Pocket英语语法(崔荣容)-视频笔记 联系客服

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The box is big enough to contain six apples. 足够大可以装6个苹果

3. on doing:一……就……

On seeing the snake, the girl was very frightened. 一看到那条蛇,女孩就非常害怕 (作状语)

4. There is no hope of doing:没希望…… There is no hope of seeing him. 没希望看见他

5. feel like doing:想要…… I feel like eating ice cream now.

6. have a hard time doing:做……很艰难

They have a hard time solving the problem themselves. 他们自己解决那个问题很困难 练习:

There are enough books to read(read). I feel like drinking(drink) coffee now. The room is too small to live(live).

第三十九讲 非谓语动词(5) 现在分词/过去分词,分词句


1.doing可称之为动名词;用在进行时中,称之为现在分词 Writing books is his job. 动名词

He is writing a book. 进行时“现在分词”

2.done用在完成时和被动语态中,称之为过去分词。 He has written the homework. 完成时 已经完成作业 The homework is written. 被动语态 作业被写好

3.分词句:是包含现在分词和过去分词的分句。 The students went out of the classroom, laughing and talking. 作伴随状语,边说边笑 Accompanied by his friend,he went to

the railway station. 作伴随状语,他被朋友陪伴着去了火车站。 练习:

He likes drinking (drink) coffee. The door was locked (lock).

Given (give) better attention, the plants could grow better.

第四十讲 原形不定式(1)使役动词


1.make, let,have做使役动词,构成形式为:

“have/make/let+宾语+动词原形” (动词前不加to)


He made me laugh. I let him go.

Please have him come here.


I can’t get anyone to do the work properly. 准确地完成工作

I helped him (to) repair the car.

3. make/let/have/get/help+宾语+过去分词,表示“让某物/人被别人……”(表被动) I must get my hair cut.

He couldn’t make himself heard. Can you get the work finished in time? 练习:

He made me laugh (laugh). I let him go (go).

I must get my hair cut (cut).

第四十一讲 原形不定式(2)感官动词 1.“感官动词see/watch观看/observe/notice /hear/smell/taste/feel+宾语+动词原形或现在分词” (动词前不加to)


表示:感知到某物或人怎样了 +动词原形,表示动作的真实性


I saw him work in the garden yesterday. 看到他昨天在花园里工作

I saw him working in the garden yesterday. 看到他昨天一直在花园里工作

2. “感官动词+宾语+过去分词”, 表示:感知到某物或人被怎样了

John saw the man knocked down by the car. 看到一人被轿车撞倒了 练习:

I watched a dog running (run) in the garden yesterday. I heard Sam sent (send) to the hospital.

第四十二讲 假设(1)单纯表示假设


If you get up early, you will catch up with the train.

2.if引导的条件状语从句,可以放在句首,也可以放在句尾。 If you ask him, he will help you. She will be upset if you fail the exam.