新标准大英语4(unit1-6)课后答案及课文翻译 联系客服

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我注意到男人的着装。他们本可以穿带碟形领结的牛仔衬衫、三件套的西服或带项链穿牛仔裤的嬉皮士装,但这些都没有出现。在座的8 位男士都穿棕色或蓝色的休闲裤及标准的浅色衬衫。没有一个男人穿拖鞋或皮靴,他们的皮鞋都是黑色、满帮、舒适、平跟的。总之,都是不带标记的。虽然男人不化妆,但男人不化妆的含义和女人不化妆的含义却大不相同。对男人而言,不化妆是不带标记的。



如果一个女人穿紧身衣服或者坦胸露背(也就是说很―性感‖),她所传达的信息是: 她有意增加自己的吸引力,她也可能在无意间表露了自己是单身、想找男人的意思。如果她穿的衣服不性感,那也传达了另一种信息:即让人知道她本来可以穿得更性感的。莫娜· 哈林顿在《女律师》一书中提到过一位在律师事务所工作的女士。有一次,她突然接到电话,要求她马上出庭。虽然她是该事务所的合伙人,但她发现自己无意间犯了一个错误。她正准备出门时,一位年轻的( 男) 同事对她说:―你是不是该扣上衬衣的纽扣啊?‖这个问题让她感到惊讶。她告诉哈林顿,―我平时衬衣的胸口开得并不低啊,而且他还不是一个特别守旧的人,但他觉得上法庭必须再扣上一个纽扣。‖这就难办了:―我开始琢磨是不是少扣一个纽扣就会让我失去权威。‖

穿着鲜艳的女人引人瞩目,但如果她避免穿鲜艳的衣服,她也就(像我在这个句子中选用的动词所暗示的那样)避开了某些事情。如果有人想让自己更有魅力,她就化浓妆吸引别人的眼球。淡妆使人既俏丽又不妖媚。化妆产品成千上万,必须选择使用,而涂脂抹粉的方法也不尽其数。但不施粉黛绝非不带标记,甚至有些男人会把这当成敌意,即不肯取悦他们。平时不施粉黛的女士会对自己化妆后容貌的改变感到吃惊。在《面貌价值》一书中,我的同事罗宾· 洛克夫说,当她没卸妆从电视台出来时,她吸引了更多男人的注意。

女人一填表就会暴露自己的个人经历。现在大多数的申请表会给出4 种称谓选择,男人只有一种选择,即―先生‖,他们的选择除了表明他们是男性之外没有其他的含义。但女人要从3 种称谓中选一个,其中的任何一种都是带标记的。如果勾选 ―太太‖(Mrs.)或者―小姐‖(Miss)的方框,她不仅暴露了自己的婚姻状况,而且表明她在称谓上很保守,而且在价值观方面可能也很保守。如果选―女士‖(Ms.),说明她拒绝透露自己的婚姻状况(而男人选―先生‖时则没有拒绝透露任何事情,因为他本来就没有被要求透露婚姻信息)。另外,在表格中勾选―女士‖的人会被标记为―解放者‖或―叛逆者‖,这就要看评判她的人持什么样的态度和看法了。



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一个希望两全其美的已婚妇女可以用自己的姓加上丈夫的姓,但这样也同样是宣布她已经结婚,还常常会带来一串长得叫人说不清的名字,让那些必须叫她名字的人倍感煎熬。在一串名字中(如Harvey O‘onovan, Jonathon Feldman, Stephanie Woodbury McGillicutty),女性的复合姓会很突出,它也是带标记的。


Active reading (1) Winston Churchill

Reading and understanding

3 Number the events in the order they happened. 5 The allied forces declared victory in World War II. 3 Churchill was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty. 4 Churchill became Prime Minister. 1 Churchill fought in the Boer War. 6 Churchill lost the general election.

2 Churchill elected to the British Parliament.

4 Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1. In the summer of 1940, Britain

(a) was likely to be attacked by another country (b) was surrounded by enemies

(c) was intending to attack another country (d) had been attacked by another country 2. Churchill suggested that Britain (a) would win a terrible victory (b) needed to fight a difficult war (c) must prevent a terrible crime (d) was a democratic country

3. Winston‘s father thought he was

(a) an intelligent and handsome boy who would be rich (b) a strong and brave boy who would fight for his country (c) a weak, miserable boy, unlikely to be successful

(d) a hard-working boy who would follow in the family tradition 4. The writer suggests that as an MP Churchill (a) promoted the interests of trade unionists (b) was not interested in law and order (c) disliked the attitude of the suffragettes

(d) used the army to suppress people who wanted to change society 5. The writer suggests that Churchill‘s early ambition was (a) to be an important military man (b) to play with soldiers (c) to win a war

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(d) to live in a palace

6. Winston fought as an ordinary soldier because (a) he was married to a younger woman (b) he became depressed

(c) he felt guilty about a battle that went wrong (d) he wanted to write about the war 7. In 1940 Churchill

(a) agreed with Neville Chamberlain

(b) inspired people to believe they could win the war

(c) declared that the King wanted him to be Prime Minister (d) won a victory at Agincourt

8 At the end of the passage, the writer suggests that Britain (d). (a) no longer needed democracy (b) had forgotten all about Churchill (c) summed up the character of Churchill (d) had survived the war thanks to Churchill 5 Choose the best summary of the passage.

