悲惨世界2012电影版全部台词 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章悲惨世界2012电影版全部台词更新完毕开始阅读

Monsieur le Mayor! 你的孩子在哪?

Where is your child? 在蒙费梅伊的旅店老板那..

With an innkeeper in Montfermeil… 我马上就去找她

I will send for her immediately. 我会负责到底

I will see it done! 从巴黎来的,先生

From Paris,Monsieur. 市长先生

Monsieur le Mayor 我有罪

I have a crime to declare! 我亵渎了

I have disgraced 这身制服

The uniform that I wear. 我错把您当成了别人 I’ve done you wrong, 请惩罚我吧

Let no forgiveness be shown. 我对落入我手的

I’ve been as hard 每个流氓都毫不留情

On every rogue I have known. 我错将您当成了一个逃犯

I mistook you for a convict, 做了一份虚假的报告

I have made a false report. 现在我听说他们已经抓到了那罪人

Now I learn they’ve caught the culprit- 他马上要面临法院的审判

He’s about to face the court. 当然 如今他矢口否认

And of course the thief denies it, 罪犯都是这样

You’d expect that from a con. 但他不能永远逍遥法外

But he couldn’t run for ever, 哪怕他是冉阿让

No,not even Jean Valjean. 你说他矢口否认

You say this man denies it all, 对此莫名其妙 毫无悔改之意

And gives no sign of understanding or repentance? 对此莫名其妙 毫无悔改之意

You say this man is going to trial, 肯定会被送回去服刑

And that he’s sure to be returned to serve his sentence? 他会付出代价,我也一样

He will pay,and so must I. 请指控我的罪行,先生

Press charges against me,sir! 你只是在履行职责

You have only done your duty 至多翻了一点过错

It’s a minor sin at most. 每个人都有走眼的时候

All of us have made misjudgements 先生,请你回到自己的岗位上

You’ll return,sir,to your post. 他看一眼

They think that man is me- 就把那人当成了我

Without a second glance. 他找到的那陌生人

This stranger they have found- 可能是我的救星

This man could be my chance! 我何必要救他

Why should I save his hide? 何必要纠正这过错?

Why should I right this wrong? 我已经走了这么远

When I have come so far 挣扎了这么久

And struggled for so long? 如果我坦白 If I speak… 我会受罪

I am condemned. 如果我沉默

If I stay silent… 我就该死

I am damned! 好几百号工人

I am the master of hundreds of workers- 全靠我谋生

They all look to me. 我怎能抛弃他们?

Can I abandon them?

如果我身陷囹圄 他们怎么办?

How would they live if I am not free? 如果我坦白 他们会受罪

If I speak they are condemned. 如果我沉默

If I stay silent… 我就该死

I am damned! 我是谁? Who am I?


Can I condemn this man to slavery? 假装感受不到他的痛苦?

Pretend I do not feel his agony? 一个和我相似的无辜人

This innocent who bears my face, 要替我上庭受审

Who goes to judgement in my place… 我是谁? Who am I?


Can I conceal myself for ever more? 假装我不是从前的我

Pretend I’m not the man I was before? 隐姓埋名

And must my name until I die 至死都不敢公诸于世?

Be no more than an alibi? 必须撒谎吗 Must I lie?


How can I ever face my fellow men? 我岂有颜面再面对自己?

How can I ever face myself again? 我的灵魂归天主所有

My soul belongs to God,I know, 多年以前就作过约定

I made that bargain long ago. 当希望泯灭时 他给我希望

He gave me hope when hope was gone! 他给我继续前行的力量

He gave me strength to journey on! 我是谁? Who am I? 我是谁? Who am I? 我是冉阿让!

I’m Jean Valjean! 市长先生!

Monsieur le Mayor! 那么大人 你所见不虚

And so,your honour,you see it’s true 这个人并不比你更有罪

That man bears no more guilt than you! 我是谁? Who am I?

我就是,二四六零一号! 24601!


Monsieur le Mayor,you are not well,you must come with me. 你会相信我说的话的,告诉沙威探长,他会在医院找到我

You'll believe me,ask inspector Javert.He will find me at the hospital. 珂赛特 天气转凉了

Cosette,it’s turned so cold! 珂赛特 该上床睡觉了

Cosette,it’s past your bedtime! 你已经玩了一整天

You’ve played the day away 现在天就要黑了

And soon it will be night. 到我这里来 Come to me…

珂赛特 日光已经隐去

Cosette,the light is fading, 你看不见吗... Don't you see… 夜空中已经满是繁星

the evening star appearing? 到我这里来 Come to me… 在我肩膀上安歇

and rest against my shoulder, 时间过得飞快,空气每分钟都在变冷