willing to accept new information. On a social level, humble people focus on others and see others as having the same worth as themselves.

Then, how does humility show up in children? To find it out, psychologist Judith Danovitch and her colleagues surveyed nearly 130 six to eight-year-old from Michigan. First, the researchers asked the children to rate how much they knew about twelve topics. Then, the children were consociated with a doctor to see how many questions their team could answer correctly about these topics. The children had to decide which team member would answer each question. Children who rated their knowledge as lower and asked the doctor questions were considered more humble.

The researchers measured those children’s intelligence with a brief IQ test, and then asked

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them to play a computer game while having their brain activity recorded, which allowed the researchers to see how children responded when they made mistakes during the game.

Overall, Danovitch and her colleagues found that older children showed greater humility than younger children, and regardless of age children who humbly rated their knowledge as lower were more intelligent. Also, kids who had humbly delegated(将…给) questions to others “were more aware of having made a mistake and reflected on them,” thus turning a difficult task into a learning opportunity.

Although we don’t know exactly how to encourage humility in young kids yet, researchers have observed some things that humble kids have in common. In another relative study, purposeful youth expressed humility in interviews with the researchers. Humility and purpose working together seemed to help youth seek out mentors(良师益友) and work with like-minded peers. As with the kids playing the game, humility involves asking others for support—which could eventually help kids reach their goals. “In each case, humility supported the youths' pursuit of purpose and vice versa,” Bronk explains. “The two characteristics work together to promote positive youth development.”

61. In the first paragraph, the author underlines ________.

A. the qualities that humble people may possess B. the identification of different aspects of humility C. the difficulty children have behaving humbly today D. the benefits of acquiring a habit of humility to kids today 62. With children’s IQ tested, researchers meant to see whether ________.

A. smarter children did a better job in the game B. intelligence had something to do with humility C. they were qualified to participate in the game D. they made a quicker response to their mistakes

63. Which of the following is closest to the meaning of the underlined part in paragraph 2?

A. distributed to C. teamed up with

B. submitted to D. associated with

64. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. Humble children are fond of making friends with others. B. How to encourage humility in young kids is still unknown. C. Humble children are good at cooperating and turning to others. D. Humility contributes to children’s reaching goals on their own.


Looking back on too many years of education, I can identify one truly impossible teacher. She cared about me, and my intellectual life, even when I didn’t. Her expectations were high—impossibly so. She was an English teacher. She was also my mother.

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