悲惨世界2012电影版全部台词 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章悲惨世界2012电影版全部台词更新完毕开始阅读

How fast the minutes fly away and every minute colder? 亲爱的芳汀 Dear Fantine,


Cosette will be here soon! 亲爱的芳汀,她会来到你的身边

Dear Fantine… she will be by your side 到我这里来,珂赛特,我的孩子,你去了哪里? Come Cosette…my child,where did you go? 安心吧

Be at peace! 安心休息吧

Be at peace ever more. 我的珂赛特.. My Cosette- 会由我来保护

shall live in my protection. 带走她吧

Take her now!


Your child will want for nothing. 好先生

Good monsieur… 您是上帝派来的使者

you come from God in heaven. 告诉珂赛特

Tell Cosette… 我爱她

I love her… 等我醒来...

and I see her… 就去看她

When I wake. 冉阿让

Valjean,at last 我们终于又见面了

We see each other plain! 市长先生


You’ll wear a different chain! 在你开口之前 沙威

Before you say another word,Javert, 在你再锁我去当奴隶之前

Before you chain me up like a slave again, 听我说 我有件事必须做

Listen to me!There is something I must do. 这女人留下了一个受苦的孩子

This woman leaves behind a suffering child. 只有我能解救

There is none but me who can intercede- 发发慈悲 我只求三天

In mercy’s name,three days are all I need, 等我回来 我会兑现诺言

Then I’ll return,I pledge my word! - 我到时便会回来 - 你以为我疯了吧

– Then I’ll return… – You must think me mad! 我追踪你那么多年

I’ve hunted you across the years. 你这样的人永不会变

Men like you can never change- 你这样的人!

A man such as you!

- 哪怕你不相信也好 - 你这样的人永不会变

– Believe of me what you will – Men like you can never change. - 我有职责 我起过誓 - 你这样的人永不会变

– There is a duty that I’m sworn to do. – Men like me can never change. - 我的人生你一无所知 - 不 二四六零一号

– You know nothing of my life- – No,24601! - 我不过只是偷了块面包 - 我的职责是维护法律

– All I did was steal some bread. – My duty is to the law. - 你完全不懂这世界 - 你已没有权利和我争辩

– You know nothing of the world- – You have no rights. - 我已经是风中残烛 - 跟我走 24601号

– You would sooner see me dead. - Come with me,24601! - 但我要眼见正义得伸 - 如今情势已经倒转

– But not before I see this justice done! – Now the wheel has turned around- 但我要眼见正义得伸 ! 冉阿让已经一钱不值

– But not before I see this justice done!Jean Valjean is nothing now. - 我警告你,沙威 - 你还有脸跟我谈犯罪

– I am warning you,Javert,– Dare you talk to me of crime -我比你强壮得多 - 你欠的债必须要还

– I’m a stronger man by far! – And the price you had to pay. - 我还有几分力量 - 人人生而有原罪

– There is power in me yet! – Every man is born in sin - 我还远远没有爆发 - 人人都要为自己选择

– My race is not yet run!– Every man must choose his way. 你根本不了解沙威

You know nothing of Javert! 我就生在监狱里

I was born inside a jail. 就生在你这种渣滓中间

I was born with scum like you. 我也出身低贱

I am from the gutter too. 在云彩上有座城堡

There is a castle on a cloud 我梦中最爱去那儿

I like to go there in my sleep. 那里没有地板要我扫

Aren’t any floors for me to sweep, 那才是我云上的城堡

Not in my castle on a cloud. 那里有位白衣仙女

There is a lady all in white 抱着我唱摇篮曲

Holds me and sings a lullaby. 她面和善 心肠软

She’s nice to see and she’s soft to touch 她说 \珂赛特 我好爱好爱你\

She says,Cosette,I love you very much. 在那里没有人会迷路

I know a place where no one’s lost 在那里没有人会哭泣

I know a place where no one cries. 哭泣不会被允许

Crying at all is not allowed, 那才是我云上的城堡

Not in my castle on a cloud. 看是谁在这儿

Now look who’s here! 这不是我们的大小姐么

The little madam herself, 又在这里给我卖乖

Pretending once again she’s been so awfully good! 可别让我抓到你偷懒

Better not let me catch you slacking! 可别让我的眼睛瞧见

Better not catch my eye! 你娘才给我十块臭法郎

Ten rotten francs your mother sends me- 这点钱能买啥?

What is that going to buy? 快提上桶

Now take that pail, 娇小姐

My little Mademoiselle, 上井边打水去

And go and draw some water from the well. 一开始就不该要你

We should never have taken you in in the first place- 好一笔亏本买卖

How stupid the things that we do! 龙生龙 凤生凤 老鼠生来打地洞

Like mother,like daughter,the scum of the street. 妈妈! Mama!

爱波宁,快过来亲爱的,爱波宁,让我好好看看你 Eponine,come my dear.Eponine,let me see you. 你戴着这顶小蓝帽真好看

You look very well in that little blue hat! 世上还是有些好女孩

There’s some little girls who know how to behave 知道怎么穿着打扮,真是感谢上天

And they know what to wear and I’m saying thank heaven for that! 还愣着 珂赛特?

Still there,Cosette? 哭鼻子也没用

Your tears will do you no good! 叫你去树林里井边上打水

I told you to fetch some water from the well in the wood. 求您别让我一个人去

Please do not send me out alone. 别让我一个人去黑的地方

Not in the darkness on my own. 少废话,不然我要不客气了

Enough of that,or I’ll forget to be nice! 听到我让你做事了 别让我说第二次

You heard me ask for something,and I never ask twice! 起来啦,开张啦

Waky waky.We're opening. 我爱你,我好爱你

I love you.I love you so much. 我这帮酒虫

My band of soaks, 我这窝色痨鬼