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江苏专转本英语历年真题精解 聂玉景

D. we can eat as much as we want and leave it to our body to select what it needs 18. If we love sweet things, it’s probably due to . A. our body’s needs B. our parent’s influence C. our basic instinct D. the taste of the food 19. According to the passage, which person is most likely to put on weight? A. A successful young businessman. B. A child who is picky about food. C. A man with a good appetite. D. A woman who has just retired.

20. What conclusion can we draw from this passage? A. People need a standard to guide their eating. B. Proper eating is the key to one’s health.

C. Women should pay more attention to what they eat.

D. The balance between food and fitness is hard to maintain. Passage 4


Mrs. P sneezes violently. Mrs. Q says, “Bless you!” Mrs. P says, “Thank you.” Again, this hardly seems to be a case of language being used to communicate ideas, but rather to maintain a comfortable relationship between people. Its function is to provide a means of avoiding a situation which both parties might otherwise find embarrassing. No factual content is involved. Similarly, the use of such phrases as “Good morning” or “Pleased to meet you”, and ritual exchanges about health or the weather, do not communicate ideas in the usual sense. Sentences of this kind are usually automatically produced, and stereotyped in structure. They often state the obvious (e. g. Lovely day) or have no content at all (e. g. Hello).

They certainly require a special kind of explanation, and this is found in the idea that language is here being used for the purpose of maintaining good relationship between people. The anthropologist (人类学家) Bronislaw Malinowski created the phrase “phatic communication” to signal friendship—or, at least, lack of hatred. For someone to withhold these when they are expected, by staying silent, is a sure sign of distance, alienation (疏远) , or even danger.

These illustrations apply to English and to many European languages. But cultures vary greatly in the topics which they permit as phatic communication. The weather is not as universal a conversation-filler as the English might like to think. For example, Rundi women (in Burendi, Central Africa), upon taking leave, are quite often heard to say, routinely and politely, “I must go home now, or my husband will beat me.” Moreover, phatic communication itself is far from universal. Some culture say little, and prefect silence, as in the case of the Paliyans of southern India, or the American of Colombia. 16. What is the subject of the passage? A. Language used to communication ideas. B. Difference between English of language use. C. A special social function of language use. D. Relationship between language and culture. 17. In Paragraph 1, the author implies that . A. people usually think language is only used to communicate ideas B. the exchange about health or the weather is a universal topic C. people will always say something when facing embarrassment D. the example of Mrs. P and Mrs. O is common in all cultures

18. The phrase “stereotyped in structure” in Paragraph 2 probably means . A. sentence of this kind have a variety of meanings B. this kind of sentence has no content at all

C. the structure of these three sentences is always changing D. sentence of this kind usually have a fixed structure

19. The phrase “phatic communication” in Paragraph 3 can be explained as . A. exchange of ideas B. explanation of facts

C. exchanges about heath or the weather

D. exchange for maintaining social relationship

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江苏专转本英语历年真题精解 聂玉景

20. In the last paragraph, the author concludes that . A. the weather is a universal topic for human communication B. phatic communication differs form culture to culture

C. the English and people in may Europeans countries have common language for phatic communication D. every culture has its own way to communicate ideas Part II Vocabulary and Structure (共40分)

21. His salary as a bus driver is much higher than . A. that of a teacher B. those of a teacher C. these of a teacher D. this of a teacher

22. While Tim was walking in the street, he came an old classmate of his. A. into B. across C. onto D. up with 23. Hardly making the speech when the people stood up applauding. A. has the speaker finished B. the speaker had finished C. had the speaker finished D. had finished the speaker

24. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, whereas the behavior of an animal depends mainly on . A. consciousness B. instinct C. impulse D. reaction

25. If you in taking this annoying attitude, we’ll have to ask you to leave. A. persist B. insist C. resist D. assist

26. There are not many teachers who are strong of traditional methods in English teaching. A. sponsors B. advocates C. contributors D. performers 27. Please see to it no one comes in without identification. A. that B. lest C. when D. which 28. We had enough Russian to be table to read the instructions. A. set up B. picked up C. taken up D. made up 29. Only those who are of their lagging behind are more likely to catch up. A. awake B. visual C. aware D. illusive 30. It is suggested that smoking in public places. A. will not be allowed B. was not allowed C. not be allowed D. is not allowed

31. In to the Party’s call, a great number of doctors and nurses went to the frontline to fight the flood. A. return B. admission C. order D. response 32. You could not persuade him to accept it, make him see the importance of it. A. no more than you could B. if only you could not C. nor could you D. or you could not

33. The 20-year-old tennis play’s dream is to China at 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. A. support B. present C. represent D. compete

34. Britain is proud of her great poets, just s Italy is proud of her painters, and Germany of her composers. A. / B. is C. proud D. as 35. It is no use just telling me to do it; suggest some ways to do it. A. active B. positive C. passive D. negative 36. One can’t see well through a through a telescope without correctly it to one’s sight. A. balancing B. adopting C. repairing D. adjusting 37. children have been taken out of school and taught by their parents at home. A. A number of B. A great deal of C. An amount of D. The number of

38. There is much can be done about the accidents from carelessness. A. which…arose B. that…arising C. which…arisen D. that…arise

39. Those of us who work in the coal mine should have lungs checked regularly. A. our B. their C. his D. my 40. To their disappointment, there are no textbooks for the students of Class Two. A. possible B. preferable C. considerable D. available

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江苏专转本英语历年真题精解 聂玉景

41. More and more people are beginning to earn English, can partly explain the booming of language training centers in China. A. which B. what C. that D. it 42. The higher a rocket flies, air it meets. A. the fewer B. the little C. the less D. the much 43. It is during his spare time Johnson has been studying a course in history. A. when B. which C. what D. that

44. The of modern life in bi cities is so quick that some old people feel it hard to keep up with it. A. way B. step C. pace D. routine

45. Some teachers devote too much time to helping their shower students and the brighter ones. A. neglect B. isolate C. frustrate D. corrupt 46. —Have you seen Mary today?

