东北三省三校2018届高三第二次模拟考试英语 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章东北三省三校2018届高三第二次模拟考试英语更新完毕开始阅读

entrance examination. Tired but determined, we fight for our dream without any hesitation.

Words fail me when I want to express my gratitude for the care and love from you. I sincerely hope that after graduation our friendship will last forever.

Thank you! From Li Hua. 听力原文 录音稿(Text 1)

M: I can’t find my pen anywhere. It was on the desk with my book a moment ago. W: Look! Here it is. You left it by the phone. (Text 2)

W: Can I go out with friends, Dad?

M: Yes, Carol, but you can’t go out in those clothes. It’s freezing today. W: Okay, Dad. I’ll wear something warmer. (Text 3)

M: How big is your research group, Alice?

W: Well, there were six of us to begin with. Then two people left. (Text 4)

M: Do you often ask your kid to help in the kitchen?

W: Yeah, Sarah enjoys pouring, mixing, and serving her creations to family members. M: Good! According to an article I’ve just read, that encourages healthy eating in kids. (Text 5)

W: Front Desk. Can I help you?

M: Oh, may I ask for a wake-up call, please? W: Yes sir, what time do you want? (Text 6)

M: Lily, don’t you think the scholarship from New York University is something great? Why did you decline this offer?

W: I do realize the value of the scholarship. But, if I could explain, my mother doesn’t want me to go overseas. M: Why?

W: You know, I’m the only child in the family. My mother will be living alone most of the time for three years in my absence. She cannot even think of it. M: Nobody to take care of her?

W: My father travels a lot to many countries and he is doing business in Dubai now. I have to do a lot for my mom at home.

M: Oh, I see. You are very considerate. (Text 7)


M: Anna just emailed to say that the managers’ meeting is put off till next Monday. Will you have everything ready by then, Sabrina? Hey, Sabrina, what’s wrong? W: I’m so worried. I haven’t heard from my sister for two weeks. M: How often do you call each other?

W: Normally at least once a week, but she’s now a volunteer teacher at a mountain village in Africa. I can only write her.

M: The mail can be really slow sometimes. I’m sure you’ll hear from her soon. W: I hope so.

M: You know the saying, “No news is good news.” If something were wrong,someone would have called you.

W: Maybe you’re right. Thanks, Jason. (Text 8)

W: I’m not sure about this soup, Karl. It has no taste.

M: No! I don’t think so, Maria. It tastes fine to me. We’ve been to this place before, and I don’t feel the soup tastes any different.

W: Well, I still think it needs something. Salt?

M: No, certainly not. What about pepper? If anything, I think it could use a little more of that. W: Now you’re talking. That’s exactly what it needs. And how about some more onions too? M: I don’t know about that. You seem to be starting to like food with strong tastes recently. W: Oh, really? (Text 9)

M: Good morning, I’m one of the students who rented your flat. It’s 55 Park Road. W: Oh, yes. Everything all right?

M: Not exactly. I’m afraid there are a couple of problems. W: Oh! I’m sorry to hear that. What kind of problems?

M: Well, we haven’t had any hot water for a couple of days now. I wonder if you could send someone to have a look at it.

W: Of course. I’ll get someone to come around at the weekend.

M: Well, could he come around a bit sooner? I don’t think we can manage until the weekend. W: I see. Okay. I’ll send someone over this afternoon then.

M: There’s also the matter of the fridge. We all assumed there would be one in the flat when we moved in, because that’s what we read from the advertisement in the newspaper.

W: Ah, yes. Sorry about that. I got rid of the old fridge, but I didn’t get around to ordering a new one yet. I’m really sorry. I’ll order one today and get it delivered to you tomorrow. M: We bought one on the Internet actually. But could you pay us back? W: Of course. Just tell me how much you paid for it. M: It’s 260 pounds. Thank you. (Text 10)

M: Hello everyone! I’m very happy to be invited to this program today. I’d like to share with you my impression of Paris. Actually, there’s something interesting to see in every corner of Paris: the old buildings, neighborhoods, and the historical monuments. The weather’s been great too, cool and dry. Some aspects of life here are different from those in the United States. The most obvious thing is that there is much more activity in the streets than in a typical US city. People gather together in open markets, cafés, parks, and squares. Then, of course, there’s the food. Food seems to be more important here. It’s beautifully shown in windows and markets. Everything is fresher and better tasting than at home. I’ve gained five pounds since I arrived. There are a few things that bother me though. I’m still having a hard time with the language. People speak very fast and it’s hard to get them to repeat things. People, in general, are less warm here and it’s hard to make friends. I guess that can be true in any big city in a new country, but the French do seem to be less friendly than the people back home.