悲惨世界2012电影版全部台词 联系客服

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先生们 请放了他吧

Messieurs,release him. 他所说的一切属实

This man has spoken true. 我赞美你们尽忠尽职

I commend you for your duty 愿主与你们同在

Now God’s blessing go with you. 不过请记住 我的兄弟

But remember this,my brother- 上天自有伟大的安排

See in this some higher plan. 你要好好利用这些银器

You must use this precious silver 去做一个诚实的人

To become an honest man 众殉道者见证之下

By the witness of the martyrs, 以基督受难流血之名

By the passion and the blood, 主救你出一片黑暗

God has raised you out of darkness- 我已经

I have saved your soul 替主祈赎了你的灵魂 for God.

我做了什么 亲爱的耶稣 我做了什么

What have I done,Sweet Jesus,what have I done? 夜里做贼 逃亡如狗

Become a thief in the night Become a dog on the run! 我该不会已经如此堕落 万劫不复

Have I fallen so far And is the hour so late 心中只剩下仇恨在呐喊

That nothing remains but the cry of my hate? 暗夜中无人听见的嘶吼

The cries in the dark that nobody hears 陪我站在这命运的转折点

Here where I stand at the turning of the years. 就算有别的命运

If there’s another way to go 20年前我就已错过

I missed it twenty long years ago. 我的人生是一场注定失败的战争

My life was a war that could never be won.

他们扼杀了冉阿让 用一串号码取而代之

They gave me a number and murdered Valjean 用铁链锁住我 让我等死

When they chained me and left me for dead 仅仅因为偷了一口面包

Just for stealing a mouthful of bread! 可我怎么又让那个人

Yet why did I allow this man 触动我的灵魂 教我仁爱?

To touch my soul and teach me love? 他将我和别人一视同仁

He treated me like any other 他信任我 他唤我兄弟

He gave me his trust He called me brother. 他替天主赎下了我的人生

My life he claims for God above… 这种事有可能是真实的吗? Can such things be?


For I had come to hate the world- 世界历来就容不下我

This world that always hated me! 以眼还眼 以牙还牙

Take an eye for an eye! 心如铁石 无动于衷

Turn your heart into stone! 这就是我毕生的信条

This is all I have lived for! 这就是我所知的一切

This is all I have known! 他一句话就可以把我打回监狱

One word from him and I'll be back 鞭笞折磨 辗转求生

Beneath the lash upon the rack 可他却给了我自由

Instead he offers me my freedom 我无地自容 心如刀割

I feel my shame inside me like a knife. 他告诉我 我也有灵魂

He told me that I have a soul… 他怎么知道?

How does he know? 是什么神灵在给我庇佑

What spirit comes to move my life?


Is there another way to go? 我伸手求援 却颓然跌倒 I am reaching,but I fall 夜幕也要把我包围

And the night is closing in… 我抬眼看这片虚空

As I stare into the void- 如同我罪孽的漩涡

To the whirlpool of my sin. 我要逃离这个世界

I’ll escape now from that world- 逃离冉阿让的世界

From the world of Jean Valjean. 冉阿让已经不复存在!

Jean Valjean is nothing now! 另一个故事就要展开!

Another story must begin! 8年后,1823年,蒙特利尔 漫漫长日结束 你又苍老了一点

At the end of the day you’re another day older 对于穷人就只有这点分别

And that’s all you can say for the life of the poor. 这是挣扎 这是战争

It’s a struggle! It’s a war! 没有人给予什么

And there’s nothing that anyone’s giving. 又一天忙忙碌碌 到底为了什么?

One more day standing about-What is it for? 不过是少活一天

One day less to be living. 漫漫长日结束 你又冷了一点

At the end of the day you’re another day colder 身上衣衫单薄 抵御不了寒冷

And the shirt on your back doesn’t keep out the chill. 正人君子匆匆走过

And the righteous hurry past 妇孺哭泣他们充耳不闻

They don’t hear the little ones crying 寒冬迅速降临 准备大开杀戒

And the plague is coming on fast Ready to kill- 离死又近了一天

One day nearer to dying!

漫漫长日结束 又将迎来新一天的黎明

At the end of the day there’s another day dawning 朝阳即将升起

And the sun in the morning is waiting to rise 像沙滩拍碎海浪

Like the waves crash on the sand 像随时可能爆发的风暴

Like a storm that’ll break any second 人们饥肠辘辘

There’s a hunger in the land 不知还得受多少罪

And there’s gonna be hell to pay 在这漫漫长日的终点! At the end of the day!

漫漫长日结束 你别想不劳而获

At the end of the day you get nothing for nothing! 好吃懒做换不来面包

Sitting flat on your bum doesn’t buy any bread! 家里还有孩子

There are children back at home- 嗷嗷待哺

And the children have got to be fed. 你得庆幸有活可干

And you’re lucky to be in a job- 有床可睡! And in a bed!


And we’re counting our blessings! 看到今天工头多生气了吗?

Have you seen how the foreman is fuming today 喘着粗气 指手画脚

With his terrible breath and his wandering hands? 因为小芳汀不肯让他如愿

It’s because little Fantine won’t give him his way. 看他的裤子 你就知道他有什么念头

Take a look at his trousers,you’ll see where he stands! 老板哪里知道

And the boss,he never knows 工头总在虎视眈眈

That the foreman is always on heat. 芳汀再不小心 我们走着瞧吧

If Fantine doesn’t look out,Watch how she goes, 她肯定要流落街头

She’ll be out on the street! 漫漫长日结束 又熬过了一天