—No, I think she away on her vacation. A. must be B. may have been C. must have been D. might have been

47. Notice a person’s reaction stress in these situations, and you will soon find a solution this problem. A. of…to B. of…of C. to…of D. to…to 48. All the books can be used to your reading comprehension. A. training B. train C. be trained D. being trained 49. She did not know whether to sell her books or . A. to keep them for reference B. keeping them for reference

C. if she should keep them for reference D. to be kept for reference

50. She wears very ring that her boyfriend gave her as a birthday gift. A. gold new valuable B. valuable gold new C. valuable new gold D. valuable and gold

51. The headquarters of Mr. Zhang’s company was located in Tianjin, but now it is in Shanghai. A. formally B. firmly C. formerly D. fairly

52. We don’t mind a bit you bring your friends in for a dinner, but it is rather too much when sixteen people came for dinner. A. consequently B. expectedly C. excessively D. unexpectedly

53. Our point is that nuclear science should be developed to benefit people harm them. A. more than B. other than C. rather than D. better than 54. It is generally agreed that textile industry used to greatly to the economy of our city. A. add B. contribute C. lead D. stimulate 55. more time, she would certainly have done it much better. A. Given B. To be given C. Giving D. To give

56. The car was running so fast that it crashed into the truck and the driver was killed the spot. A. on B. at C. by D. to

57. Fortunately, the government has taken some measures to bring down the rate of inflation to a (an) level.

A. unpredictable B. manageable C. questionable D. sustainable

58. When I saw the mess my paper was in, it was obvious that someone it. A. was reading B. would have read C. had been reading D. had read

59. I am firmly that this plan would do much good to our company. A. recommended B. amazed C. convinced D. satisfied

60. He was hoping they would take his suggestion, but for some reason they .

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江苏专转本英语历年真题精解 聂玉景

A. turned it over C. turned it down

Part III Cloze (共20题,每小题1分,共20分)


B. turned it off D. turned it up

A schoolboy’s life is in preparation for the real battle of life. It is also 61 of differences and interests. One of the 62 important parts of a schoolboy’s life is to get 63 knowledge and good mind-training as he can. His 64 business in school is to learn. He 65 read the book he is 66 in the classes. He has to do the homework set to him. 67 part that 68 a schoolboy’s life is the school discipline. At school there are 69 rules 70 . This strict discipline is very 71 for him when he 72 the society to 73 a living. It teaches him some very necessary virtues on the road to a 74 life.

School is place for a schoolboy to learn what the social life is 75 . 76 in the classroom and the playground, he has to catch up with his fellows and not members of his family.

He can not behave 77 he does in his home. He is no longer a spoiled child, and his school fellows will not give 78 to his wished. He soon gets his corners robbed off and learns the lesson of give-and-take, good manners, and thought for 79 . This is 80 the way when he has to carry himself in society. 61. A. sure B. fond C. full D. short 62. A. larger B. greater C. least D. most 63. A. as many B. more C. as much D. little 64. A. mostly B. main C. almost D. partly 65. A. likes B. obliges C. requires D. has 66. A. learner B. studied C. taught D. examined 67. A. Other B. Another C. Else D. Rest 68. A. contains B. forms C. consists of D. makes up 69. A. loose B. hard C. strict D. kind 70. A. kept B. being kept C. strict D. kind 71. A. useful B. harmful C. useless D. harmless 72. A. leaves B. comes C. enters D. organizes 73. A. produce B. make C. get D. take 74. A. famous B. successful C. social D. ideal 75. A. like B. on C. up D. alike 76. A. Since B. As C. For D. In that 77. A. until B. as C. by D. with 78. A. in B. up C. off D. out 79. A. himself B. teachers C. others D. parents 80. A. too B. as well C. either D. also (英语类学生必做)

Have you ever seen a movie in which a building was burned down or a bridge was 61 ? Have you seen a film in which a train crashed or a ship sank 62 the ocean? If so, you 63 how these things could happen without 64 the people in the film.

The person 65 knows the answer is the “special-effect” person. He has one of the most important hobs in the film 66 .

In a 67 for one movie there was a big glass bowl filled 68 water in which small fish were swimming. The director of the movie wanted the fish to stop swimming suddenly and 69 they seemed to stare at an actor. Then the director wanted the fish to stop 70 and swim away. But fish can’t be ordered to do anything. It was quite a 71 . The special effects person thought 72 this problem for a long time. The 73 was an idea for controlling the fish with a 74 use of electricity. First, he applied electricity 75 the fish bowl, causing the fish to be absolutely still. Then he rapidly reduced the 76 of electricity, allowing the fish to swim away. 77 he got the humorous effect that the director wanted.

78 special effects require training, skill, and experience. It also adds a great deal 79 the expense of producing the film. It helps explain 80 so many movies are expensive to make. 61. A. destroyed B. collapsed C. jammed D. decreased 62. A. to B. into C. down D. back to 63. A. can wonder B. can have wondered C. wonder D. may have wondered 64. A. breaking B. damaging C. harming D. disturbing

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