2019最新精选高考英语二轮备考专项狂练专练十五模块3Unit5Canada含解析 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2019最新精选高考英语二轮备考专项狂练专练十五模块3Unit5Canada含解析更新完毕开始阅读




A. how; which

D. which; which

B. how; that C. that; that

2. 【中央民族大学附属中学2019届高三10月月考】“The Mozart Effect” is a study described in 1993 ______ aroused public interest about the idea _____ listening to a classical music somehow improves the brain. A. that; which why

C. who; that that

3.【丹阳中学等三校2018届高三下学期期初联考】Failure is part of life; it’s wrong for parents to protect their children from the knowledge

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B. what;

D. which;

______ they have failed. A. where

B. when C. that

D. how

A. what

B. before C. that

D. though

5.【2018-2019学年南菁中学高二上学期第一次月考】Sam, in every way, has handled the challenge,_____ his friend _____how he’s achieved success in spite of the difficulties.

C. impressed; by with

D. impressing;

6.【2018卷】In any unsafe situation, simply _________ the button and a highly-trained agent will get you the help you need. A. press

D. pressed

B. to press



7.【2018天津卷】If we ______the flight yesterday, we would be enjoying our holiday on the beach now. A. had caught

D. would catch

B. caught

C. have caught

8.【扬州中学2017-2018学年度高三第二学期开学检测英语试卷】Looking back


upon his teaching career, he doesn’t remember ever having been doubted, or challenged in class, ________ rejected. A. other than than

B. let alone

C. rather

D. more than


【2018届高三教学质量监测英语试题】 Petra and Wadi Rum, Jordan

Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

The Rongai Route is the best route if the participants of the walking tour want a quiet climb. The Kili Trail permits travelers to witness the region’s wilderness, virgin forests, and rare animals. This route, according to many, is the easiest way to reach the top where the breath-taking 360-degree sights of natural wonders await.

Quebec, Canada

Great Smoky Mountain, US

21. What is Petra and Wadi Rum best known for? A. Its culture. quietness.

C. Its rare animals. desert scenery.

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B. Its

D. Its

A. Petra and Wadi Rum. Kilimanjaro. C. Quebec. Mountain.


D. Great Smoky

23. What is unique to Great Smoky Mountain? A. Special history. National park.

C. Virgin forests. view.

24. Which of the following can be the best title for the text? A. Magical Nature Reserves Walking Tours

C. Colorful Cultural Treasures Wilderness Areas


【宁夏育才中学2017-2018学年高一下学期期末考试】Ottawa is the capital of Canada. It is the second largest city in Ontario and the fourth largest city in the country.

The Centre Block is the main building on Parliament Hill (国会山). There also stand several ceremonial spaces, such as the Hall of Honor and the Memorial Chamber. The present Centre Block is the second copy of the building, after the first was undermined by a big fire in 1916, and it is one of the most recognizable buildings in Canada.





D. Ocean
