2014新译林小学英语六年级上册 - 6A - 精品复习资料(非常全)(来自权威教育机构) - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2014新译林小学英语六年级上册 - 6A - 精品复习资料(非常全)(来自权威教育机构) - 图文更新完毕开始阅读

Name Helen Mr Green Mrs Brown Mike Ten years ago read and draw√ ride a bike× call people at read e-books× home√ write emails× laugh√ write letters√ speak English× Now do many things√ have e-friends√ do shopping on the Internet√ go fishing× 根据表格信息, 回答下列问题。

1. What could Helen do ten years ago ?

________________________________________________________________ 2. Does Mr Green have e-friends now ?

________________________________________________________________ 3. Could Mrs Brown write emails ten years ago ?

________________________________________________________________ 4. What couldn’t Mike do ?

________________________________________________________________ 5. How does Mrs Brown do shopping now ?



Unit Four单元练习卷听力文字稿

一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(每小题读两遍) 1. Let’s start our lesson.

2. He wrote letters twenty years ago. 3. We can see some bread on the table.

4. They picked apples on the farm last weekend. 5. What’s the weather like today? 6. My father got angry yesterday. 7. Mike is still talking with his friend. 8. That little boy is my cousin.

9. The workers walk by my house every day.


10. She bought things from shops ten years ago. 二、听录音,根据问题选择合适的答句。(每小题读两遍) 1. Did you do your homework at home? 2. Could you fly kites three years ago? 3. What day is it today?

4. What’s the matter with you? 5. Where did you go?


Six years ago, Mike was five years old. He could read and draw. But he couldn’t write. He didn’t go to school either. Now he is a primary school student. He can read books and write very well. He can play football with his friend and he can ride a bike. On Sundays, he surfs the Internet. Sometimes he watches film on TV. 四、听录音,完成下面的句子。(每小题读三遍)

1. Twenty years ago, my father used a telephone to call people. Now he has a mobile phone and he can call people anywhere.

2. My grandma made friends at school when she was a student. Now she has e-friends from all over the world.

Unit Four单元练习卷参考答案



四、1. ago, telephone, has, mobile, phone, anywhere

2. made, student, e-friends, world

笔试部分 一、ACABA

二、1. in the office 2. do may things 3. go on 4. watch news 5. listen to me


6. make friends 7. 往窗外看 8. 造句 9. 生气 10. 过去和现在 三、CCBBC CBCBA

四、1.made 2. to play 3. listens 4. are watching 5. ate 6. took

7. start 8. writes 9. reading 10. was 五、1.years, couldn’t, read 2. can, spell 3.does, shopping 4. lesson, are, talking 六、1.What, day 2. Did, get 3.couldn’t, do 4. didn’t, buy, any

5. Did Mr Brown write letters to his friends? 6. Helen is waiting for me at home.

7. Mike’s grandpa listened to the radio and read newspapers for news. 七、(A)BCACB

(B)1. She couldn’t read or draw. 2. Yes, he does. 3. No, she couldn’t.

4. He couldn’t write emails.

5. She does shopping on the Internet.




Unit Five

【词汇】 1. sign 标识 5. floor 地面

2. shopping centre 购物中心 4. mean 意思是 6. litter 乱扔垃圾 8. take?into 带入 14. smell 闻到

3. careful 小心,当心 7. go in 进入,走进

9. restaurant 饭店、餐厅 10. someone 某人

13. smoke 吸烟、抽烟

15. No eating or drinking. 请勿饮食。 17. No parking. 请勿停车。 19. Danger! 危险! 21. outing 外出游玩、远足 23. around 在…周围

25. metro 地铁

27. subway 地铁

16. No littering. 请勿乱扔垃圾。 18. No smoking. 请勿吸烟。 20. Wet floor. 小心地滑。 22. walk on 继续走路

24. What does it mean? 它是什么意思? 26. underground 地下的;地铁 28. design 设计

29. public公共的 30. should 应该 shouldn’t = should not 注:红色单词为本单元出现,但不在生词表里的单词,可作为“三会”来学。 【词组或短语】

1. at a shopping centre在购物中心 2. be careful小心 3. a juice shop一家果汁店 4. want some juice想要一些果汁 5. take your juice into the shop把你的果汁带进店里 6. eat some noodles 吃些面条 7. in a restaurant 在餐馆

8. Is someone smoking? 有人在吸烟吗? 9. No eating or drinking. 禁止吃喝 10. No littering. 禁止扔垃圾 11. No parking. 禁止停车 12. No smoking. 禁止吸烟 13. Danger! 危险 14. Wet floor. 地板潮湿 15. on an outing 在郊游 16. in the forest 在森林里 17. It’s time for lunch. 吃午饭的时间了。 18. feel tired and hungry 感觉又累又饿 19. look for 寻找 20. bring some for lunch 带了些午饭吃的东西 21. want one 想要一个 22. walk on 继续走路 23. on a tree 在树上 24. find a sign 发现一个标志 25. eat bananas 吃香蕉 26. see a lot of monkeys 看见许多猴子 27. around them 在他们周围 28. look at 看着

29. so happy 那么高兴 30. give sb sth = give sth to sb给某人某物 31. It means … 它的意思是?? 32. a fruit shop 一家水果店 33. a toy shop 一家玩具店 33. some public places 一些公共场所 【语法】