高中英语 Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia单元综合检测卷 外研版必修3 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章高中英语 Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia单元综合检测卷 外研版必修3更新完毕开始阅读


Have you ever seen a sandstorm?I would like to share with you my personal __21__ of the sandstorm in northern China.On April 7,2004,we decided to __22__ a city in Jilin Province.It was supposed to be a four-hour drive from the place where we lived.We __23__ at about 7:00 only to see the most amazing __24__ we had ever seen.The sky was __25__ as if it was midnight.The __26__ from the few cars that dared to travel in the streets were yellowish.So we had to stay at home,__27__ for a better condition for our trip.

The wind was fairly __28__ and might have been stronger at night __29__ we woke up.The visibility(能见度) at this point was close to 20m.About two hours later the __30__ increased to 50m and stayed so __31__ about 10:00 am. When the dust lifted(消散) a little and the visibility __32__

to 200m,we decided to drive out.However,everybody on the road was enveloped in the thick fog with dust and the sky glowed with a dark __33__ color,so we hardly saw each other __34__.Sometimes,the wind suddenly __35__ a lot of dust and sand and the visibility occasionally decreased to 20—50m,making it very __36__ to drive. The dust __37__ in the air until the late afternoon when it slightly lifted.At last,we arrived at the city,but the trip that __38__ took about four hours,took us nearly eight hours.The dust remained in the __39__ for about two more days.On the third day a short period of rain __40__ as the cold front passed the region.So the terrible scene came to an end,and everything took on a lively and fresh appearance again. 21.A.experience C.idea 答案 A

解析 根据下文可知作者要跟大家讲述他经历沙尘暴的故事,故experience最合适。 22.A.leave C.call 答案 B

解析 根据下文可知填visit。 23.A.woke up

B.record D.action

B.visit D.see

B.sat up


C.set off 答案 A

D.left off

解析 根据下文可知他们此时还没有出发,而是呆在屋里,故这时他们可能只是刚刚醒来,用woke up。 24.A.storm C.rain 答案 A

解析 根据前文的sandstorm判断。 25.A.dark C.blue 答案 A

解析 根据空后的midnight判断。 26.A.walls C.covers 答案 D

解析 根据后面的yellowish判断是lights。 27.A.leaving C.taking 答案 B

解析 由于沙尘暴,而且天非常暗,不宜出行,所以只能呆在家里等待情况好一点再出发。 28.A.strong C.weak 答案 A

解析 由空后“stronger”可知此处是指风大,应用strong。 29.A.after C.before 答案 C

解析 根据前文描述,应用before。这是他们对醒来前的推测。 30.A.speed C.strength 答案 D

解析 根据前文的visibility可知。两小时后能见度提高到50米。 31.A.since C.when

B.snow D.wind

B.bright D.cold

B.glass D.lights

B.waiting D.calling

B.faint D.soft

B.when D.while

B.power D.visibility

B.before D.until


答案 D

解析 此处应填“直到”,所以选until,指这种情况一直持续到10点钟。 32.A.increased C.decreased 答案 A

解析 由200m可知能见度提高了。“提高到”应用increase to。 33.A.red C.green 答案 B

解析 根据前文的yellowish及dust判断应选yellow。 34.A.faintly C.successfully 答案 B

解析 天空布满沙尘,呈暗黄色,因此我们几乎看不清对方。clearly清晰地,清楚地,符合语境。

35.A.picked up C.turned up 答案 A

解析 pick up卷起;take up开始从事;turn up开大(音量);look up向上看,查阅。由下文有时能见度下降到20—50米,可知是风突然卷起沙尘所致,故pick up符合语境。 36.A.safe C.normal 答案 B

解析 由上文沙尘不断,能见度下降可知这种情况下开车很危险,故dangerous危险的,符合语境。 37.A.remained C.covered 答案 A

解析 remain仍然存留于。空气中仍飘浮着沙尘,直到下午晚些时候才有点消散。 38.A.normally C.frequently 答案 A

解析 normally一般地,正常地;rarely很少,不常;frequently频繁地;particularly特别地,尤其地。根据下一句判断选A项。


B.reduced D.stayed

B.yellow D.black

B.clearly D.perfectly

B.took up D.looked up

B.dangerous D.possible

B.jumped D.dropped

B.rarely D.particularly

39.A.city B.town C.air D.car 答案 C

解析 根据本段第一句可知选air。尘土弥漫在空气中大约两天多。 40.A.happened C.struck 答案 B

解析 dropped表示“雨点掉下来了,开始下雨了”。


第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Duncan:Hi,Lucy.Come back from your summer holiday?Seems ages 41.since I last saw you.Where have you been?

Lucy:Hi,Duncan! Well,I was in Italy for my holiday.

Duncan:Italy?What a lucky dog you are! So many beautiful things 42.to_see(see),the Leaning Tower! Oh,yeah,the football! Where else did you go after Italy? Lucy:No,I stayed in Italy until yesterday.

Duncan:What?You mean you spent 43.the whole holiday there?Not just one week 44.or two weeks?But how could you manage to do that?You are no 45.richer(rich) than I am.Did you rob a bank?

Lucy:Nonsense! 46.Actually(actual),it was easy.I got a job there.I gave English lessons to a grocer.

Duncan:But you are not a language teacher.

Lucy:I told him I wasn’t,but he insisted 47.on having conversation lessons.He had a lot of customers

from English-speaking countries,so 48.it was very important for him to be able to speak English.49.In return,he gave me money as well as a room and three meals a day.

Duncan:Mm,did your student learn much English? Lucy:I don’t know,50.but I learned a lot of Italian. 第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



B.dropped D.flew