扎克伯格给女儿的信(中英对照) 联系客服

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Children who face traumatic experiences early in life often develop less healthy minds and bodies. Studies show physical changes in brain development leading to lower cognitive ability. 童年遭受心灵创伤的孩子常有着不怎么健康的思维和身体。研究显示,大脑发育的变化可导致认知能力降低。

Your mother is a doctor and educator, and she has seen this firsthand. 你的妈妈是一位医生和老师,她亲眼见过这些。 If you have an unhealthy childhood, it's difficult to reach your full potential.

如果你有不健康的童年,很难完全发挥潜力。 If you have to wonder whether you'll have food or rent, or worry about abuse