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发布时间 : 星期二 文章河南理工大学英语3作业册更新完毕开始阅读

D) They have better production under drought conditions.

Passage Two

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.

19. A) They like mass produced things. B) They design things themselves and sell them. C) They make clothes and tools for themselves. D) They use crafts to decorate their homes. 20. A) In shopping .centers or churches. B) In community or parking lots.

C) On playgrounds or country grounds. D) In public parks or on county grounds. 21. A) Candies and toys. B) Clothes and gifts. C) Rides and shows. D) Rides and foods. 22. A) Things in craft fairs have better quality than in stores. B) They want to buy things that are different and original. C) It is more convenient to buy things in craft fairs. D) They can buy everything they want in craft fairs

Passage Three

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

23. A) It is the largest supplier of valuable minerals. B) It will disappear in about thirty years.

C) It is beginning to grow smaller and smaller. D) It offers many resources to help mankind survive. 24. A) Iron and copper. B) Gold and copper. C) Nickel and bronze. D) Iron and bronze 25. A) The sea level will be 20 centimeters higher than it is now B) The sea will be empty if we continue fishing at this pace.

C) The problems to explore the sea will have been largely solved. D) People will depend largely on sea foods and minerals.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first

time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time; you should check what you have written.


People whose jobs require them to sit for long periods of time suffer as much from back pain as people who lift all day long.

Many researchers believe that the huge increase in back pain over the past couple of (26) _ has a lot to do with the fact that more and more of us are spending our work days in chairs.

Many people have the (27) _ that if their back pain becomes very severe, they can always (28) _ surgery. Nothing could be further from the truth. The amount of pain someone suffers from has very little to do with whether or not he or she could (29) _ surgery. One British researcher has estimated that for every 10,000 people who experience back pain, only four need surgery. And yet, one of the most (30) _ asked questions that back pain sufferers ask is: \town?” Waste of time. Physicians today (31)_ physical activity and the use of posture(姿势)support clothes to (32)_ exercise while supporting back muscles.

Not many years ago, back pain patients were put to bed, sometimes for weeks or months. Two or three days of bed rest is now the (33) _. Physically speaking, if you stay in bed, your muscle strength can decline by as much as three percent per day. At that rate, you will end up with no more energy left to (34) _ normal daily routines.

A lot of attention has recently been paid to (35) _ links between depression and back pain. It is not rare.

Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for


each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.

Over the last two years, in the PC business Michael Dell has been beaten like a rented mule. His company continues to lose market _ 36___ particularly in the U.S.

Industry analysts would say that Dell has done a poor job of bringing out__ 37_and attractive products. Apple Mac sales keep rising. HP, Sony, and Lenovo have __38____new product lines which have had warm_39_.

Dell's core business is being hit by three things. The first is that the company was fairly late at _40_into retail outlets〔零售店) overseas. It _41_ on its direct sales model for too long. The second problem is that the recession has _42_ Dell's sales. Dell's final problem is that it cannot find the right people to run the company. It _43_ dumped most of the senior management that it hired just over a year ago. It takes time for new people to get up to speed.

Word has gotten out that Dell plans to launch its own high-end smartphone. Dell does not do well what it is supposed to do well. It has become a second rate PC company. It proposes to partially offset that by entering a business which is controlled by Apple and RIM, the maker of the Blackberry. Because smartphone margins are high, Nokia, the world largest cellphone company, Samsung, and Sony Ericsson are also _44_into the market. The traffic jam is going to be _45_. So Dell can?t win in the handset business. What is ought to do is to try to improve its PC business. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。

A) receptions B) depended C) share D) extraordinary E) targeting F) innovative G) launched H) declined I) comprehensive J) recently K) rushing L) expressions M) expanding N) consequently O) cut

Section B

Directions: In this section, yon are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each

statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

To Help the Kids, Parents Go Back to School

A) For a few years now, every parent of a newborn baby in the South Florida district has received a congratulations packet while still in the hospital that includes, among other things, a colorful animal picture book (in three languages) and a letter from something called the Parent Academy. \mind that you are, and will always be, your child's first and most important teacher,\\of that awesome responsibility.\You have to admit, it's a pretty genius interpretation of that old advertising saying \

B) While the concept of parent academies-in which towns or school districts offer what are essentially classes and workshops on parenting skills-has been around for more than a decade; several larger cities are starting or expanding such programs in an effort to engage parents who are otherwise uninvolved in their child's education. Philadelphia has invested heavily in this year's launch of a comprehensive and wide-ranging program for parents. Boston is restoring its Parent University following an earlier version's shutdown due to budget cuts. And Miami's Parent Academy, now in its fifth year, offers more than 100 workshops that range from Help Your Child Succeed in Math to


Teaching Behavior Skills

C) Parent academies are particularly helpful for urban communities full of mothers and fathers who for various reasons are disengaged from their children's education. Many are single parents with second jobs that leave little time to help with schoolwork. Some are immigrants who don't understand much English. Some are parents uncomfortable with schoolwork-a survey released by Intel found that more than 50% of parents would rather talk to their kids about drugs or drunk driving than about math or science. And then there's the general confusion that often comes from dealing with a bureaucracy(官僚作风)as complicated as the typical American school district. \are just not as well informed about the way schools work,\says Karen Mapp, director of the Education Policy and Management Program at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. \policies, the procedures, what state test scores mean-it's not that they don't care; they just don't know how.\

D) Picture yourself in the following supposed situations: you're a parent who never graduated high school; you're a parent whose only interactions with schools have been negative ones; you're a parent who has zero recollection of how to divide fractions; you're a parent who has no clue as to what the important dates are on the college-application calendar. Now picture yourself experiencing all of the supposed situations at once, and then imagine how your child would suffer from your knowledge deficiency. For as much as the current wave of education reformers like to maintain that quality teachers and schools can help overcome environmental factors, a child's home life plays an undeniable role in how well they learn, says Mapp.

