浙江省温州市2019-2020学年中考英语第一次联考试卷(含答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章浙江省温州市2019-2020学年中考英语第一次联考试卷(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读



1.When is the school-leavers' party?

A. B. C.

【答案】 C


2.What does Lucy do when she meets her teacher?

A. B. C.

【答案】 A


3.Which invention does Jerry think is the most important?

A. B. C.

【答案】 C


4.Where will Peter and his friend meet tomorrow?

A. B. C.

【答案】 B


5.How does Tina improve her English?

A. B. C.

【答案】 A




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(1)What pollution are the two speakers talking about? A. Noise pollution. B. Water pollution. C. Air pollution. (2)What are they going to do to protect the environment later? A. To make a programme. B. To raise some money. C. To make some signs. 【答案】 (1)B (2)C

【考点】长对话理解 7.听对话,回答问题。

(1)Why did Mike go to Shanghai?

A. To have a test. B. To have a meeting. C. To enter a competition. (2)Who teaches him to sing songs?

A. His teachers. B. His parents. C. His friends. (3)How long did he stay there?

A. For a week. B. For two weeks. C. For a month. 【答案】 (1)C (2)B (3)A



Flight Information Flight number 1 Reason The plane was put off because of 2 . Transportation The 3 will take the passengers to the hotel. Food Each passenger can get dinner and 4 for free. The passengers might be 5 the service of the Airline.

1. A. CZ989

B. CZ938

C. CZ839

2. A. strong wind B. heavy snow C. heavy rain 3. A. taxi B. car C. bus 4. A. juice

B. water

C. milk

5. A. angry with B. pleased with C. proud of

【答案】 (1)A;(2)B;(3)C;(4)C;(5)B; 【考点】短文理解


9.—He is such________ honest boy that he never tells lies.

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—I agree, I believe what he says.

A. a B. an C. / D. the 【答案】 B


10.When you shop online, you should write down your exact _______, or you can't receive the products. A. date B. secret C. address D. wish 【答案】 C 【考点】名词辨析

11.If a student is able to ________others what he's learnt from textbooks, it shows he has understood it well. A. post B. lend C. teach D. refuse 【答案】 C

【考点】动词原形,动词辨析,实义动词 12.—Have you watched the movie Aquaman?

—Of course. I think nothing is _______than it and I'd like to watch it again.

A. more exciting B. more boring C. less interesting D. less expensive 【答案】 A


13.She didn't know anything about the idea of zero waste ________she read a book about it. A. unless B. until C. after D. while 【答案】 B 【考点】连词辨析

14.Deng Lun is one of the post-90s stars who became famous ________his acting skill. A. according to B. in order to C. because of D. instead of 【答案】 C 【考点】短语辨析

15.—I tried many ways to solve the problem, but ________of them worked. —Never give up. You'll surely make it.

A. both B. all C. neither D. none 【答案】 D

【考点】不定代词,代词辨析 16.—Wow, so much pocket money I've got!

—Lucky you, but as teenagers, we should use it ________.

A. mainly B. properly C. immediately D. simply 【答案】 B 【考点】副词辨析

17.—Do you know the 19th Asian Games ________in Hangzhou in 2022? —Yes, we are all happy with the news.

A. hold B. will hold C. will be held D. were held 【答案】 C

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18.—Look! Is the man wearing a white shirt your father? —No, it ________be him. He is picking up my sister at the airport.

A. may B. must C. can't D. mustn't 【答案】 C


19.The book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer ________is one of Mark Twain's famous works interests him a lot. He has read it many times so far.

A. what B. who C. whom D. which 【答案】 D


20.Nowadays China has made great progress in many fields. We really ________our amazing China. A. take pride in B. look forward to C. worry about D. win the heart of 【答案】 A 【考点】短语辨析

21.—It's true that being happy is an ability. So could you tell me________? —Yes. Just as President Xi says, \A. how we can find happiness B. who can help achieve happiness C. when we can look for happiness D. why happiness is so important to us 【答案】 A

【考点】连接代词或连接副词引导,陈述语序 22.—The maths problem is too difficult for me to work out.

—Don't worry, you can discuss with your classmates tomorrow, because________. A. seeing is believing B. practice makes perfect C. many hands make light work D. it's never too old to learn 【答案】 C 【考点】谚语

23.—Would you mind my turning up the TV? The concert has just begun. —________. Just go ahead.

A. Please don't B. Better not C. I'm afraid not D. Of course not 【答案】 D 【考点】情景交际


24.阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 As my husband, Doug, stood on the busy New York city street trying to stop a taxi, I tried to protect my daughter from the cold December wind and rain. I put my head down to kiss her tiny face.

Frustrated and 1 , my husband gave up his attempt to flag down a taxi. I knew the feeling. Just after her first birthday, we 2 that our daughter Katie had a rare brain illness. Since that

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