悲惨世界2012电影版全部台词 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章悲惨世界2012电影版全部台词更新完毕开始阅读

My den of dissolutes, 我的荤段子

My dirty jokes, 我的迷魂汤

my always pissed as newts, 这群婊子养的

My sons of whores… 不不不不,今晚不行...

No no no no no,no tonight… 在我酒店里过活

Spend their lives in my inn! 起来起来啦 Waky waky.

小鸽子们 回家啰

Homing pigeons homing in- 乖乖飞进我的门

They fly through my doors, 管他什么鸟 能拔毛就好

And they crawl out on all fours. - 爸爸,这里! - 谢谢你小乖乖

– Daddy,here! – Thank you darling. 先生请进 请您落座

Welcome,Monsieur! Sit yourself down 见过全城最好的酒店老板

And meet the best Innkeeper in town! 其他店主 都是骗子

As for the rest-All of them crooks 一手敲竹杠 一手做假账

Rooking the guests and cooking the books. 您上哪去找

Seldom do you see 俺这样的老实人

Honest men like me 真正的绅士

A gent of good intent 一肚子良心

Who’s content to be- 旅店的主人 可爱又迷人

Master of the house! Doling out the charm 该握手时就握手

Ready with a handshake and an open palm 说个小段子 搞点小乐子

Tells a saucy tale makes a little stir 客人就爱乐天派

Customers appreciate a bon-viveur 最愿意给朋友帮忙

Glad to do a friend a favour 嘴甜又不用本钱

Doesn’t cost me to be nice 可是天上不掉馅饼 不出代价哪得食

But nothing gets you nothing everything has got a little price! 旅店的主人 动物园园主

Master of the house!Keeper of the zoo! 看您负担太重 帮您减一两个铜板

Ready to relieve’em of a sou or two- 酒里兑点水 秤上加点码

Watering the wine Making up the weight 趁人不备 顺走点小玩意

Picking up their knick-knacks when they can’t see straight 大家都爱酒店老板

Everybody loves a landlord 大家的好朋友

Everybody’s bosom friend!

最会讨人欢心 老天 再把他们血吸干净

I do whatever pleases – Jesus! Won’t I bleed’em in the end! 旅店的主人 吸引您眼球

Master of the house! Quick to catch your eye 对过路人也要露一小手

Never wants a passer-by To pass him by! 穷人的公仆 权贵的管家

Servant to the poor Butler to the great 知心人 哲学家 终身好伙伴

Comforter,philosopher and lifelong mate 大家的益友

Everybody’s boon companion 大家的监护人

Everybody’s chaperone-

但是锁好背包 老天 看我不刮你一层皮

But lock up your valises-Jesus! Won’t I skin you to the bone! 食物无与伦比 美味难以置信

Food beyond compare food beyond belief 混进绞肉机 就当是牛肉吧

Mix it in a mincer And pretend it’s beef 马的肾 猫的肝

Kidney of a horse Liver of a cat 乱七八糟加进去就算是香肠吧

Filling up the sausages with this and that! 竭诚欢迎住客

Residents are more than welcome 婚礼套房都客满啦

Bridal suite is occupied 收费合理 加上少少额外费用

Reasonable charges plus some little extras on the side. 哦,圣诞老人! Yes! Oh,Santa!

虱子要收费 老鼠要加钱

Charge’em for the lice extra for the mice 照两次镜子 多收百分之二

Two percent for looking in the mirror twice. 这里揩点油 那里挖点金

Here a little slice There a little cut 关窗睡觉多收百分之三

Three percent for sleeping with the window shut. 要说折腾价格嘛

When it comes to fixing prices 他知道的把戏可真不少

There are lots of tricks he knows 看这噌噌上涨 积少成多

How it all increases All those bits and pieces- 天哪 真是涨得比天高啊

Jesus! It’s amazing how it grows. 哦,抱歉亲爱的 Oh,sorry love!


Who's got something done about that? 我曾梦想 能遇到王子

I used to dream That I would meet a prince 但万能的主啊

But God almighty 看看发生了什么惨剧

Have you seen what’s happened since? 什么? No? What? 旅店主人?

‘Master of the house’ 我呸都懒得呸

Isn’t worth my spit! 知心人 哲学家

Comforter,philosopher 一辈子废物

And lifelong shit! 奸诈的小脑瓜

Cunning little brain 还学伏尔泰

Regular Voltaire 自以为是情圣

Thinks he’s quite a lover 可惜那话儿不行

But there’s not much there. 上天真弄人

What a cruel trick of nature 给我这只虱子

Landed me with such a louse. 我怎么受得了跟这混蛋共处一室

God knows how I’ve lasted Living with this bastard in the house! - 一家之主 - 主你个屁

– Master of the house! – Master and a half! - 知心人 哲学家 - 别笑死我了

– Comforter,philosopher – Don’t make me laugh! 穷人的公仆,权贵的管家

Servant to the poor Butler to the great- 虚伪短浅还烂醉

Hypocrite and toady and inebriate! 大家来保佑旅馆主

Everybody bless the landlord! 大家保佑他老婆

Everybody bless his spouse! 大家都举杯

Everybody raise a glass! 举到主人的屁股

Raise it up the master’s arse! 大家都为旅馆主举杯

Everybody raise a glass to the master of the house! 大家来保佑旅馆主...

Everybody bless the landlord… 别怕

Hush now,do not be afraid of me. 别哭,告诉我你住在哪儿

Don’t cry. Show me where you live. 告诉我,孩子,你叫什么名字?

Tell me,my child,what is your name? 我叫珂赛特

I’m called Cosette. 珂赛特? Cosette?
