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crowded room, heads turned as the diners recognized her and greeted her with silent applause. In a classless society, Rogers was the closest thing to aristocracy that America had. Alberto hovered for a moment, then went to speak to a colleague.

24 \said Rogers. \then I'd like to talk to you about a business proposition.\

25 Alberto returned, bent half double in almost laughable humility.

26 %uncomfortable, I was wondering if ...\ 27 Senator Rogers waited and then said quietly, \

28 \better table, in the middle of the

restaurant, so you have a better view of everyone.\of you, he might have said. \much more comfortable, and ...\ 29 Alberto paused. Senator Rogers looked around.

30 \the house. But you brought my friend here, and I guess this is where we'll stay. We'll have my usual, please.\

31 After two hours, Rogers and Josh got up to leave. There was a further flurry of attention by the staff, including an offer by Alberto to waive payment of the bill, which Rogers refused. As they were

putting on their coats, Rogers said, \you, Alberto. Oh, have I introduced you to my companion, Josh Lester?\

32 A look of panic, followed by one of desperate optimism flashed across Alberto's face.

33 \said weakly.

34 \recruit

不断有人回过头来,他们认出了她,并默默地跟她打招呼。 在一个不分阶级的社会里,罗杰斯可以说是离美国的统治阶级最近的人了。 阿尔贝托在周围转了一阵子,然后走过去和一位同事说了几句话。

“很高兴又见到你,乔希,”罗杰斯说。 “我们先吃点东西,然后我要跟你谈谈一份商业提案的事。”

阿尔贝托回到餐桌旁,深深地弯下腰,那谦卑的样子简直有点可笑。 “参议员,这张桌子太冷了,坐着不舒服,不知道……”

罗杰斯参议员等着他把话说完,她轻声地说道,“请接着说。” “不知道您愿不愿意换张好点儿的桌子,到餐厅中央去,这样您就能看到餐厅里的每一个人了。” 这样餐厅里的每一个人都可以看见您啦,他本是想这么说的。 “那样您会觉得舒服得多,而且……”

阿尔贝托停了下来。 罗杰斯参议员看了看四周。 “我同意,这儿不是屋子里最好的座位,但既然你把我的朋友带到了这儿,我想我们就呆在这里好了,上我平时点的菜吧。” 两个小时后,罗杰斯和乔希起身准备离开,这又引起店员们的一阵骚动,个个都主动来献殷勤,其中就包括阿尔贝托,他提出来要给他俩免单,但被罗杰斯拒绝了。 他俩披上外套,罗杰斯说,“阿尔贝托,谢谢你。 噢,我给你介绍我的同事乔希 ? 莱斯特了吗?”



“乔希 ? 莱斯特。 他是我刚刚

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to my election campaign. He's going to be my new deputy campaign manager, in charge of raising donations. And if we get that Republican out of the White House next year, you've just met my Chief of Staff.\

35 \Mr Lester, a real privilege, I'm sure. I do hope we'll see you both again in Joanne's very soon,\

36 The Senator looked at Alberto. 37 \replied Senator Rogers.

38 Rogers and Josh stepped out together into the cold night air. It had stopped snowing.

招收的竞选班子成员。 他马上就要成为我竞选团队的副经理了,将负责募集捐款。 如果明年我们把那位共和党人赶出白宫的话,你现在看到的就是我的白宫办公厅主任。”

“非常高兴见到您,莱斯特先生,非常荣幸,真的。 我衷心希望很快能在乔安妮餐厅再次见到二位。”

参议员看了看阿尔贝托。 “不会了,我觉得没有这种可能了。”罗杰斯参议员回答道。 罗杰斯和乔希一起走进寒风凛冽的夜色中。 雪已经停了。


I, we, they

1 A medium-sized Swedish high-technology corporation was approached by a compatriot, a

businessman with good contacts in Saudi Arabia. The company sent one of their engineers—let me call him Johannesson—to Riyadh, where he was introduced to a small Saudi engineering firm, run by two brothers in their mid-thirties, both with

British university degrees. Johannesson was to assist in a development project on behalf of the Saudi government. However, after six visits over a period of two years, nothing seemed to happen. Johannesson's

meetings with the Saudi brothers were always held in the presence of the Swedish businessman who had established the first contact. This annoyed Johannesson and his superiors, because they were not at all sure that this businessman did not have contacts with their competitors as well—but the

Saudis wanted the intermediary to be there. Discussions often dwelt on issues having little to do with the business—like

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有一位瑞典商人和本国的一家中等规模的高科技公司进行了接洽,这位商人在沙特阿拉伯有许多关系良好的客户。 于是,该公司派了一名工程师——就叫他约翰尼森吧——去利雅得,经这位商人引见,和一家小型的沙特工程公司合作,这家公司由一对兄弟经营着,他俩三十五岁左右,都拥有英国大学的学位。 约翰尼森要做的是代表沙特政府协助一项建设工程。 但是,双方在两年间进行了六次接触均无结果。 每次约翰尼森和沙特兄弟商谈时,那位最初帮他们建立关系的瑞典商人都在场。 这令约翰尼森和他的上司感到非常不快,因为他们不敢肯定这位商人是否跟他们的竞争对手也有来往,但沙特人却执意要介绍人在场。 他们经常讨论一些与生意毫无关系的话题,比如莎士比亚,哥俩都是莎士比亚迷。


Shakespeare, of whom both brothers were fans.

