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If we consider men and women generally, and apart from their professions or occupations, there is only one situation I can think of in which they almost pull themselves up by their bootstraps, making an effort to read better than they usually do. When they are in love and are reading a love letter, they read between the lines and in the margins; they read the whole in terms of the parts, and each part in terms of the whole; they grow sensitive to context and ambiguity, to insinuation and implication; they perceive the color of words, the odor of phrases, and the weight of sentences.They may even take the punctuation into account. Then, if never before or after, they read.

It is as wasteful to read a great book solely for information as to use a fountain pen for digging worms.

But there may be a silver lining to this story for parents .但是可能有一线生机