2014新译林小学英语六年级上册 - 6A - 精品复习资料(非常全)(来自权威教育机构) - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2014新译林小学英语六年级上册 - 6A - 精品复习资料(非常全)(来自权威教育机构) - 图文更新完毕开始阅读

词+ 形容词,另外我们学过的系动词还有be、get、look

如:It was rainy yesterday. 昨天是个下雨天。 You look sad. 你看起来伤心。

In autumn, the days get shorter. 秋天,白天时间变得短了。 4. It was time for lunch. 该吃午饭的时候了。

这是It’s time for …句型的过去时表达,另外表示“该…的时候了‖还可以用it’s time to.

It’s time for …后面跟名词或动名词, It’s time to…后面跟动词原形,两者可以互换,如上述句子可以转化为It was time to have lunch. 再如:

It’s time for school. 相当于 It’s time to go to school. It’s time for class. 相当于 It’s time to have a class.

5. There was a parrot show in the park. 在公园有一个鹦鹉表演。 在这个句子中,show是名词,意为“展示,演出”。之前,我们学过show是动词,意为“出示”。如:Liu Tao showed his pictures to his friends. 刘涛把他的画给他的朋友们看。

我们学过类似的单词还有:watch(n. 手表, v. 观看), play(n. 戏剧, v. 玩,玩耍),rain(n. 雨, v. 下雨), park(n.公园, v. 停车), fly(n. 苍蝇, v. 飞)…, 如:

There is a lot of rain in our city. 我们城市雨水很多。 It is raining now. 现在在下雨。

Can I park my car in the park? 我能把车停在公园里吗? 【语音】

ear /??/ 双唇始终半开,发音从/?/滑向/?/,嘴巴不要张得太大。 ear, dear, hear, near, year, nearly

课堂练习 一、选择与所给例词发音相同的词。 ( )1. year A. bear ( )2. windy A. drink ( )3. become A. honey ( )4. ant A. rain ( )5. cloud A. show 二、按要求写单词。

1. near( 近义词) 3. here( 同音词) 5. cloudy(名词) 7. see(过去式) 9. took(原形) 三、英汉互译。

1. 在天空中 2. 丢了我的包 3. 变得晴朗 4. 该吃午饭的时间了。 5. 乌云

B. pear B. high B. found B. change B. shout

C. near C. climb C. lose C. magic C. country 2. in front of ( 反义词) 4. rainy(动词) 6. become(过去式) 8. happy( 反义词) 10. lose(过去式) 6. a parrot show 7. some dumplings 8. watch a film 9. hold onto the kite 10. cheer together 13


1. It was ____ __. There was a lot of ____ __(rain).

2. It was __ ____. There were black __ ____(cloud) in the sky. 3. Children ___ ___(go) to the park by bike this Sunday. 4. We ____ __(see) some bees flying in the flowers just now.

5. He _____ _(look) sad, because he __ ____(lose) a new pen. 6. _______ _ people can see them, foolish people can’t see them. 7. Willy says (next) sentence. 四、选择题。 ( ) 1. The children very happy in the garden last night. A. looks B. were C. are D. was ( ) 2. — What ? — He his model plane. A. happens, lost B. is happening, is losing C. happened, loses D. happened, lost ( ) 3. Sam know why. A. wanted B. wants to C. want to D. want ( ) 4. It was in the morning. But it in the afternoon. A. sunny, rainy B. sunny, rained C .rainy, sunny D. rained, sunny ( ) 5. It just now(刚才). A. is, rainy B. was, rained C. was, rainy D. is, rain ( ) 6. Were there black in the sky? A. some, cloudy B. any, clouds C. some, clouds D. any, cloud ( ) 7.The kite flew high and we hold it. A. can’t, onto B. couldn’t, onto C. can, on D. could, on ( ) 8.The New Year is here.

