2010高考英语单词拼写专练(按字母顺序)[1] 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2010高考英语单词拼写专练(按字母顺序)[1]更新完毕开始阅读



1. journey 2. January 3. Judging 4. jacket

5. Japan 6. Japanese 7. Japanese 8. join 9. juice10. jumping 11. June 12.jokes 13.keeping 14.killed 15. kicking 16.kilometers

17. kindergartens 18. kitchen19. knees 20. knife 21. Knocking 22.knocking 23. known 24. knowing 25. Knowledge 26. kilos L

1. Construction workers are paid for their ______ (劳动)by the hour. 2. There are a large collection of books in our school ______(图书馆). 3. Madam Curie devoted her ________(一生) to doing research into Radium. 4. He lived alone on that ______(偏僻的) island for twenty years. 5. The young plants died _________(缺) of water. 6. Stand the ___________-(梯子) up for me please! 7. The English _________(语言) is the most easier to learn. 8. Room 201 is the ___________(大) of the two. 9. Keep me informed of the _________(最近) news. 10. On hearing the news , we burst into ________(大笑). 11. Whoever goes against the __________(法律) will be punished. 12. Tom is on the way of becoming a _____________(律师).

13. His __________(讲座) are so interesting that each time he gives one , the tickets are all sold out.

14. Cloth of this kind is sold by __________---(长度).

15. Before ____________(解放), women were looked down upon. 16. A thunderstorm followed a _________(闪电). 17. Life is ____________(有限)

18. \幸运) dog \

19. Take good care of your _________(行李) while you are in the station. 20. What do you have for _________(午饭)?

21. ___________(陷入) in thought , Marx knocked into a tree.




22. There will be a ________(现场) football match this afternoon. Don't miss it. 23. Never have I _________(撒谎) to my parents.

24. We all sat in the chairs , __________(听) to the teacher carefully. 25. ____________-(管理员) are very strict in their work. 26. The English use __________(运货汽车) very often.

27. The detector spent the whole night __________(锁) in the lady's room. 28. In the old days, children of your age made a __________(生计) by begging. 29. What a ____________(好) day it is!

30. The meeting ___(持续) three hours. How boring! 答案:

1. labour 2. library 3. lifetime 4. lonely 5. lack 6. ladder 7. language 8. larger 9. latest 10. laughers 11. law 12. lawyer 13. lectures 14. length 15. liberation 16. lightening 17. limited 18. lucky 19. luggage 20. lunch 21. Lost 22. live 23. lied 24. listening 25. Librarians 26. lorries 27. locked 28. living 29. lovely 30. lasts


1. Don't leave the washing _________ (机器)running all the time, otherwise it will go wrong. 2. This kind of ________ (杂志) sells well, especially among the teenagers. 3. Do you need help? ---- Thanks , but I can _____(胜任) it myself. 4. Are you _______(结婚), Bob? ---- No, I am still single.

5. Early in the morning, farmers will go to ________ (市场)to sell their vegetables. 6. To _______ (掌握)a language skillfully, you should practise more. 7. Which _______(材料) is this blanket made of, wool or cotton?

8. To our great astonishment, he wrote down the long poem from _________.(记忆) 9. An experienced teacher should acquire various teaching ________.(方法)




10. I am sorry that I took your umbrella by ______.(错误) 11. Who will be elected _______ (班长)of our class, Peter or Bob?

12. Martin Luther King was _______ (谋杀)because of his work for the black. 13. We need a lot of m_____(音乐) instruments to give a concert. 14.________(精神上的) wound is harder to heal than physical wound. 15. ____________-(措施) should be taken to prevent pollution.

16. John would like to go to a ______________(医学) college to study further. 17. As league __________(员), we should be more strict than others. 18. The coal ___________(商人) in the ship has a strong Scotish accent. 19. I said it was _____________(仅) a joke. 20. Wish you a ____________(快乐) Christmas!

21. CAN you take this ______________(信息) to your brother for me? 22. Is it made of wood or __________(金属)?. 23. ___________(百万) of stars are glittering in the sky.

24. Keep it in _______(心中) that you should grasp the important points. 25. The _________(时刻) my head touched the pillow, I fell asleep. 26. With a ________(镜子) reflecting light, the boy saved his mother.

27. IN ____________(现代) society, people realized health is the most important. 28. ___________(星期一) is followed by Tuesday.

29. Could you tell me the way to the Science ________(博物馆)? 30. I hate it when people speak with their ___________(嘴) full.

31. The ____________(大多数) of the ss come to realize the importance of English. 32. The old man, with shaking hands, struck several ________(火柴) to light the oil lamp. 答案:

1. machine 2. magazine 3. manage 4. married 5. market 6. master 7. material 8. memory 9. methods 10. mistake 11. monitor 12. murdered 13. musical 14. mental 15. Measures 16. medical 17. member 18. merchant 19. merely 20. Merry 21. message 22. metal 23. millions 24. mind 25. moment 26. mirror 27. modern 28. Monday 29. Museum 30. mouths 31. majority 32.matches




N 1.China is rich in its _______(自然) resources.

2.We all think it __________(必要的) to master a foreign language. 3.It is time that he had an interview, so he feels a bit ________.(紧张) 4.China Daily is one of my favorite n___________. 5.September is the ____(第九) month in the year.

6.It is so ______ in the dancing hall that I can't hear your voice clearly.(吵闹) 7.____________(现今), more and more teenagers are addicted to tobacco. 8.What's the _____ temperature of a person? ---- It's 37 degree centigrade.(正常) 9.The people trapped in the fire ______________(勉强) escaped at last.

10.At the news of Zhou En lai's death, the whole __________(国家) was in deep sorrow. 11.---What's your ______________(国籍)?----German. 12.English is generally used in _______________(国家) affairs. 13.Chinese is our ____________-(本族) language.

14.Whoever goes against ____________(自然) will be punished.

15.There is a hospital _______(附近) where you can send the patient as soon as possible. 16.He has a dream that he can turn _________(海军)when he grows up. 17.Keep your papers __________(整洁) and clean please! 18.Haven't you ___________(注意到) your teacher staring at you ? 19.Our meal is usually interrupted by our __________(邻居) boys.

20.Tom is the taller of the two ______(侄儿) ,while Mary is the cleverest of the three _______(侄女).

21.__________ (从没) have I had such a delicious meal.

22.Saturday ____________(晚上) are the best time to gather with the family.

23. _______(九十) students included, there were altogether 2000 people going abroad . 24.What a surprise! It is his ________(九十)) birthday.

25. He was a ___________(小人物) ten years ago, but now he is a somebody. 26.I greeted the students by __________(点头) to them.

27.After several days' treatment, Tom came back to his ________(正常) temperature. 28.The couples want to buy a house whose windows face _________(北部).

