南开2017年9月考试《大学英语(一)》最新答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章南开2017年9月考试《大学英语(一)》最新答案更新完毕开始阅读


Directions: The following is a letter of recommendation. After reading them, you are

required to complete the answers that follow the questions (No. 41 to No. 45). You should write your answers (in no more than 3 words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.

Dear Mr. Brown,

Thank you for your letter of 6 September regarding Mr. John Green who has been employed by this company for the past 10 years.

Mr. Green served his apprenticeship (学徒) with Vickers Tools Ltd. in Manchester, followed by a three-year course of engineering for Production Engineers. He is technically well—qualified and for the past five years has been our Assistant Works Manager responsible for production and related business in our Sheffield factory. In all his job duties he has shown himself to be hard-working, responsible and in every way a very dependable employee.

I can strongly recommend Mr. Green as I feel sure that if he were to be chosen to manage your factory in Nairobi he would bring to his work a true atmosphere of teamwork, which would be found necessary and helpful by all who would work with him.

Sincerely yours, Tom Smith 41. How long has Mr. Green been employed by the writer's company? For . 42. What kind of course did Mr. Green take?

A three-year course in engineering for . 43. What job position has Mr. Green held in the past five years?

. 44.What does the writer think of Mr. Green as an employee?

He is hard-working, and dependable. 45.What is the purpose of this letter?


To Mr. Green to manage a factory in Nairobi.

PartⅢ Translation---English to Chinese

Directions: This part, numbered 46 to 50, is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. Each of the four sentences (No. 46 to No.49) is followed by four choices of suggested translation marked A, B, C and D. Make the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Write your translation of the paragraph (No. 50) in the corresponding space on the Translation /Composition Sheet.



46. With fuel prices going up,car buyers are changing their idea of buying a car. A. 燃料的价格正在随着购车者买车想法的改变而上涨。 B. 燃料价格的涨落正在不断改变着购车族人群的构成。 C. 随着燃料价格的上涨,购车者买车的想法正在改变。 D. 燃料价格上涨的时候,购车者买车的想法也会改变。

47. You have to raise the quality of your products because buyers in those countries

are very much quality-minded.

A. 你们的当务之急是提高产品质量,因为这些买家对质量都很挑剔。 B. 质量第一对你们很重要,因为所有国家的人都非常在乎产品质量。 C. 你们要让那些国家的买家对产品感兴趣,就必须要明确质量优先。 D. 你们必须提高产品质量,因为那些国家买家的质量意识都非常强。

48. Trading companies need to ensure their ability to handle orders efficiently, making an online system an essential sales channel.

A. 贸易公司需要得到公司的明确指令,才能把重要的网络销售系统建立起来。 B. 贸易公司需要保证他们有能力来处理订单,才能使网上销售渠道变得重要。 C. 贸易公司需确保拥有高效处理订单的能力,使在线系统成为重要销售渠道。 D. 贸易公司需要有办法来执行公司的指令,以便建立起基本的网络销售系统。 49. It is necessary to have a good understanding of all the terms and conditions before signing a contract.

A. 先好好讨论一下各项条款,看是否有必要签合同。


B. 在签订合同之前必须充分理解合同中的所有条款。 C. 对所有合同条款都已正确理解,现在可以签合同。 D. 合同的所有条款要更好地解释之后方能签字生效。

50.Thank you for coming to the job interview at our office yesterday.

Within two weeks we will tell you our decision on your application. We want you to know that we will seriously consider your application. If, for some reason,we cannot offer you a position at this time,we will keep your application on record. When there is a job opening, we will inform you immediately.

PartⅣ Writing

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a

Memo (内部通知)according to the instructions given in Chinese below. Remember to write your memo on the Translation/Composition Sheet.



说明:假定你是秘书Linda Wang,请按下列内容填写给经理John Brown的电话留言。 内容:

1. 来电人:APP公司Mr.Peter Margin 2. 来电时间:12月13日上午10:30

3. 来电内容:Mr.Peter Margin将于下周一去纽约,下周没有时间与您见面。他希望在本周五上午9:30能见到您.讨论双方合作事宜。您是否有空?希望您收到留言后尽早回电给Mr..Peter Margin。 Telephone Message Time: (2) Date: (1) From: (3) To: (4) □TELEPHONE □CALLED TO SEE YOU □WANTS TO SEE YOU √PLEASE □□WILL CALL BACK √URGENT □Message: (5)


Signed by (6)

题号 PartⅠ PartⅡ PartⅢ PartⅣ 总分 分数

PartⅠ答题纸:请将1-20题答案填写在如下表格中,否则成绩无效。 1 C 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 D 6 D 7 B 8 D 9 A 10 B 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 clebormancheaperwildifl ferbe meeperrea arlrowagetelenctestinsonlizy ed r ted g al ed l e
