2020年广东省中考英语短文填空专题训练(10篇 有答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章2020年广东省中考英语短文填空专题训练(10篇 有答案)更新完毕开始阅读



As a teenager, I felt I was always letting people down.Once I 1. my best friend Sammy to my home.I noticed that all my 2. members seemed to like her better than me.I was so 3. .

I even thought they didn’t love me.I 4. whether they would miss me if I die some day.So I told my mom,“Sammy is more lovely than I have ever been.You must want her to be your daughter 5. than me.”My mom explained that 6. Sammy is a lovely girl, no one could replace me in my family.She said I was the only person who could fit my role.She made me realize that even if I’m not perfect, I was a beloved member 7. my family who could never be replaced.

From then on, I tried to find out who I was and what made me special.My view on myself changed.I started to act in 8. positive way toward my life that I had never done before.I came to feel more 9. than before once I knew that no one could take my place.No matter what 10. may say or what they may think, you are special.Each of us hold a special place in the world.


Parents with high expectations for their children are nothing new to Chinese kids.1. , people often don’t realize that children also have expectations for their parents.What expectations do Chinese children have for parent-child relationships? China Youth Children Research Center a survey on this in the United States, Japan, South Korea and China.The survey that 83.8 percent of Chinese children want to be with 4. parents, the greatest amount among the four countries.This means that they want a more equal relationship their parents.Sophia Ren, is 6. American-born Chinese girl.Although her 7. live in California, they cannot avoid the influence of their Chinese background.“I feel like my foreign friends are closer to their parents.Girls tell their moms secrets, go shopping with them and they make each other 8. ,” Ren said.“In Chinese families, you usually don’t do things like that.”According to China Youth Daily, traditional Chinese value 9. as respecting one’s elders is preventing parents from becoming friends with their children.Many Chinese parents criticize( 批评 )and push their

10. , as there are lots of competitions in school.It requires efforts from both parents and children to create a friendship in family.As children, what can you do to create a pleasant atmosphere ( 氛围 )at home and make friends with your parents?


I have been living in the city for 15 years and I know almost every street of this city.The city is quite 1. from before.The northern part of the city has changed even more than any other part of the city and is still changing.When I 2. visited this part of the city,there were large areas of rice fields instead 3. tall buildings.Most farmers and fishermen 4. to live there, but now it’s no longer like that.

The rice fields have become much smaller, and one can see

5. amazing number of factories and office buildings.Roads and cars have 6. .Farmers and fishermen have moved to the farther north side of the city and two new colleges have stood here.It’s necessary to increase factories and office buildings,7. the way this part of the city has been changed me afraid.The city government should help save the natural part of the city.

9. are already too many people in the city and because of that

we are facing lots of 10. .The changes of this part of the city have made more people come and have destroyed the natural home of wild lives.I feel sad about the changes happening in this part of the city.


I was resting in a café one evening.Looking at my expensive new shoes, I was really happy.Then 1. thin boy in a dirty shirt came to me.Before I said a word, he took out his tools of shoe-cleaning.He started to 2. off my shoes and began to clean them.Suddenly a heavy rain came. People hurried into the café. More and3. people got in, and bit by bit I was kept a little farther from the boy.

Hours went 4. .I had no shoes on and I wondered where the boy was.I thought he would not return my shoes 5. cost me quite much money.I would have to walk back with no shoes on in the night.

When it was near midnight, the 6. stopped and people started to go out.I walked slowly to the door, and found a boy sleeping