A. near B. over C. nearly D. nearby 五、根据中文提示将句子补充完整。 1.天气很晴朗。

The is . 1. 请带些蜂蜜和面包。

Please some and bread. 2. 刚刚我发现它在小山附近。

I it the hill just now. 4.很久很久以前, 那儿有一座山。

, there a mountain there. 5.今天下午,我从我好朋友那得到一张卡片.

afternoon, I a card my good .


Unit Two单元练习卷

班级____________ 姓名 _______________得分________________




( ) 1.A. through B. think C. thin D. thank ( ) 2.A. dog B. cat C. parrot D. party ( ) 3.A.would B. could C. should D. shout ( ) 4.A. flower B. forest C. film D. Scottish ( ) 5.A.pick B. quick C. picnic D. point ( ) 6.A.hungry B. happen C. happy D. hurry ( ) 7.A.eating B. meeting C. getting D. fishing ( ) 8.A. work hard B. think hard C. study hard D. learn hard ( ) 9.A. turn left B. turn into C. turn green D. get warm ( ) 10. A. watched cartoons B. watched a film

C. watched a match D. watched a game



( ) 1. A. By bike. B. On foot. C. At seven. D. My brother. ( ) 2. A. No, she isn’t. B. No, she doesn’t. C. No, she can’t. D. No, she is. ( ) 3. A. I lost my new bike. B. It is Sunday. C. I have many books. D. How interesting! ( ) 4. A. Great. B. Well done.

C. I’m sorry to hear that. D. I’m so happy.

( ) 5. A. I’m ill. B. Rainy. C. Beijing. D. I was a teacher. 三、根据所听短文判断正误,正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分。短文读两遍)

( ) 1. Tom went to see his grandparents with his mother. ( ) 2. Tom went to see his grandparents on foot. ( ) 3. Tom ran(跑)on the bus. ( ) 4. It was rainy.

( ) 5. The driver told Tom to sit down. 四、听录音,填入所缺单词。(共10个空格;每空一词,每词1分,满分10分。短文读三遍)

Last Saturday, I went to the park with my friends. It was _________ in the morning. There was a flower _________ in it. We ________ a lot of _________ flowers. Then, the __________ became windy and __________. We flew kites __________ in the sky. After that, we _________ lunch. We __________ some drinks


and bread. We were very _________ in the park.



每小题1分,满分5分) ( ) 1. / ?? / A. wear B. pear ( ) 2. / ?: / A. arm B. quarter ( ) 3. / ? / A. away B. magic ( ) 4. / e? / A. weather B. idea

C. near C. card C. rain C. great

( ) 5. / ? / A. shout B. found C. touch 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。(共10个空格;每空一词,每词1分,满分10分)

1. There were black __________in the sky. (cloud)

2. I went _____________ with my friends last Saturday. (swim) 3. It was __________ last Monday. It __________ all day. (rain) 4. The weather __________ (become) _______ (wind) this morning. 5. The students _______ (fly)kites in the sky last Sunday.

6. I ______ (have ) a picnic with my friends yesterday(昨天). We _________(bring) some ___________ (bread) and dumplings. 三、英汉词组互译。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

1. 爬上小山 6. pick three cards 2. 抓紧 7. some dumplings 3. 飞走 8. do the housework 4. 找到我的钢笔 9. 20th September 5. 发生了什么事? 10. some interesting parrots 四、选择填空。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) ( )1. I don’t like days. A. rains B. rainy C. rain D. rained ( )2. We a kite and played games in the park.

A. fly B. flies C. flying D. flew

( )3. My mum me some bread ten minutes(分) ago. Would you like some,


A. bring B. brings C. brought D. bringing ( )4. Do you like the hill?

A. climb B. climbing C. climbed D. climbs ( )5. —What ? —He his kite. A. happens, lost B. is happening, is losing C. happened, loses D. happened, lost ( )6. Were there black in the sky? A. some, cloudy B. any, clouds C. some, clouds D. any, cloud 16