湖南省2017年普通高等学校对口招生考试英语试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章湖南省2017年普通高等学校对口招生考试英语试题更新完毕开始阅读

第一节 英汉互译(本节共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)



86. In the past two years,I have been working in the library. 87. Cars give Americans the freedom they want..

88. Please fill up the form according to the instructions.

89.His working style is likely to bring _________(危险)to others.

90. Employers should ________(尽力)to protect their workers’ health and safety.


86. We will solve the problem as soom as possible.

87. Traveling is good for people’s health.

88.We would like to thank you for helping us to improve our work. 89.Don’t ________(欺骗)customers in business.

90.Everybody in our department has to __________ (上交)their work reports and plans.

第二节 应用文写作(本节共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)


Dear Lucy,

I hope everything is going well with you. And I’m sorry to tell you I have a big problem now. As you know I am in Grade Nine this 91 (本学期). Sometimes there are many exams. I realize one of the most important time is coming now.

Before the tests , I always 92 (担心) the tests. I’m 93 (害怕的) I can’t pass them.

When I take the tests, I always want to write the answers as quickly as 94 (可能). In fact, I often make many 95 (错误).

After the tests, I can’t sleep well at night. I think how foolish I am. The next day, when I am 96 (上课), I will be very 97 (困倦的). I always want to have a 98 (休息).

What’s the 99 ( 麻烦) with me? If you have any ideas, please 100 (回复) to me , I really need your help.

Yours, Ann