悲惨世界2012电影版全部台词 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章悲惨世界2012电影版全部台词更新完毕开始阅读

Trusting me the way you do 我太害怕会辜负你的期望

I’m so afraid of failing you 这还是个不谙世事的孩子

Just a child who cannot know 不知道危机与我如影随形

That danger follows where I go 四下都是黑夜的暗影

There are shadows everywhere 深藏着我不得见光的回忆

And memories I cannot share 不再孤独

Nevermore alone 不再流离

Nevermore apart


You have warmed my heart like the sun. 你是上天赐予的生命之礼物

You have brought the gift of life 让我重新体会了爱的滋味

And love so long denied me. 恍然间,我看见 Suddenly I see 我前所未见的世界

What I could not see 恍然间,一些事

Something suddenly 已经悄然改变 Has begun.


Le me see your papers. 你们去哪?

Where you travelling? 珂赛特 Cosette.

珂赛特,嘘,嘘! Cosette,shh,shh! 过来,把娃娃给我

Here,give me the doll. 来! Come! 冉阿让! Valjean!


Like that. Run! Quick! 二四六零一号! 24601!


Cosette. I've got you,come on. 让阿让! Valjean!


Te lucis ante terminum

创世的上帝,我们向你祈求 (拉丁语) Rerum Creator poscimus 以你的仁慈(拉丁语) Ut pro tua clementia 你将会...(拉丁语)

Sis praesul et custodia… 是谁?

Who’s that?


Please,Monsieur! I need your help. 求您帮帮忙

Please. Please.

- 市长先生?! - 你是?

– Monsieur le Mayor!? – Who are you? 梵希拉冯


我被翻倒的马车压在了下面 I fell under my cart.

- 你救了我的命,先生 - 梵希拉冯

– You saved my life,monsieur. – Fauchelevent… 我和这个孩子需要一处避难所

We need a place of sanctuary.This child and I,we need… 我们需要暂时隐藏自己的行迹 we need to disappear.


We’ll give thanks for what is granted 修女的歌声指引了道路的方向 What the sisters may ordain 我们在此祈祷

Here we pray for new beginnings- 我们在此重生

Here our lives can start again. 在那儿 茫茫黑夜中

There,out in the darkness 一个逃犯在潜行

A fugitive running 背叛了上帝

Fallen from God 辜负了天恩

Fallen from grace- 上帝 请为我见证 God be my witness 哪怕穷尽一生

I never shall yield 我也要让他无处遁形

Till we come face to face- 我也要让他无处遁形

Till we come face to face… 他在暗处轻车熟路

He knows his way in the dark 我跟随天主 堂堂正正

Mine is the way of the Lord 走正义之路的人风雨兼程

Those who follow the path of the righteous 终会得到奖赏

Shall have their reward

如果他们坠落 如路西法堕入地狱

And if they fall As Lucifer fell- 烈焰蚀心 利剑折磨

The flame! The sword! 看苍穹中繁星闪烁

Stars in your multitudes! 数不清的几百万颗

Scarce to be counted 点亮黑暗

Filling the darkness 以光明和秩序

With order and light- 人间的卫士啊

You are the sentinels 沉默又坚定

Silent and sure 守望着黑夜

Keeping watch in the night- 守望着黑夜

Keeping watch in the night… 你深知你秉行上帝的使命

You know your place in the sky 你目标坚定 心无旁骛

You hold your course and your aim 四季变换 你随之轮转

And each in your season returns and returns 道路始终如一

And is always the same

如果你坠落 如路西法堕入地狱

And if you fall as Lucifer fell 你也会烈焰焚身

You fall in flame! 天理昭彰 书载言传

And so it must be,for so it is written 去往天堂的通路上

On the doorway to paradise 动摇者和堕落者

That those who falter and those who fall 必得付出代价

Must pay the price! 主啊 让我找到他

Lord,let me find him 让我看着他

That I may see him 被关入牢笼之下 Safe behind bars! 我会不眠不休

I will never rest

直到那天为止,我向你起誓,向群星起誓 Till then,this I swear 9年后,1832年,巴黎 快来,兄弟们! Come on,boys! 快点! Come on!

低头看 低头看 看你脚边的乞丐

Look down and see the beggars at your feet! 低头看 若你还有慈悲就拿出来

Look down and show some mercy if you can! 低头看 低头看 看看街上的垃圾

Look down and see the sweepings of the street! 低头看 低头看 看看你的同胞

Look down,look down,upon your fellow man! 您好吗 我叫伽弗洛什

‘Ow do you do? My name’s Gavroche! 这是我的伙计们 这是我的地界

These are my people,here’s my patch.