E) \years of research that indicates a pretty positive relationship between families being engaged in their children's education and positive effects on students in terms of their academic achievement.” Mapp is currently helping write a case study on Miami's Parent Academy program, which is one of the nation's most successful big-city attempts in this area. Privately funded by local philanthropists(慈善家)and businesses, the Parent Academy has seen more than 120,000 people participate in its workshops during the past half-decade. It has taught parents everything from how to reinforce reading lessons at home to how to deal with threat and the dangers of sexing.

F) The county has partly adjusted its approach to serve its large non-English-speaking community. \of our newly arrived immigrants don't understand what they can do to support their child's success, and they don't understand the system-there's no point in going to the school board when you're concerned about your child's homework,\Anne Thompson, director of the Miami-Dade program Because of language issues, she often sees students having to do their parents? jobs in terms of navigating school bureaucracy.

G) In Philadelphia, superintendent Arlene Ackerman set up a Parent University this year after expressing concern over low literacy rates for parents and children, as well as a general lack of parental engagement among low-income families, especially among African-American men. Tasked with cherry-picking the best elements from other programs around the country (and tossing the worst), Karren Dunkley, deputy of the Philadelphia School District's Office of Parent, Family and Community Services, and her colleagues realized that they needed to ground the program within the context of adult continuing education. That is, if you're trying to teach adults something, give them the respect of having it resemble a real class, which meets more than once, reinforces lessons and allows parents to form learning-centered relationships with instructors and fellow students一just as their kids do. \schools for daylong workshops,\did it sustain interest or truly give support to parents.”

H) Supported primarily by federal funds, the Philadelphia Parent Academy's \runs the scope from a 10-week math-literacy course to a multipart social-etiquette(社交礼仪)class to a one-day session on attendance and truancy(逃课)that teaches parents about \education and attendance law.” It?s all targeted toward families in need: parents of children at low-performing schools and residents of housing projects and emergency shelters. Of course, there's no guarantee that the people who need these programs the most will actually take advantage of them-you can't force parents to care, no matter how many free classes you offer. Still, says Harvard's Mapp, you have to


make progress where you can. \and parents,\注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。

46. Some students have to navigate school bureaucracy by themselves, because their parents don?t know English.

47. Some big cities are launching parent academies programs to engage parents in their child's education.

48. The letter in the congratulations packet intends to persuade parents to go back to school

49. Mapp believes that besides teachers and schools, the parents' help at home is essential for children's study.

50. A government official realized that the parent academic program should be on the basis of adult continuing education.

51. Educators and parents should work in a shared, mutual partnership to help the kids, says a university staff member.

52. The survey by Intel found that more than half of parents were unwilling to deal with schoolwork. 53. Miami's Parent Academy program is as a great success.

54. The Philadelphia Parent Academy's \

55. A Parent University was set up in Philadelphia partly due to the high illiteracy rates for parents and children.

Section C

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or

unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A),B), C) and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter ore Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.

Earlier this year I met with a group of women in Matela, a small farming village in Tanzania, and we discussed something that's been on all of our minds lately: finding a safe place to save money. The women said their babies were getting sick from malaria(疟疾),and they could afford the drugs if they saved money over time-but with no access to formal savings accounts, they had a hard time safeguarding cash. So they saved in risky and inefficient ways. They made loans to each other, or bought goats or jewelry, then sold them if they suddenly needed money.

The success of microloans has opened new opportunities for many poor people and has been a crucial factor in reducing poverty. But loans are not enough. Savings accounts could help people in the developing world with unexpected events, accumulate money to invest in education, increase their productivity and income, and build their financial security. Fortunately, this is a moment of opportunity. New policy ideas are uniting in ways that will lower the cost of savings and bring safe financial services to the doorsteps of the poor.

One exciting trend is agent banking, in which stores and post offices serve as banking outlets. Banks still manage and guarantee the deposits, but they rely on the infrastructure(基础设施)of other outlets to deal with clients where there are no bank branches.

The phenomenal growth of mobile phones in the developing world presents another opportunity. M-Pesa, the mobile-phone cash-transfer service in Kenya, has signed up more than 5 million subscribers , in two years and recently expanded to Tanzania. This new idea is opening markets and transforming lives. A split-second M-Pesa transaction costs as little as 30 cents and replaces a day of risk and expense just to send someone money or carry earnings home.

At the Gates Foundation, it has been committed more than $350 million to make financial services widely accessible to the poor because safe places to save can help break the cycle of poverty. If action is taken on this moment, then within a generation, billions of people will have the chance to build up their savings and live the healthy, productive lives that they deserve. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。