北京市东城区上学期2017-2018学年高一期末考试英语试卷及答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章北京市东城区上学期2017-2018学年高一期末考试英语试卷及答案更新完毕开始阅读

W: Next to the Sun Hotel. Good, see you at ... M: 6:30, OK?

W: I’m sorry. Could you make it a little later? M: No problem. What about 7:00 then?

W: OK, thank you for your invitation. See you then. M: It’s my pleasure. See you. Text 7

W: Good afternoon. Can I help you?

M: Good afternoon. My name is Kelvin Jones. I booked a room by Internet yesterday. W: Welcome to the Armitage Hotel, Mr. Jones. Can you spell your first name please? M: Certainly. K-E-L-V-I-N.

W: Thank you. Do you have your booking number? M: Yes, of course. It’s double 7-2381.

W: Thanks. 77-2381. Oh, I see you have stayed with us before. M: Yes. Several times.

W: Now, today’s the 21st of July and I see you’ve booked a double room for three nights on the fifth floor, 501.

M: Really? I booked a double room? I usually only have a single room. W: It’s the off-season, Mr. Jones and we’ve changed your room for free. M: How nice! Thank you very much.

W: You’re welcome. We’ll do our best to make your stay here as comfortable as possible.

M: Thank you. By the way, would you arrange a taxi for me for tomorrow morning? I’ll attend an important meeting at 9 o’clock at the International Business Centre.

W: No problem. It’s only 10-minute drive. A taxi will take you at 8:45 tomorrow morning at the gate of the hotel. All right?

M: OK. Thank you very much.