2 Just when Johannesson's superiors started to doubt the wisdom of the

corporation's investment in these expensive trips, a telex arrived from Riyadh inviting him back for an urgent visit. A contract worth several millions of dollars was ready to be signed. From one day to the next, the Saudis' attitude changed: The presence of the businessman-intermediary was no longer necessary, and for the first time Johannesson saw the Saudis smile, and even make jokes.

3 So far, so good; but the story goes on. The remarkable order contributed to Johannesson being promoted to a management position in a different

division. Thus, he was no longer in charge of the Saudi account. A successor was nominated, another engineer with considerable international experience, whom Johannesson personally introduced to the Saudi brothers. A few weeks later a telex arrived from Riyadh in which the Saudis threatened to cancel the contract over a detail in the delivery conditions. Johannesson's help was asked. When he came to Riyadh it appeared that the conflict was over a minor issue and could easily be resolved—but only, the Saudis felt, with Johannesson as the corporation's

representative. So the corporation twisted its structure to allow Johannesson to handle the Saudi account although his main

responsibilities were now in a completely different field.

4 The Swedes and the Saudis in this true story have different concepts of the role of personal relationships in business. For the Swedes, business is done with a company; for the Saudis, with a person whom one has learned to know and trust. As long as one

正当约翰尼森的上司开始怀疑公司花大笔旅费派人去洽谈是否明智时,利雅得那边来了电报,邀请约翰尼森迅速赶赴利雅得,因为一份价值几百万美元的合同已准备好,等着他来签。 一夜之间,沙特人的态度也发生了变化:那位中间商再也不用出场了,约翰尼森还第一次看见沙特人笑了,他们甚至还相互开起了玩笑。

到现在为止,一切都进行得不错;但故事还没有结束。 由于得到了这份大订单,约翰尼森被提拔为另一个部门的经理,他也因此不用再管沙特那单生意了。 另一位国际交流经验丰富的工程师被提名接替他的工作,约翰尼森还亲自把他介绍给了那两位沙特兄弟。 几星期后,从利雅得发来一份电报,两位沙特兄弟威胁说要取消合同,仅仅是因为一个有关交货条件的细节问题。 他们请约翰尼森去协助解决。 约翰尼森到利雅得后才发现,双方的矛盾源于一个很容易解决的无关紧要的小问题,但沙特人觉得一定要约翰尼森代表公司出面才能解决。 因此,瑞典公司不得不打破惯例,允许约翰尼森处理沙特那边的生意,虽然他现在的职责是管理另外一个完全不同的领域。

在这个真实的故事里,瑞典人和沙特人对人际关系在商业中的作用有着不同的理解。 对瑞典人来说,他们是在和一个公司做生意;但对沙特人来说,他们是在和一个他们了解并且信任的人做生

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does not know another person well enough it is convenient to have present an

intermediary or go-between, someone who knows and is trusted by both parties. At the root of the difference between these cultures is a fundamental issue in human societies: the role of the individual versus the role of the group.

5 The vast majority of people in our world live in societies in which the interest of the group prevails over the interest of the individual. I will call these societies collectivist, using a word which to some readers may have political connotations, but it is not meant here in any political

sense. It does not refer to the power of the state over the individual but to the power of the group. The first group in our lives is always the family into which we are born. Family structures, however, differ between societies. In most collectivist societies the \consists of a number of people living closely together; not just the parents and other children, but, for example,

grandparents, uncles, aunts, servants, or other housemates. This is known in cultural anthropology as the extended family. When children grow up they learn to think of themselves as part of a \relationship which is not voluntary but given by nature. The \from other people in society who belong to \\in-group) is the major

source of one's identity, and the only secure protection one has against the hardships of life. Therefore one owes lifelong loyalty to one's in-group, and breaking this loyalty is one of the worst things a person can do. Between the person and the in-group a dependence relationship develops which is both practical and psychological.

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意。 只要他们对某个人还不够了解,就会让一位双方都认识并信任的中间人或介绍人在场,这样做会比较方便。 这两种文化的差异源于人类社会的一个根本问题:即个人角色与集体角色的问题。

世界上大多数人都生活在团体利益大于个人利益的社会里, 我把这类社会称作集体主义社会,集体主义这个词在某些读者看来具有政治意义,但我在使用这个词时不带任何政治色彩。 它并不是指国家权力对个人的压制,而是特指团体的力量。 我们生命中的第一个团体向来都是我们出生的那个家庭。 但不同社会有着不同的家庭结构。 在大多数集体主义社会里,小孩子成长的“家庭”有许多人生活在一起;有父母,有别的孩子,还有比如爷爷、奶奶、叔伯、姑姑、佣人及其他的家庭成员。 这种家庭在文化人类学上被称为扩展型家庭。 小孩在成长的过程中就学着把自己看作是“我们”团体中的一员,这种关系并不是出于个人的选择,而是与生俱来的。 “我们”团体不同于社会上众多隶属“他们”团体里的他者。 “我们”团体(或内部团体)是个人认同感的主要来源,是个人应对生活艰辛所能依赖的唯一的安全保障。 所以每个人一生都忠于自己的内部团体,而背叛这个团体是个人所能犯下的最严重的错误。 个人和内部团体之间会逐渐建立起一种相互依存的关系,这种关系既有实用价值,又能给人心理上的依靠。