新人教版初中八年级下册英语Unit 5单元测试卷含听力材料及答案解析 联系客服

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精品文档 用心整理

Suspect D Name:John Job:A cook Relationship:He is a very bad young man. He is mad at Mary. “I was playing computer games with my friends. We didn't stop playing until midnight. ” 阅读文章,根据所提供的信息,完成下面的表格。

Information Card

The time Mary was killed The thing that Lucy was doing (62)________________ when Mary was killed Miss Green's job The persons John stayed with at that time The address where Mary died Ⅸ. 根据汉语意思完成句子。(每小题2分,共10分) 66. 最终,风逐渐减弱。

Finally, the wind began ________________. 67. 这可以让你身心放松并入睡。

This may help you relax enough and ________________. 68. 你认为我们应当拆除这些旧房子吗?

Do you think we should ________________ these old houses? 69. 他们听说了那件事很伤心,默默地走回了家。

They were very sad when hearing that. They walked home ________________. 70. 昨天这个时候,他们正在前往地震灾区的路上。

They were ______________________ to the earthquake-stricken area at this time yesterday. Ⅹ. 补全对话。(每小题2分,共10分)

A:Hi, Linda. (71)____________________________________________________________? B:I went to Helen's home yesterday afternoon.

(63)________________ (64)________________ (65)________________ (61)________________ 资料来源于网络 仅供免费交流使用

精品文档 用心整理

A:Really? (72)________________________________________________________________? B:She was cleaning her room when I saw her.


Were they at home?

B:Yes, they were. Her father was repairing a bike at that time. A:Then, what was her mother doing? B:She was washing clothes.

A:(74)________________________________________________________________________? B:I helped Helen clean her room and then we watched TV.

A:(75)________________________________________________________________________? B:I came back home at about 5:00 p. m. By the way, what did you do yesterday afternoon? A:I went to the zoo with my little brother. B:Sounds interesting! Ⅺ. 书面表达。(15分)

某英文报社正在举办以“An Unforgettable Experience(一次难忘的经历)”为题的征文活动。请你根据提示,写一篇英语短文,向该报社投稿。

提示:2017年8月8日夜晚9:20左右,一场突如其来的地震发生在九寨沟。假如你是Liu Mei,正和爸爸妈妈在九寨沟旅游。请根据下面的表格描述一下地震发生时的情况。


Person Mother and I Father Doing watching the shows shopping Place at Jiuzhaigou Art & Culture Square in a store near the square An Unforgettable Experience

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

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精品文档 用心整理

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

UNIT 5 单元过关卷

第Ⅰ卷 听力部分


Ⅰ.1.The box is so heavy that David can't carry it.

2. I was walking down the street when the rainstorm came. 3. Because of the heavy snow, the roads become icy.

4. My mother was cooking while my father was reading a newspaper. 5. Tom was so shocked when he heard the exciting news. Ⅱ.6.M:Where were you when I called you, Tina?

W:I was dancing with my mother in the park. 7. M:When did Jenny leave home, dear?

W: Fifteen minutes ago. It's 1:30 now. I guess she already got to the train station. 8. M:Hey, Linda! What were you doing when it started to snow? W:I was helping Dad wash his car.

9. M:It's windy, Molly! Stop watching TV. Go out and fly a kite. W:OK. Where's the kite? Is it next to your soccer ball? 10. M:Hi, Emma! When did your dad get home last night?

W:At eight o'clock. At that time Mom was making coffee, I was washing my clothes and my

brother was lying on the bed.

Ⅲ.Text 1

W: Hi, John. Were you talking on the phone at nine last night?

M:No, I just finished my homework. I was taking a shower at that time. W:Really? I called you, but I couldn't get through.

M:Oh, it must be my sister Linda. She talked to her friend for a long time last night. Text 2

M:Hey, Helen! Where did you meet Alice last Sunday?

W:By the river. She was fishing with her grandfather. I also met her brother and father. M:What were they doing?

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精品文档 用心整理

W:Her brother was swimming in the river. Her father was taking photos of a tree. Text 3

W:Did you watch the TV news last night? M:No, I didn't. Was there anything interesting? W:Yes. Some people saw the UFO in Hangzhou. M:Oh, really? When did it happen? W:At 9:00 pm on July 7th. M:What did the UFO look like? W:They said it looked like a dish. Text 4

M:Hi, I'm Wang Tao from CCTV. What's your name? What were you doing when the rainstorm came?

W:I'm Liu Fang. I was walking in the street at that time. Few people were in the street. M:Can you tell me what you saw?

W:The wind blew very strongly. Some trees fell down in the storm. There was more and more

water in the street. The car couldn't go because of too deep water. I had to get on a bus. How scary it was! Ⅳ.

A big event

W:Xie Jin was my favorite singer. I loved to listen to her songs very much. On February 14,

1999, she died at the age of 27. I couldn't believe it when I heard the news. It was a day I would never forget. I was practicing the guitar when my friend Mary told me the news. I was so sad that I cried. I held concerts on February 14th every year. I sing Xie Jin's songs to my fans every time.


Ⅰ.1~5: ABCAC Ⅱ.6~10: BBACB Ⅲ.11~15:BAACA 16~20:BCBCB

Ⅳ.21.:1999 22.friend 23.guitar 24.musician 25.February

第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分

Ⅴ.26.C 点评:根据“他失业了”和“Joe怎么啦?”推断出“你知道实情吗?”C意为“实情”符


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