新概念英语第一册全册144课练习题(完美打印版)word版本 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章新概念英语第一册全册144课练习题(完美打印版)word版本更新完毕开始阅读

( ) 4. She goes to school ___. A. by bus

B. on foot C. A and C

( ) 5. It takes her ___ to do her homework.

A. about an hour B. one hour and a half C about one hour and a quarter. 四、改写句子。

根据课文中的句型重点,连词成句。 1. a, minute, can, come, here, you, Bob, for

_____________________________________________________________________ 2. in, she, is, office, her

_____________________________________________________________________ 3. she, letter, can, me, this, type, for


4. she, of, course, can

_____________________________________________________________________ 5. Susan, is, where

_____________________________________________________________________ 五、作文。

你的同事要你为他打一封信件,但是你由于下列情况没有办法为他做,请根据下列要求写一篇作文,不少于10个句子,开头已为你写好。 1.你没有时间,因为你还有大量的工作要做。 2. 他的书写太糟糕你看不懂他所写的内容。

3. 如果他不急用的话,可以明天为他打,但是要他把字写清楚点。

I am sorry I can type this letter for you. Because I ……



一、 填空。

1. 新鲜的2. 上等的___________________ 3. 甜的4. 蜂蜜_____________________

5. 黑板6. 橙子_____________________ 7. 纯净的8. 成熟的___________________ 9. 果酒10. 纯净的__________________

二、从下面A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的答案,并把正确的字母编号写在括号里。 ( ) 1. They ___ their homework in the evening. A. don’t do B. don’t C. not do ( ) 2. — Would you like some more milk? — ___.

A. Certainly, I like B. Yes, please C. No, I wouldn’t

( ) 3. It is May Day holiday. ___ shops are still open, but most of them are closed.

A. The B. Some C. Many ( ) 4. — I’ve made some coffee. Would you like ___? — That would be fine. A. some B. any ( ) 5. — Do you like ___?

— Yes. I prefer to have ___. A. pets/fishes B. pets/fish ( ) 6. Which do you like better? ___ or ___? A. biscuits/breads B. Biscuit/bread ( ) 7. Young children should have more ___ every day. A. vegetables B. vegetable ( ) 8. — Why are these apples so expensive?

C. no

C. pet/fish C. Biscuits/bread C. some vegetable

— Because they are ___. A. new B. red C. choice ( ) 9. — What do you want to buy? — ___.

A. A beer and a jam B. A bottle of beer and a bottle of jam

C. a beer and a bottle of jam

( ) 10. I usually ___ books in the morning. A. look B. read C. watch ( ) 11. — Do you have a baseball? — ____.

A. No, I do B. Yes, I don’t C. Yes, he does ( ) 12. ___ do you spell it? A. What B. How C. Which ( ) 13. — Do you mind if I smoke here? — ___. No smoking here. A. Oh no, please B. Yes, please C. I’m sorry, but I do ( ) 14. Where ___ your hometown? A. is B. was C. are

( ) 15. Many people think that beer ___ better than alcohol(酒、白酒).

A. is B. was C. are 三、阅读短文, 根据短文内容选择问题的正确答案. Mother: What’s wrong, children? Children: We’re thirsty, mum!

Mother: What would you like to drink? Jim: I’d like a Coke, please! Kate: Orange for me, please!

Mother: Sit down here. Let me go, OK? ……

Mother: Here you are! A bottle of Coke and a bottle of orange. Children: Thank you, Mum!

Jim: The Coke is very nice. Would you like some, mum? Kate: You can have some of my orange, Mum!

Mother: Oh, no, thank you. I’m not thirsty. Are you all right now? Children: Yes, thank you, mum! ( ) 1. Who are Kate and Jim? A. They are brothers B. They are sisters C. They are brother and sister ( ) 2. What’s wrong with the children?

A. They are playing games. B. They are thirsty C. They are tired. ( ) 3. Jim would like ___. A. some oranges B. some orange C. a Coke ( ) 4. Which sentence is wrong?

A. Mum would like a bottle of Coke and a bottle of orange.

B. Kate is Jim’s sister.

C. The children all loves their mother. ( ) 5. Where’re they from?

A. They are from England B. They are from China C. We don’t know. 四、改写句子。

根据课文中的句型重点,连词成句。 1. we, vegetables, have, and, for, lunch, rice

_____________________________________________________________________ 2. are, there, in, people, my, 3, family


3. have, meals, we, together, our, day, every

_____________________________________________________________________ 4. usually, we, have, in, milk, and, bread, the, morning

_____________________________________________________________________ 5. have, we, some, congee, dinner, for

_____________________________________________________________________ 五、作文。

假如你是李明,你将要在下个月接待一位来自澳大利亚的学生(Mike), 他将住在你的家里.现在,请你写封email,向Mike告知以下情况: 1.你家的住址。


3.你的家人以及工作、学习情况。 4.饮食、起居的方式。 5.欢迎他的到来。

( )10. I hope I can live in the country _____ another two weeks.

Lesson 49

一 单词拼写

1.卖肉的 ____________________ 3.鸡 ________________________

2. 肉馅 _______________________ 4. 实情 _______________________

5.丈夫 ______________________ 6. 西红柿 _____________________ 7.豆角 ______________________ 8. 卷心菜 _____________________ 9.桃 ________________________ 10.葡萄 _______________________ 二 选择

( )1.----___she likes the strawberries? ----No, she ___

A. Does/does B.Do/doesn’t C,Does/doesn’t ( )2 Mid-Autumn Day usually____in September or October every year. A.come B.comes C. is coming ( )3.---Which woukd you like, tea or coffee? ---__is OK,I really don’t mind. A.Both B. None C.Either ( )4.---Is your father a docter?

----Yes,he is .He ___in Town Hospital. A.has worked B. had worked C.works ( )5.Mike Jordan is a basketball star.I like __very much. A.he B. him C.his ( )6.----Hi! What are you doing?

----We ____about a football match. A.talked B.are talking C.talks ( )7.Look! The girls ___goodbye to their grandma. A.say B.says C. are saying ( )8.----What does Steven usually do first in the morning? ----He usually ___his face and hands first. A.washes B.washed C.washing ( )9.Carter doesn’t like eating fast food, and I don’t ,____. A.too B. either C.also ( )10.---How delicious the food is ! ---Would you like ___more? A.much B.some C.any ( )11.Jim is American.____he can speak very good English. A.if B.so C.because ( )12.---Who cleans the room every morning? ----Jimmy ____. A.cleans B.does C.is cleaning ( )13.----We never know ___he wants. ----They say he wants a baby boy. A.whom B.what C.which ( )14.He is thirsty.Please give him some___to drink. A.rice B.meat C.water ( )15.Don’t forget to___thank you when someone has helped you. A.speak B.say C.tell 三 阅读

My sister has two sons, one is 4years old and the other is 6 years old. One day I go to see my sister. Her husband isn’t at home. It’s time for lunch and we sit at the table waiting for the dishes. Now the mother is in the kitchen. I hear a talk between the brothers. The 6-year-old boy says.“Dad is not at home. I am the head of our family today. And I can sit on dad’s chair.”But the 4-year-old boy says, “No. Sit on mum’s chair if you are the head of our family today.”