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is rewarded with food called nectar when it visits the flowers. Pollen becomes attached to the animal during its visit to a flower and is then passed on to another plant's blossom on its next visit. So pollination takes place, therefore increasing the chances of the survival of the plant species.



Through evolution, most flowers have adapted to attract specific types of pollinators. Bees, moths and butterflies are the most important pollinators. Flies, wasps, beetles and other animals such as birds and bats are less common.


The type of pollinator depends on the characteristics of the flower such as its colour, shape, size and smell. For example, yellow flowers attract bees, while red flowers attract butterflies. The nectar in some flowers can only be reached by a bird with a long bill or a long-tongued moth or butterfly. The chart below describes some features of flowers that

attract certain kinds of pollinators.

花粉传播者的类型取决于花朵的特性,如花朵的颜色、形状、大小和气味。举例来说,黄色的花吸引蜜蜂,而红色的花则吸引蝴蝶。有些花的花粉只有长嘴鸟、长舌蛾或者蝴蝶才可以够得着。下面这张图表记述了吸引某种花粉传播者的花朵特性: Pollinator Typical flower characteristics

Bees Colour: bright yellow, blue; the flower often has a special pattern to guide the bees to the nectar inside.

Shape: the petals are wide enough for bees to land on;usually the nectar is at the end of a small, narrow tube whose length is the same as the tongue of a particular species. Smell: delicate, fragrant. Butterflies Colour: red, orange.

Shape: the petals form a tube of a suitable length for butterflies. Tiny flowers are often in tight bunches that provide a place for butterflies to land on, eg daisies. Smell: odourless.

Moths Colour: white, light-coloured so moths can see them at night. Shape: the petals form a deep tube to match the length of a specific moth's tongue. The petals lie fiat or bend back so the moth can get close to the flower.

Smell: strong, sweet perfume, typically only given out at night.

Flies Colour: dull-coloured, brownish red. Smell: strong like rotting meat.

Humming-birds Colour: brightly coloured, especially red and orange. Shape: tube-shaped; petals bent back so birds can get close. Smell: no odour.

Bats Colour: white, light-coloured so bats can see them at night. Shape: open at night; large, strong with wide mouths for long tongues. Smell: musty, fruity smell. 虫花朵的典型特性 媒 蜜颜色:嫩黄色、蓝色;这种花常有一种特殊的花纹,吸引蜜蜂蜂 找到里面的花蜜。 形状:花瓣宽大,足够蜜蜂落在上面,花粉通常在狭小的花管子的一段,其长度与特定花粉传播者的舌头相当。 气味:微弱,芬香。 蝴颜色:红色、橙色。 蝶 形状:花瓣聚为管状,其长度适应蝴蝶,纤小的花朵经常聚在一块儿,自成一束,以便蝴蝶能有地方降落,如雏菊。 气味:无味。 飞颜色:白色、浅色,以便飞蛾在夜晚能看清。 蛾 形状:花瓣开成一个深管子,其长度与特定蛾子的舌头长度相当。花瓣伸展或向后弯曲,以便飞蛾靠近花朵。 气味:浓烈的香甜味,特别只在夜晚散发(given out)出来。

苍颜色:灰暗色(dull-cloured)、褐红色. 蝇 气味:浓烈的像腐肉似的气味。 蜂颜色:鲜艳色,特别是鲜红色和鲜橙色. 鸟 形状:管状,花瓣向后卷,以便鸟儿接近 气味:无嗅味。 蝙颜色:白色、浅色,这样蝙蝠夜晚能够看到。 蝠 形状:夜晚开花;大而坚,嘴宽,可供长舌伸入。 气味:发霉的(musty)果子(fruity)味。

选修9 Unit 5 Inside advertising-Reading


Do you know how many advertisements you are exposed to in your daily life? Every day, we pass by advertisements on buses and billboards, on trains and in train stations, in shop windows, outside restaurants and on public notice boards. At home, we see advertisements in magazines and newspapers and in the middle of our favourite television programmes. We hear advertisements on the radio and come across them on the Internet. Even some of the casual garments we wear have brand names attached to them which turn us into walking advertisements. With so many messages from advertisers filling our daily lives, it is important to understand how advertisements work. Then we can avoid being controlled by them.

第五单元 广告是如何起作用的