3 Churchill came from a famous family and was a soldier and politician. When Churchill became Prime Minister in 1940, Britain was at war. Churchill made speeches that inspired the nation, and led the country to victory. Although he was considered a great military leader, Churchill lost the general election after the war. Dealing with unfamiliar words 6 Match the words in the box with their definitions.

1 willing to accept someone else’s beliefs or way of life without criticizing them (tolerant)

2 a system of government in which people vote in elections to choose the people who will govern them (democracy)

3 willing to support, work for or be a friend to someone, even in difficult times (loyal) 4 being famous and admired for a special skill or achievement (renowned)

5 the things that you will do or the type of person that you will become in the future (destiny) 6 a peaceful and private place where you can go in order to rest (retreat) 7 to frighten or hurt someone who is smaller and weaker than you (bully)

7 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 6.

Churchill believed that he was (1) destined to lead his country. He fought as a soldier in World War I and led the country to victory in World War II. It seems ironic that a leader of such (2) renown as Churchill could not count on the (3) loyalty of voters in 1945. However, in a (4) democratic country, electors cannot be (5) bullied, and he had to (6) tolerate political defeat after military victory, and went once more to his country (7) retreat, Chartwell.

8 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box. 1 His achievements were so great that they can never be bettered. (surpassed) 2 The situation can only get worse; it will never improve. (degenerate)

3 Although he was a rich man, his clothes were of poor quality and in bad condition. (shabby) 4 He exchanged his position as a general for that of an ordinary soldier. (swapped)

5 At the beginning of World War II the King turned to Churchill to lead the country. (onset) 6 Churchill drank a lot of alcohol. (liquor)

7 Churchill wanted to do something to show he was sorry for his mistake at the battle of Gallipoli.

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(make amends)

9 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.

1 If a government is a monstrous tyranny, is it (a) terrible and oppressive, or (b) democratic and tolerant?

2 If something is lamentable, is it (a) surprising, or (b) disappointing?

3 If you pack someone off, do you (a) protect them, or (b) send them away?

4 If someone talks with a stammer, do they talk (a) in a confident way, or (b) with difficulty? 5 Does double up as mean (a) to do two jobs at the same time, or (b) to do a job more than once? 6 Is a dispatch (a) a report that you send, or (b) something you experience? 7 Is sanity (a) a mental illness, or (b) the ability to think and speak reasonably? 8 If you suffer a bout of flu, does the flu last (a) a short time, or (b) a long time?

9 Does unswervingly describe someone whose feelings (a) often change, especially if circumstances change, or (b) are constant, even if circumstances are difficult?

10 If you brandish something, do you (a) hide it in a pocket, or (b) wave it in the air?

11 Does infuriating describe someone who (a) makes you angry, or (b) is very easy to get on with? 12 Is eccentricity (a) strange and unusual behaviour, or (b) normal behaviour? Active reading (2)

2 Work in pairs. Choose the best answer to the questions. 1 What is a historical fact?

(a) Anything that happened in the past.

(b) Something significant that happened in the past.

Comment: (a) is true in a sense, but most facts like that are of no interest or can be easily forgotten. To really become part of history the fact must be worth recalling. 2 What does a historian do?

(a) Establish accurately what happened in the past.

(b) Decide which facts are important and interpret their significance.

Comment: Historians need true facts, which are not much use until they are interpreted and used. So (a) has some truth, but (b) far more. The historian and his facts Reading and understanding 3 Answer the questions.

1 What is the relationship between archaeology and history?

Archaeology is an auxiliary science of history, for example, it supplies facts which can then be interpreted by historians, eg pottery is dug up and dated so we know a certain group lived there at a certain time. This may or may not affect our view of the past.

2 Why does the writer say it is not true that “facts speak for themselves”?

There are an infinite number of facts about the past. They only matter if we pay attention to them and see them as significant.

3 How and why are historians selective?

Historians present us with facts which they think give us an understanding about the past, and choose ones which support their ideas.

4 What is the difference between a fact about the past and a fact of history?

A fact about the past is anything which ever happened; a fact of history is a fact which historians debate the meaning of and regard as significant for understanding the tale of humanity.

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